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[HH1.0] Black Shields Tactica


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Hi guys! I've finally bought the BoP box and I have somr doubts about kitting a couple of units in a mainly chymeriae army (+1T,+1S,-1I). For my marauder squads I'm going to equip them with chainaxes and shotguns, so I had in mind to drop a couple of power axes as I already have -1I, but if I also put an apothecary in the unit I have to reduce it to 9 men to fit them in a dreadclaw, so I could just take a single Power Axe and my question is, is it worth it? Ap2 can save your day, but a T5 unit with fnp would be very hard to take down.

The other question I have is how to kit my tartaros terminators. I'm buying them all a power fist for cc with a couple of chainfists in case there is a vehicle, as I'm hitting last anyways, S10 is too good to pass, and I'm doing a lost legion project in where I'm calling them The Hands of Doom, so giant hands are mandatory! But I'm having problems at deciding the ranged weapons because, as a SoH player, my impulse is to get them all a combi plasma, but I'm hitting on 3+ with this guys and they're getting a dreadclaw, meaning they could assault the turn they get out instead of firing rapid fire weapons so, again, is it really worth it to spend points on it? Also, are plasma blasters any good? They seem cool and efective at first sight, but I'm not sure about them...

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The single weapon slot on a 9 man unit is tough, but it really boils down to what you are using them for. If you aren't going after terminators you only need AP2 to kill a sergeant, which your own one should do adequately well, especially as even if they have a powerfist, he'll get his FNP save while they have no such luxury against your S10 fist/ hammer of doom. Plus you get WS5.


Chainaxes are so good for just smashing down the dice, but a simple powersword could work well. Guaranteeing a few AP3 hits is nice and wounding on 3+ is icing on the cake. A single Pariah Flamer could also be nice as you can lay down a torrent of S4 and clear out any unsuspecting hordes before the axes get stuck in.

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Nah, AP3 on a primary challenge-risk is pointless since it's just going to bang off artificer armor before getting axed.


Having it on a secondary or tertiary character in a unit is peaches when you have a few extra points. As long as you aren't giving up anything otherwise, having a powersword in the unit is better than one more CCW, don'tcha think?

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The idea is to get a power fist for the sergeant to smash people in challenges with S10 and AP2, while getting an axe in the squad and a power sword in the apothecary (who can't get a chainaxe sadly) while the rest of the unit will have a chainaxe and a shotgun. I could even damege a contemptor on a 3+ thanks to the fist.
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What do you guys think of a big blob of 20 Marauders with a Dark Herald Consul and Apothecary (also possibly the Nemean Reaver) in a Spartan? Apart from being incredibly expensive of course but I think it could be a laugh! 


- They would be Outlanders so Chieftain has Rad Grenades with a handful of power axes thrown in and the squad gets Fear and FNP :)

Edited by Reyner
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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been plotting a Mad Max/Fallout/Wasteland-inspired Blackshields force. Mostly intended as a fun fluff and modeling exercise, but I'd like to be able to win a game now and then too.


Fluff-wise, it's meant to represent a small force of Astartes, isolated by a warp storm on an imperial garrison world at the tail end of the great crusade. Planetary order broke down into civil war, and the garrison's stockpile of nuclear weapons was turned on itself. After decades of bloody conflict, the Astartes emerged victorious- not as noble heroes, but as a ruthless band of warlords. When the warp storm passed, they found the galaxy in the throes of the horus heresy, and turned to piracy and predation. 



What are your thoughts on the list? 


+++ Wasteworld Outcasts (Warhammer 30,000 - The Horus Heresy v32) (1906pts) +++
++ Age of Darkness (Legiones Astartes: Age of Darkness Army List v180) (1556pts) ++
+ HQ (235pts) +
········Blackshield Reaver Lord (235pts) [Artificer Armour, Cyber-familiar, Halo Blade, Iron Halo, Rad Grenades, Space Marine Bike with Twin-linked Bolter]
············Legiones Astartes [Legion Specific Rules]
+ Troops (446pts) +
········Blackshield Marauder Squad (223pts) [7x Astartes Shotgun, 9x Marauders, 2x Pariah Flamer]
············Legiones Astartes [Legion Specific Rules]
············Marauder Chief [Astartes Shotgun, Rad Grenades]
········Blackshield Marauder Squad (223pts) [7x Astartes Shotgun, 9x Marauders, 2x Pariah Flamer]
············Legiones Astartes [Legion Specific Rules]
············Marauder Chief [Astartes Shotgun, Rad Grenades]
+ Elites (410pts) +
········Legion Destroyer Squad (410pts) [Jump Packs, 9x Legion Destroyer Space Marine, Melta Bombs, 2x Missile Launcher with Suspensor Web and Rad Missiles Only]
············Legion Destroyer Sergeant [Power Armour, Rad Grenades]
············Legiones Astartes [Legion Specific Rules]
+ Fast Attack (465pts) +
········Legion Javelin Attack Speeder Squadron (150pts)
············Legion Javelin Attack Speeder [Multi-melta, Twin-linked Lascannon]
············Legion Javelin Attack Speeder [Multi-melta, Twin-linked Lascannon]
········Legion Land Speeder Squadron (195pts)
············Legion Land Speeder [Graviton Gun, Multi-melta]
············Legion Land Speeder [Graviton Gun, Multi-melta]
············Legion Land Speeder [Graviton Gun, Multi-melta]
········Legion Outrider Squad (120pts) [3x Legion Space Marine Outrider, 3x Power Weapon]
············Legiones Astartes [Legion Specific Rules]
+ Legion +
········Legion Astartes [blackshields, Outlanders]
++ Allied Detachment (Imperialis Militia and Cults Army List v7) (350pts) ++
+ HQ (135pts) +
········Force Commander (135pts) [Charnabal Sabre, Power Armour]
············The Muster of Worlds [Feral Warriors, Tainted Flesh]
+ Troops (130pts) +
········Inducted Levy Squad (65pts) [blade and Fury, Close Combat Weapons, 19x Levy Auxiliaries]
········Inducted Levy Squad (65pts) [blade and Fury, Close Combat Weapons, 19x Levy Auxiliaries]
+ Heavy Support (85pts) +
········Mutant Spawn (85pts) [3x Mutant Spawn]**
Created with BattleScribe
Not sure what to do with the last 100 or so points...

