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rumor control: dark angels in the wolf book, update


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in the new curse of the wulfen supplement there is a battle raging between the wolves and chaos and the dark angels and grey knights and chaos marines will be joining halfway in. according to the rumor control the ravenwing  will be in full effect with sammy on the hunt looking for a fallen that might be hiding amongst the wulfen.


also appearing in the lore book will be harad, egil, and sven from the wolves




scroll to the bottom


update: the who's who of our angels in this campaign, so 6th, 2nd, and maybe a detachment of the 1st to back up azzy:




artwork of us in battle next to the wolves




the ravenwing  will be in full effect with sammy on the hunt looking for a fallen that might be hiding amongst the wulfen.



How exactly are a bunch of robed marines hiding with armored werewolves from the 50's?


I mean, many of the fallen have mutated, so ultimately they might look pretty similar at this point. Alternatively, sammy might just be wrong.

I think there's a pretty significant logical and numerical difference between "a bunch" and "a" (indicating singular)... I'll let individual logical deduction work that out for each person on their own though, maybe they'll come to a different conclusion than I have. Let's not let exaggeration run away with ourselves while we try to do some rational reasoning though.


This wouldn't be the first time that a Space Wolf of any stripe happened to have an interaction or information concerning the Fallen (Ragnar Blackmane previously has seemed to have some information). It's almost like the story of the Wolf and Lion have some kind of intertwining and all. That hasn't shown up in any lore previously, has it? Not like since the Heresy or anything...



the ravenwing  will be in full effect with sammy on the hunt looking for a fallen that might be hiding amongst the wulfen.



How exactly are a bunch of robed marines hiding with armored werewolves from the 50's?


I mean, many of the fallen have mutated, so ultimately they might look pretty similar at this point. Alternatively, sammy might just be wrong.



Actually, the vast majority of the fallen are renegades and don't side with chaos or the imperium. Few actually fell to chaos after being pulled into the warp.


Also, those that did wouldn't share traits of the wolfen. That's a unique mutation stemming from the primarch's geneseed (space wolf players can feel free to input more on that). Chaos mutations are going to be different.

The big question is whether DA are just there for show or if they are going to get something. Maybe a Ravenwing Decurion just like Scars got the Scarblade Strikeforce?

I would love to know. Maybe is campaign is a two parter, with SW and deamons in the first book, and GK and DA added into the mix in the second one.

Alright I would like some help from you mysterious bunch. I'm not a Dark Angels player but I do like their background especially in the Index Astartes book. Now it's my understanding that the only Imperial outside of the Dark Angels chapter(and successors i'm assuming) that knows about their secret and the fallen was the Emperor.


I made a joke in the Wulfen rumour thread that when the Inquisition/Grey Knights show up to see these Wulfen they'll instead find out about the Fallen and in turn the secret. I was informed that the Inquisition already knows about the Fallen. If that's true then when did this happen and how?

Alright I would like some help from you mysterious bunch. I'm not a Dark Angels player but I do like their background especially in the Index Astartes book. Now it's my understanding that the only Imperial outside of the Dark Angels chapter(and successors i'm assuming) that knows about their secret and the fallen was the Emperor.

I made a joke in the Wulfen rumour thread that when the Inquisition/Grey Knights show up to see these Wulfen they'll instead find out about the Fallen and in turn the secret. I was informed that the Inquisition already knows about the Fallen. If that's true then when did this happen and how?

I think it was in the that terrible book called Pandorax - Grey Knights know about DA "secret". Draigo used this knowledge to blackamail/force Azrael into joining the campaign. Or something like that.

Don't read that booksmile.png




the ravenwing  will be in full effect with sammy on the hunt looking for a fallen that might be hiding amongst the wulfen.



How exactly are a bunch of robed marines hiding with armored werewolves from the 50's?


I mean, many of the fallen have mutated, so ultimately they might look pretty similar at this point. Alternatively, sammy might just be wrong.



Actually, the vast majority of the fallen are renegades and don't side with chaos or the imperium. Few actually fell to chaos after being pulled into the warp.


Also, those that did wouldn't share traits of the wolfen. That's a unique mutation stemming from the primarch's geneseed (space wolf players can feel free to input more on that). Chaos mutations are going to be different.


You don't have to fall to chaos to mutate, just spending time in the warp can do it, and the fallen have done a lot of that.


Also, just because we can tell the difference between those mutations doesn't mean that the Dark Angels can or care to do so.

