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Truescale Space Marines: The Angels Encarmine


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Hello everyone! First time poster but long-time lurker here! I've always been a huge fan of Apologist's Truescale Space Marines, and when the Stormcast Eternal kits came out, I decided to try and make my own. The Stormcast aesthetic really fits with the Blood Angels and their successors and before I knew it, I was making entire squads out of them. Here's some pics of what I've been working on!




Sanguinary Guard




Chaplain Itkinnos




Chaplain Itkinnos with his Sanguinary Guard escort




First of my Tactical Squads; Tactical Squad Dantalion




Size Comparison

Thanks guys!


um... excuse me. This is awesome. I never thought i would actually attempt my hand at Sigmarine conversions before seeing these... Thank you


No problem! Honestly, I was surprised just how compatible the Space Marine arms were with the Stormcast torsos. The bolter arms fit almost perfectly together. The only thing that was tricky for me was the backpack. I used a small slab of plasticard in between the back of the Stormcast torso and the backpack. That's pretty much it.


I do recommend that you use the Stormcasts that are from the multi-part kits. You can use the ones from the AoS starter pack, but you would have to do a lot of cutting since the shoulders are molded on.


Here's that Tactical Squad painted up along with some other SMs I've been working on.




I'm not that great of a painter so sorry about that!




The dreaded Death Company.




My Command Squad. Veterans are all equipped with Thunder Hammers. The shields are from one of the Stormcast upgrade kits.




Close up of Company Champion Tolemion. 




I'm really proud of these dudes. Vanguard Squad Azyros. The plan is to make another Vanguard Squad but with Storm Shields and Power Swords. 

This is wonderful.  It's an idea I've heard a lot of people talk about, but rarely done.  Thanks a lot for sharing.


It's something I for one and I'm sure others would like to try, but we're just so unfamiliar with the Sigmarine models we're not sure how.  It's because I saw a few Sigmarines and I think the model is sculpted in such a way it's hard to remove their pauldrons in particular, so I never got around to this.


In fact, if next time you're putting miniatures like this together, could you show where you cut the arms/shoulderpads off please?  Doesn't have to be a full tutorial, I just need to picture how you put these together, that'd be very helpful as I see this thread as a successful Proof-of-Concept.

This is wonderful.  It's an idea I've heard a lot of people talk about, but rarely done.  Thanks a lot for sharing.


It's something I for one and I'm sure others would like to try, but we're just so unfamiliar with the Sigmarine models we're not sure how.  It's because I saw a few Sigmarines and I think the model is sculpted in such a way it's hard to remove their pauldrons in particular, so I never got around to this.


In fact, if next time you're putting miniatures like this together, could you show where you cut the arms/shoulderpads off please?  Doesn't have to be a full tutorial, I just need to picture how you put these together, that'd be very helpful as I see this thread as a successful Proof-of-Concept.


Well, I've been only using the Stormcasts that come from the multi-part kits. I haven't really tried converting with the ones that come from the starter box yet. That being said, I've been studying the sprues lately and I have an idea on how to get them to work. I think cutting off the arms and then shaving away the shoulderpads would work. I plan on picking up the AoS starter from my hobby store tomorrow. They're going only for 70 bucks. If I'm successful I'll post some pics. 

I'm not that great of a painter so sorry about that!

So was I. And then I painted and painted, and asked questions, and pestered other painters on how they painted that thing there, and painted, and read online tutorials, and painted, and submitted stuff here for painted, and took that on-board, and painted. And now I'm half-way decent. All it takes is practice and the awesome community that is the B&C. ;)

Yeah, you can make Astartes out of the AoS guys, it's just far more work than from the multi part kit. I made one and decided I'd wait for the unit box.


These look great, especially the ones made from the flying guys, the streamers from the jump pack squad makes them look really cool!

Here is the second Tac Squad I've been working on, Tactical Squad Mathael. Also a look at the Las-Plas Razorback I've been painting.









