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The Bearers of the Word


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At the beginning, there was Chaos, from which the Gods were born, and the Gods shaped our universe. This was the truth of the ancients, the truth that shaped humanity for thousands of years, until coming of the Emperor. He harnessed the power of Chaos to shape humanity in His own image, while telling us that there was no Gods. But, through pilgrimage, through meditation, and through prayer, the real truth, the real power, has been revealed, and I see now the Emperor for what He is, a Demiurge, corrupting humanity from it's true path,l. It is my burden to cast down my Farther and lead humanity back to the Gods, and through them, lead humanity to the ascension back to the Chaos. I will lead my sons on a crusade, one of fire and blood and death, a crusade that will demonstrate the real glory of Chaos.

However, I must deny a number of my sons this glory. The best orators must travel far and wide, spreading the Word, preparing humanity for what is to come. And those who will not be persuaded by word, will be pure added by bolter and chainsword - Belived personal writings from the Primach Lorgar Aurelian



Chaplain Kar Lorth, Chapter of the Shattered Eye, XVII Legion.


Like the model magpie that I am I recently started to build, picking up bits a bobs from my bits box, Getting more involved, slapping on GS, with only a small idea of what I wanted. Strangely I initially started with the idea of building a librarian/sorcerer, I thought Night Lords, but as I went, inspired by some beautiful Word Bearers I've seen poping up, I started to shape a Chaplain. The other two models grew with him, a book holder and a relic bearer for the chaplain on the move. Here's a few more details on the chaplain


As the pictures show there are a few ares that need a little more work.


Now, and I say this with trepidation, because it's me, I have quite a lot of ideas for the Word Bearers, and am hoping I can build quite a few more (I'm also building some truescale EC but there quite a lengthy project). For the chapter I thought to use a failing meteor as the symbol, as something I hope is easy to paint and GS. This is a rough sketch of the chapter symbol:24062478113_edfbe17c2f_m_d.jpg


Thanks for looking

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Great looking trio there

Thanks mate, I want to keep making supporting models that will hopefully fit in well with the Word Bearers.

I'd sand the greenstuff, but as a conversion its pretty solid.



The hood looking very rough so far, but I love the pose!

Thanks guys. The GS was definitely rough in those pics, I've hopefully smoothed out as many of the areas as I can now, not 100 percent, but a lot better.


Oh yeah! That head with a hood just looks sinister!

Amazing, I think you've made me want to start every legion you do

That's a great pose, it has a lot of character.

Thanks guys I'm glad the pose is well received, and sinister was what I was going for but at the same time trying to stay away from being overly Chaosy.


So I've spent some time smoothing out the roughness. I decided to change the right shoulder pad altogether, I had carved runes into it and then added the chapter symbol then the oath papers, but there was just to much and it looked messy so I just added the papers to plain shoulder pad instead. Looking at the pic the book on the chest is disappearing into the rest of the armour, and I'm torn between using GS to rebuild the the book, or just remove it all together and leave the skull.



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