Alright I would like some help from you mysterious bunch. I'm not a Dark Angels player but I do like their background especially in the Index Astartes book. Now it's my understanding that the only Imperial outside of the Dark Angels chapter(and successors i'm assuming) that knows about their secret and the fallen was the Emperor.

I made a joke in the Wulfen rumour thread that when the Inquisition/Grey Knights show up to see these Wulfen they'll instead find out about the Fallen and in turn the secret. I was informed that the Inquisition already knows about the Fallen. If that's true then when did this happen and how?

I think it was in the that terrible book called Pandorax - Grey Knights know about DA "secret". Draigo used this knowledge to blackamail/force Azrael into joining the campaign. Or something like that.

Don't read that booksmile.png

Ragnar Blackmane knows. Forget the source material, though.

An Inquisitor knows but I don't think he cares. Don't recall which one.

There were other Inqs that knew but they died, or mysteriously vanished.... ooooooooooooooooo.... lqtm.

Huh? Ragnar knows? Not in the books I read.


There are different levels of knowledge. The Inquisition, Grey Knights or Space Wolfs may know that the Dark Angels capture and interrogate Chaos Space Marines. They may even know that some of them were Dark Angels.


Unfortunately, it is not uncommon that some individuals stray from the light of the Emperor. They need to be hunted down.


The truth would not be so easy discarded. Half a Legion turned. That is the fact that must remain hidden.

Alright I would like some help from you mysterious bunch. I'm not a Dark Angels player but I do like their background especially in the Index Astartes book. Now it's my understanding that the only Imperial outside of the Dark Angels chapter(and successors i'm assuming) that knows about their secret and the fallen was the Emperor.

I made a joke in the Wulfen rumour thread that when the Inquisition/Grey Knights show up to see these Wulfen they'll instead find out about the Fallen and in turn the secret. I was informed that the Inquisition already knows about the Fallen. If that's true then when did this happen and how?

I think it was in the that terrible book called Pandorax - Grey Knights know about DA "secret". Draigo used this knowledge to blackamail/force Azrael into joining the campaign. Or something like that.

Don't read that booksmile.png

Ragnar Blackmane knows. Forget the source material, though.

An Inquisitor knows but I don't think he cares. Don't recall which one.

There were other Inqs that knew but they died, or mysteriously vanished.... ooooooooooooooooo.... lqtm.

its implied that rangar knows sort of whats going on, he knows we hunt people that have wronged the dark angels in some way. he learned this in sons of the lion that we are hunting traitors that have gone into hiding and are living doubles lives. but he doesnt know their true nature at all





the ravenwing  will be in full effect with sammy on the hunt looking for a fallen that might be hiding amongst the wulfen.



How exactly are a bunch of robed marines hiding with armored werewolves from the 50's?


I mean, many of the fallen have mutated, so ultimately they might look pretty similar at this point. Alternatively, sammy might just be wrong.



Actually, the vast majority of the fallen are renegades and don't side with chaos or the imperium. Few actually fell to chaos after being pulled into the warp.


Also, those that did wouldn't share traits of the wolfen. That's a unique mutation stemming from the primarch's geneseed (space wolf players can feel free to input more on that). Chaos mutations are going to be different.


You don't have to fall to chaos to mutate, just spending time in the warp can do it, and the fallen have done a lot of that.


Also, just because we can tell the difference between those mutations doesn't mean that the Dark Angels can or care to do so.



Source? The vast majority of fallen are encountered well outside of the warp and have been going about their business outside of the warp for 10,000 years. There is nothing to indicate that any substantial amount of fallen have spent extensive time in side of the warp. There is a lot of evidence supporting time spent outside of the warp.


Furthermore, "the warp" is ambiguous. Terminators deploy through the warp, and several chapters, including grey knights, have spent significant time in the eye of terror without mutations.


Finally, yes, the space wolves would notice. Dark Angels, even mutated, would never be able to hide among wulfen. Even if the robes and black armor didn't give them away to searching DA, the wulfen would know immediately that the the fallen are not one of them.


It's not like the wulfen are a bunch of fenrisian penguins that heard around and are oblivious to things in their midst. And as far as I know, they aren't very kind to outsiders.


Finally, yes, the space wolves would notice. Dark Angels, even mutated, would never be able to hide among wulfen. Even if the robes and black armor didn't give them away to searching DA, the wulfen would know immediately that the the fallen are not one of them.


It's not like the wulfen are a bunch of fenrisian penguins that heard around and are oblivious to things in their midst. And as far as I know, they aren't very kind to outsiders.