The vehicles of the Adeptus Astartes are both war engine and relic alike, and the Razorback accompanying Tactical Squad Dantalion into battle is no exception. Its armored body has ferried Space Marines into the heat of combat for centuries and alongside its hull are stitched battle-honors that would make a First Company Veteran's accomplishments look paltry in comparison. Destroyed and reforged no less than seven times in its long service to the chapter, the Spear of Telestro carries what the Fifth Company's Techmarines categorize as a particular rambunctious machine spirit. Its pilots report instances of the vehicle propelling itself directly towards the enemy despite no previous instruction from the driver. Whether these reports are true are a subject of debate among those in the Company who are well-versed in the arts of the Mechanicus.





  • 3 weeks later...



Lost-Brothers Sothis, Lecturas, and Eskander. The Black Rage is the fatal flaw that haunts the otherwise exemplary gene-seed of the Blood Angels. Brothers afflicted by this malady experience the death of their primarch first hand and lose themselves to madness. They see themselves as Sanguinius himself; battling the traitor hordes on the ramparts of ancient Terra, casting down daemons in front of the Golden Gate, facing Horus the Arch-Betrayer on his massive flagship. Reasoning and logic has fled these once noble warriors and all they can hope for is a valorous death in the heat of battle before the Black Rage consumes them completely. The Angels Encarmine posses a greater proportion of Death Company than other Blood Angels successors but this can be attributed to the chapter's near constant state of warfare. The attritional losses a company suffers moving from warzone to warzone forces the Sanguinary Priests and Chaplains to regather each lost brother when most other chapters would have given them the Emperor's Mercy. To the Angels Encarmine, every warrior is a resource that cannot be expended frivolously. Madmen the Death Company may be, but each is still a genetically-forged warrior capable of great and heroic feats. 

Sothis has served illustriously within the Fifth Company's rank and file before the Flaw claimed him. Eskander was the opposite. A promising initiate freshly inducted into an Assault Squad, young Eskander served scarcely twenty years before the Black Rage made its presence known. His fate is a particular galling one for the chapter's Sanguinary Priests; a dark lesson that age is no protection against madness. 

Lecturas was once Veteran Sergeant Lecturas, leading a Vanguard Veteran Squad to glorious deeds in the Emperor's name. It was on the Saint World of Ollanus that he would eventually embrace doom. A Word Bearer force emerged from the Warp, headed by an accursed Dark Apostle. The Angels Encarmine spearheaded the counterattack, smashing into the planet's crust in dozens of drop pods. They discovered a world that had been desecrated to its very core, corrupted for the enjoyment of the Dark Gods. The Dark Apostle had hoped the blasphemies he had unleashed would force the Black Rage to manifest in his foes but he had underestimated the determination of the Sons of Sanguinius. The Angels Encarmine gritted their teeth and waded into the horrors that beset them on all sides, and though they faced sights that would have driven mortal men mad, not a single warrior gave in to his gene-flaw. Until they reached the great basilica that had been the center of worship on this world. The Word Bearers had reduced it to rubble and in its place they had staked the naked form of a Sister Hospitaller. Every vile indignity had been done to her body and in the face of this unforgivable blasphemy, Lecturas at last succumbed to his rage. Screaming, the Veteran Sergeant broke ranks, the only warrior to do so, and disappeared into the mists. His fellow brothers pressed on and finally brought the Dark Apostle to battle. With bolter, flame, and blade did they smite down an uncountable number of foes, but the Apostle could summon hordes of daemons at will and had a full warband of Chaos Space Marines at his back. All seemed lost when the clouds suddenly parted and a red thunderbolt lanced from the skies. The Dark Apostle turned, but there are some things that strike at speeds even Astartes-enhanced senses cannot follow. The first thing the Apostle felt were the Lightening Claws sinking into his chest. The last thing he felt were Lecturas's fangs tearing into his throat. It was the Damned that saved the Pure that day and Lecturas has followed that deed with even more. On a hundred different battlefields he has been unleashed and each time the chapter's Priests and Chaplains would find him slumped over a mountain of corpses, alive but motionless, talons dripping with the blood of slaughtered heretics.


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