**The mutant spawn are meant to be rad-mutants, like Deathclaws, not chaos spawn

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Funny fact you can do easily your army as a dark compliance in which case your militia count as part of the black shields force and not allies. I'm not that experienced with black shields but Destroyers whilst a cool into are horrendously expensive for what they are also aybe give the bikers or destroyers a nuncio Vox so your deep strikers can come in easier
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@orz - you can only take 1 power weapon for every 3 Outriders, so you have a few more points there.


I'd make sure your Marauders have chainaxes (which are free) and give their Chiefs power fists.


I'd also re-consider the Destroyers. That's a phenomenal amount of points for a really crap unit.


Then you can use the 450-500 points get some serious stuff, like Terminators & Tanks. :)

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As said before turn your army into dark compliance and, if possible, remove the destroyers (if you want the cool gunslinger look you have marauders with dual bolt pistols). With those extra points buy thunder hammers for the chiefs (I beleive that for marauders thy cost the same than power fists, but my source is battlescribe, so I might be wrong) and some apothecaries.
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Thanks for the feedback, guys! I forgot to note it, but will definitely be modeling the Marauders with Chainaxes.


@Caillum- good catch. Battlescribe interface for that was a little confusing, and I don't always trust the errors it throws these days. I might add the sergeant to that squad to get some more options.


I know the destroyers are a bit crap (ok, a lot crap), but they're an awesome fit for the theme I was going for. All the rad, all the time! Another reason for them was that (under my understanding of the rules) it would let all three infantry squads arrive by deep strike.


Likewise, tanks don't really fit the concept of a fast-moving raiding force. If I were to expand it to 2500 points I might try to fit in some Terminators in an Assault Ram.


I had thought about army of dark compliance. The fluff for those doesn't quite match up with what I had in mind, but I guess it's a minor quibble compared against making the army work better on the table. I don't think anything about the list has to change either way, so I suppose I could just discuss it with any potential opponents beforehand.


Sadly I don't think I can get Vox on the bikers or anything else that would start on the table. Live dangerously!


So is the consensus that hammers or fists would be better on the marauder chiefs?


Finally, do you think the levies will need discipline collars or anything to help with morale?

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Thanks for the feedback, guys! I forgot to note it, but will definitely be modeling the Marauders with Chainaxes.


@Caillum- good catch. Battlescribe interface for that was a little confusing, and I don't always trust the errors it throws these days. I might add the sergeant to that squad to get some more options.


I know the destroyers are a bit crap (ok, a lot crap), but they're an awesome fit for the theme I was going for. All the rad, all the time! Another reason for them was that (under my understanding of the rules) it would let all three infantry squads arrive by deep strike.


Likewise, tanks don't really fit the concept of a fast-moving raiding force. If I were to expand it to 2500 points I might try to fit in some Terminators in an Assault Ram.


I had thought about army of dark compliance. The fluff for those doesn't quite match up with what I had in mind, but I guess it's a minor quibble compared against making the army work better on the table. I don't think anything about the list has to change either way, so I suppose I could just discuss it with any potential opponents beforehand.




Glad to see a different list and one including units that are considered sub par, its a little boring to see the flood of Chymrae +1S/T list popping up everywhere and instead see something which is driven by a strong theme and fluff. Stick to your feel and have fun!

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  • 2 weeks later...



After creeping for too long (it even became creepy for me) <- famous stalker words :smile.: I thought I would finally post. I was thinking of running a Blackshields army not sure on points but was wondering if it could be built around the Death Guard character, Crysos Morturg. He is under the Death Guard entry and says he has LA: Death Guard, but right under his name it has Black Shield, formerly of the Death Guard Legion.


Reason for him as basis is his warlord trait: Master of Ambush lets him select 3 non-vehicle units to have infiltrate, and he is a level 1 psyker with Endurance as his power (which allows him to give any unit with 24" Eternal Warrior, Feel No Pain (4+), and Relentless.


Was thinking I could use him and a Moritat as my single consul choice. Stick the moritat with a destroyer unit (gives that unit scout), maybe stick them all with jump packs.





Better yet he also has infiltrate, so I stick him with one squad to give them infiltrate and then select 3 more to have 4 units infiltrating. 

Edited by unexplained
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WELL - unless your opponents let you, he can't actually be used in a Blackshield force. Which is a crying shame as he is one for sure in the fluff.


You'd need to have a Primary detachment of DG (to use his warlord trait) and then an allied detachment of Black Shields.

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