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Colour scheme for Ad Mech/Militia army - Onager

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Hi guys, here is my PIP Onager scheme.







Just wondering what you reckon about the colour in comparison to the base?


I think the yellow gives a techy, industrial vibe, which suits as the army will serve a dual purpose as a 30k Imperial Militia army. (Survivors of the Dark Age, Cyber-augmetics, Skitarii as Grenadiers, RT Rhinos, Onagers as Leman Russes, Bullgryns as Ogryn Brutes, etc).


The inducted Levy on the base shows the infantry colour, a darker, less drybrushed mustard yellow.


All thoughts gratefully taken on board. I think it works, but am open to suggestions. The base colour is pretty unchangeable, but I can darken it down before drybrushing to provide more contrast. I'm a fan of more muted, natural camo/paint schemes, but then you run into the trap of your model not 'popping' against its base...I'll put the essential white stripe down the front too at some point...



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I think this looks really good for a camouflaged piece. It's way less ornamented than Imperial stuff usually is, which I tend to like (I find that all the decorations make things look cluttered). I think if you make the base darker, it'll hurt the camo idea. So, really, do you want to prioritize the model "popping" or the practical value of camo? I think it looks great, but I can understand wanting it to stick out a little more.
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Thanks Tyriks. I'm with you on not wanting it to stick out in order to look more 'natural'. A lot of my models end up looking really subtle though, no crazy extreme edge highlights, etc, so from more than a foot or two away they look like they've only been basecoated...Most people pick a basing colour to really set a model off, but I want to stick to Tallarn Sand as the setting for our campaign is an agri-world (and it matches the colour of our gaming cloth and boards).

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Thanks WarriorFish. The grey is simply Adeptus Battlegrey (Mechanicus Standard grey now?), which I use as the basecoat for the whole mini (and should invest in the spray cans), Nuln wash and then drybrushed up with a 50/50 Battlegrey/Dawnstone and then 75/25 Dawnstone mix. I then picked out the machine-looking parts with actual metal paints.

So not actually metallic but functions like a crude version of NMM! biggrin.png Plus it's a nice alternative for large areas you want to add more interest to than simply breaking out the metals.

I'll try and finish this one up and get started on its twin. Then it's on to the infantry...

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I see, I'm looking for a dark metallic for my Skitarii scheme but I didn't think of working "backwards" so to speak. Unfortunately that won't work on infantry so well so I might try mixing some paints or some extra washing. What colours is the hull by the way? Similar colour to what I'm looking for.

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I don't know, a very dark grey could work for Skitarii mettalics! Or something like a Bolt Action German NMM black colour, if you want to go really dark. (Vallejo 70.995) German grey. I use that for my Sons of Horus' 'black' parts, but without washing it, and giving it a lighter drybrush, it could work for NMM.


The yellow is simply Zamesi Desert> Sepia wash > 50/50  Zamesi/Dheneb Stone drybrush > More Dheneb into the mix drybrush.


Although if you want a more yellow/mustard tone, (like my infantry) dial down the drybrushing. But I wanted the more faded out, battered techy look, so it's much lighter than my dudesmen.

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