Please, correct me if I am mistaken- do not Woven have elongated canines ?


"The Wulfen were remarkably hirsute, even by Space Wolves standards, and their canine teeth grew into large dagger-like fangs."


That would make anybody with less... doggy face so to speak stand out a bit.



Finally, yes, the space wolves would notice. Dark Angels, even mutated, would never be able to hide among wulfen. Even if the robes and black armor didn't give them away to searching DA, the wulfen would know immediately that the the fallen are not one of them.


It's not like the wulfen are a bunch of fenrisian penguins that heard around and are oblivious to things in their midst. And as far as I know, they aren't very kind to outsiders.



Please, correct me if I am mistaken- do not Woven have elongated canines ?


"The Wulfen were remarkably hirsute, even by Space Wolves standards, and their canine teeth grew into large dagger-like fangs."


That would make anybody with less... doggy face so to speak stand out a bit.






I don't know fallen could hide in that...






the ravenwing  will be in full effect with sammy on the hunt looking for a fallen that might be hiding amongst the wulfen.



How exactly are a bunch of robed marines hiding with armored werewolves from the 50's?


I mean, many of the fallen have mutated, so ultimately they might look pretty similar at this point. Alternatively, sammy might just be wrong.



Actually, the vast majority of the fallen are renegades and don't side with chaos or the imperium. Few actually fell to chaos after being pulled into the warp.


Also, those that did wouldn't share traits of the wolfen. That's a unique mutation stemming from the primarch's geneseed (space wolf players can feel free to input more on that). Chaos mutations are going to be different.


You don't have to fall to chaos to mutate, just spending time in the warp can do it, and the fallen have done a lot of that.


Also, just because we can tell the difference between those mutations doesn't mean that the Dark Angels can or care to do so.



Source? The vast majority of fallen are encountered well outside of the warp and have been going about their business outside of the warp for 10,000 years. There is nothing to indicate that any substantial amount of fallen have spent extensive time in side of the warp. There is a lot of evidence supporting time spent outside of the warp.


Furthermore, "the warp" is ambiguous. Terminators deploy through the warp, and several chapters, including grey knights, have spent significant time in the eye of terror without mutations.


Finally, yes, the space wolves would notice. Dark Angels, even mutated, would never be able to hide among wulfen. Even if the robes and black armor didn't give them away to searching DA, the wulfen would know immediately that the the fallen are not one of them.


It's not like the wulfen are a bunch of fenrisian penguins that heard around and are oblivious to things in their midst. And as far as I know, they aren't very kind to outsiders.


Vast majority is irrelevant for a single story. Furthermore, the fallen were scattered through time and space, so very few actually have been anywhere for 10k years. As for mutations without embracing chaos, check out most of the planets near the Eye, or for instance the Soul Drinkers or the early Crimson Sabres.


Furthermore, the wulfen of course would realize it, but they might well not care, as they have been missing almost as long as the fallen have. It is probable their goals and the goals of some of the fallen still align from the crusades. But to be honest, that is the only real issue I see with a fallen chilling with some wulfen. Now if they were to claim a significant number of fallen were doing so, that would strain belief, but in a universe as vast as the 40k universe, the dark angels thinking their might be a fallen in amongst a bunch of mutants that turn out to be wulfen, is not super surprising.


Additionally, the notion that more than a subset of the Fallen still wear the robes and black of their betrayal is laughable. Renegades rarely keep their original armour very long. Look at any of the fluff on them and you will quickly see lines about scavenging, stealing, forging anew, repainting, etc... Considering half a legion worth of chapters are searching for them, I would imagine the fallen would be even less likely than typical renegades to continue wearing such easily identifiable garb, except out of mockery.

I too find it hard to believe. The wulfen I used to know were almost mindless beasts, so A fallen hiding in a pack of Wulfen would be harder than a cat hiding inside a pack of wolves. But now maybe they are like refined english gentlemen, sipping tea , playing cricket and doing some fox hunting for sport.

Maybe the new Wulfen fluff is just: http://glued.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Beauty-and-The-Beast.jpg

But rumors are rumors so I'll just keep the torch and pitchfork in the shed for the time being...

Refined English Werewolf Gentlemen? I am getting Warcraft flashback... That cockney accent Oo


Either way, maybe the book after this one, should there be one, there is more info regarding why DA wanted to drop by. Maybe they are not thinking that the Fallen are with the Wulfen. Maybe they want info from them because they have been around quite a while.


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