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Black Shields - Loyality unknown (ideas collection)


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Haven't assembled a single HH miniature and already planning my 3rd force (Fists and Death Guard). In my defence I've always liked the idea of loyalist members of the traitor legions going against their former brothers and Primarch. Was a bit disappointed that the story for flight of the Einstein was evolved to include only Death Guard. Although the idea of legionaries that were thought loyal to their Primarch changing allegiance due the massacres at Istvaan and the purging of loyalist marines prior to the start of the heresy is really nice.


Throw in garrison forces that may have either remained loyal or where the loyalists had defeated the traitors (gives access to vehicles) and looks like I'll be able to run a force that will be good to build, paint and play. Add a group of Dark Angels escaping from events on their home world along with a few loyalist strays and will be a great project. Also a nice break when painting units of a single legion.


Will go with them painting their armour in the legion colours before they met their Primarchs and stepped on the path that lead to current events. Don't know if should include chapter symbol or go with something to unify them, perhaps something from unification wars although the Dark Brotherhood symbol looks good.


Idea would be for units to group together by type, tactical, assault, veteran etc. regardless of legion. I like the idea of a Chaplin taking the lead and forging them as a single force. As it grows imagine could evolve into a shattered legions, Knights Errant force or a new 40k army.

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  • 4 weeks later...

It's been a while, and this thread needs a bit of a bump (sorry mods). To keep things on-topic, here's a snippet of my fluff notes for The Gojir Blackshields force:


- First reported approx 3 years after Istvaan V.
- Initial reports from Imperial worlds near south-western galactic rim, tales of 'giants in armour black as the void' appearing from nowhere & declaring judgment on the world for 'wavering in judgment', followed by a seemingly random decimation of the civilian population. Identifying themselves as 'The Gojir', the giants leave as quickly as they arrived.
- Other worlds/systems in vicinity going silent. Imperial scouts report evidence of deployment of high radiation count on all worlds, and evidence of Exterminatus-grade weapons deployment, but no signs of life. All worlds identified as having declared for Horus or used Heresy to declare independence from Imperium.
- Classified briefings on both sides of the civil war identify The Gojir as responsible for dozens of attacks on systems held by either side. It is telling, however, that only significant military assets to the Traitors are targeted by these Blackshields.
- Speculation that The Gojir is the remnants of the 179th Fleet due to disposition and displacement of fleet assets observed as belonging to the group of Blackshields. In addition, the apparent flagship, 'The Forlorn Hope', is an exact match for the XIII Legion Apocalypse-class battleship 'Konor's Grace', which was known to be the flagship of the 3rd Hunter-Destroyer company of the 22nd chapter, and part of the fleet assets assigned to the 179th Exploration Fleet.
- Also observed have been several Mechanicum barques matching the idiosyncratic designs known to be favoured by members of the Ordo Reductor.
- No obvious pattern to Gojir attacks, although the systems where they are sighted indicate they are on a slow path to Segmentum Solar, and
Terra. What they want with the Throneworld can only be speculated, but The Gojir are deemed a threat by traitor and loyalist alike, and it is unlikely they will reach their destination.
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  • 4 months later...

*waves hands*

*hands start to glow viciously*

*starts to grin*

*glow is spreading upon this thread*


*thread is rising*

*it is aliiiive!!*

*Thread turns around*

"Dudy, seriously? I was sleeping, god dam nit! Make it quick or behold the wrath of my fist!"

* O.O ok, sorry!*


Well...*ahem* where was I?


Oh yeah,

just wanted to ask if some of you have finished their projects / planed stuff? :)

As it is a great opportunity to create some new and unique ideas and forces or even possible origins of canon chapters, I was curious.


For example, I managed to finish my project a couple of weeks ago. Though I rewrote their origin and canceled Khaedes, I tried to go a different way.

Long speech short, I started to work out the canon Dominion of Storms, including an official successor chapter of the White Scars (= Storm Riders) and a chapter of unknown origin (= Phantom Blades).


Currently, I stopped working on it as I'm more deeply involved into the boards project of the Brotherhood of the Lost. Nevertheless, this is my side project which will properly never rest. :)


Maybe some of you are interested. Here's the link: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/323932-the-dominion-of-storms-by-kelborn-phantom-blades-added/


Curious to see more Blackshield forces. :)

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