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Black Shields - Loyality unknown (ideas collection)


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It was mentioned an event or two ago that Blackshields also encompasses things like the Terata and Raptors, mutants and things. Is there anything reflecting that in the rules?



One of their army-wide characteristics, 'allegiances', you can choose is Chymeriae - mutations and unstable outputs:






Or see post 1 in this thread!

Thanks! I didn't think to check the first post where I've been reading the thread through as its been updated.

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Odd that the Marauder Chief cant take a regular Power Weapon... huh.png

I guess it's part of the "not able to take hard to maintain gear; unless xenos or forbidden"? I mean, don't ask me why. That's just an educated guess.

Still no info on that Herald? Or is he a regular option that just happened to get specifically mentioned in the Blackshield's writing?

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See I thought that as well, but then you can upgrade regular power weapons as specialist weapons in the squad... Odd that a regular has options over a sgt (equivalent) in the close combat category.


Herald is the regular one Consul with Blackshield flag.

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Hmm, you're right. And it's one of the "one in five" options too. Remind, can the unit leader take from those options as well or no? I only ask because of the oddity of it.


Edit: I don't suppose it's too early to ask Forgeworld about it? :D

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I'm coming at this from more of a fluff perspective, but no one else thinks it's odd that the Marauders are best utilized on the tabletop as a horde unit? Rubs me the wrong way that these few disparate warriors that have banded together out of survival suddenly take on a mob mentality in combat. I was expecting more of a strike and fade force that no longer adheres to the Principia Bellicosa and has been forced to abandon conventional Legion tactics in favor of guerilla warfare. I get that some of the Blackshield forces are supposedly in the 2,000+ strong range, but I think they could have given the unit more thought than "throw lots of bodies at 'em".

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It's too bad Heathens isn't here. Wish I would've known why he hasn't been able to be on here but I won't be nosy :/


He would've LOVED this army.

None of us know. He just vanished months ago.

Legends don't die. They're just missing in action.


Maybe he just went in the backwoods of Alaska to go hunt Yetis. Or he's secretly a tier 1 operator.


Or maybe Occam's razor and he's just tired of this lol

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I'm coming at this from more of a fluff perspective, but no one else thinks it's odd that the Marauders are best utilized on the tabletop as a horde unit? Rubs me the wrong way that these few disparate warriors that have banded together out of survival suddenly take on a mob mentality in combat. I was expecting more of a strike and fade force that no longer adheres to the Principia Bellicosa and has been forced to abandon conventional Legion tactics in favor of guerilla warfare. I get that some of the Blackshield forces are supposedly in the 2,000+ strong range, but I think they could have given the unit more thought than "throw lots of bodies at 'em".

But you have to think about the fact the Blackshields encompass three types of armies: the raiders, the kamikazes and the genetic misfits of Cannon Fodder island.


You get those who are trying to survive, those who want to die making as big of a boom as they can while doing it, and then those who probably have very little if any cognitive thinking skills.


As a result, the purpose of the squad is dependent on how you try to make it. It has the potential to be fast and light, but if you want big and fast, then you're going to have to invest an army slot into taking a Storm Eagle or Karybdis. At the same time, it is very easy for a Chymera Cannon Fodder or Death Seeker Kamikaze army to be supported by the Maurader unit. It's a general purpose unit in that it can fill many roles. But it is not meant to fill them all at the same time.


This is eerily reminiscent of a how a Chaos army should work. No matter the background, you should be able to whatever you want wth the army in making it fast, siege worthy, etc. But at the same time, because of limited supplies and capability, you have to devote yourself to one method or the other. I don't see the Blackshields being able to field a general purpose army. Not one that will survive on the tabletop anyway.


You're going to have to pick your theme and stick to it. But at least you have the capability to pick almost virtually any theme.

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Skalpynock & The Boater, it appears we are of a similar mind when it comes to Blackshields. Eschew the constraints placed upon the Legions during the compliance actions & unleashing the proscribed, the profane, the terrible upon this new foe (whatever side you are on).

Skalypnock, your earlier speech has me working on my own, which I am still tweaking. However, I think I have a name for my warband: The Gojir (pronounced "Go-jeer"). Named after a Terran legend from around M2, this beast was said to have brought distraction upon humanity for it's folly and corruption. Like the legend, the Blackshields known as The Gojir bring destruction upon those forces they deem corrupt, both loyalist and traitor alike. They rage war with terrible weapons thought consigned to history, leaving little but lifeless, irradiated ruins in their wake.

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Under the new definition of Blackshield, we can safely say even Astelan and his cohorts could be fielded as Blackshields as they are renegades and do not really support Emperor or Warmaster either. Only Luther seeks to have some kind of deal with Calas Typhon as the story progresses. This means Fallen Angels should be Blackshields too..

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I've been thinking, now that I've seen the marauder unt entry, is there really any reason to give 'em shotguns? For 1pt more you can take pariah bolters which are better in every way... Or rather, is saving a single point worth those downsides?


Or is it only a question of style? In which case I'd rather take twin pistols, truth be told...

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I've been thinking, now that I've seen the marauder unt entry, is there really any reason to give 'em shotguns? For 1pt more you can take pariah bolters which are better in every way... Or rather, is saving a single point worth those downsides?


Or is it only a question of style? In which case I'd rather take twin pistols, truth be told...

Style/personal background. Who would waste a bolter on cannon fodder? It goes back to what you plan to do with them. Are they going to be a valued core of your army? Or will they be a meatshield for more valuable and powerful units to bring in the rear?
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Now, as a departure from its intended use, I think this list could work very well to represent the various Tech-Barbarians of Old Night. Albian Ironsides, Caucasian Ur-Khasis, Ur:cusse whatevers… crappy or unstable weapons, pariah "Mk1" power armor, and Chymeria genetic unstability. Ooooh, dreams.
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I was suggesting the opposite, that the Chymera might be the cannon fodder. I mean, for example the Pariah wargear. For all intents and purposes, it's all worse. The bolters make your charges disorderly, the armor is worse against stronger weapons and the flamers can blow up in your face. I mean, like who would choose worse when you can choose decent for the same price?


So it kind of follows that logic. If you're trying to conserve points because your Chymera or Death Seekers are going to be "expendable", then you might save that one point for every Maurader in the squad and just settle for a shotgun. Or a lascarbine.


So it goes back into that "what do you want to do with them?" Do you want to make them a point sink? Or a cheap kamikaze?

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