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Ultramarines 2k Pride of the Legion


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Hey guys,


This is copied from my post on Heresy30k (which was a huge necro of my original post). Essentially I had done an Angel's Wrath Ultramarine list but never ended up getting the models for it. I do, however, have the models for the following already (except some jump packs for the Locutarus):


Praetor - Halo, Jump Pack, Paragon Blade, Melta Bombs (RoW: Pride of the Legion)

Primus Medicae - AA, Refractor Field, Legatine Axe, Melta Bombs, Jump Pack

These two go with the Locutarus Squad.


Veterans x10 - 2x Heavy Bolters, Sniper, Rhino

Veterans x10 - 2x Heavy Bolters, Sniper, Rhino

The ubiquitous Sniper Vets. These guys will hold the mid-field. In order to save points I've neglected to upgrade the Sergeant. If he ends up in melee I'm probably screwed anyway.

Support Squad x10 - Calivers, Sgt with Bolter and Scanner

My home objective campers.


Locutarus x10 - 2x Plasma Pistols

My Praetor and Medicae chill with these dudes. They deep strike in and unleash a barrage of plasma onto an enemy unit and, hopefully, survive to assault something! My only regret is that I can't find the 15 points for a Plasma Pistol on the Strike Leader.


Deredeo - Autocannons, Missile Launcher

AA and AT in one handy package!

Sicaran Battle Tank - Lascannons

Self-explanatory. Who doesn't love them?

Sicaran Venator

My primary heavy AT unit. I will be relying on this guy heavily if a Spartan or something comparably nasty shows up.



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Both of your HQ choices are in a deep striking unit that is stuck in the open for a turn when it shows up.

The problems here are:

- A deep strike mishap will really ruin your day.

- You rely on reserve rolls to get your heavy hitters onto the board.

- You'll have to survive a round of shooting before you hit combat, which is where Locutarus belong.

- Double tapping pistols is great, but it's still only four (or six) 12" plasma shots and means you aren't out of LoS.

- Gets Hot!

(Essentially, you say "they deep strike in and unleash a barrage of plasma onto an enemy unit and, hopefully, survive to assault something!" - you really need to focus on the assault aspect, and not the 'barrage of plasma'!)


- Making the unit cheaper - it's very 'eggs-in-basket'.

-- Edit: Okay, I added up how much your Locutarus squad is - that's a lot of points! Time for an intervention:

-- The Primus Medicae is ~150pts to give your Locutarus FNP. You won't be able to use Sacred Trust, and the Locutarus really don't need the combat boost he gives them - you already have 10 Power Swords and your Praetor in there! They also don't need his second set of Melta Bombs - your Praetor has some for emergencies, and going tank hunting with your >600pt squad would be a huge waste of a turn, especially when they can't get into combat for the first few turns of the game anyway!

---There are many scary AP1 and AP2 pieplates in 30k. For example, the new Forgeworld Knight Porphyrion is rumoured to be able to fire four AP1 large blasts as well as an extra AP4 large blast every turn, and is something like 400-500pts. Hell, my Solar Auxilia allies' transport has an AP2 demolisher cannon. Even with FNP, an Iron Halo and a Refractor Field, that is one seriously dead, expensive unit. It's cool, but at the end of the day, I struggle to see them being worth the points you're putting into them. Sorry to be a downer..!

- Giving your Vet squads a Nuncio-Vox for precise Deep Striking.

- Giving them Hand Flamers - hard to pull off, and not AP2, but worth considering.

- Going with a melee unit in an assault vehicle instead (I don't know what models you have for the Locutarus, though, and you can definitely run Locutarus if you want - just be careful!)


- What are you getting out of Pride of the Legion? Compared to Tactical Marines, you are essentially paying 180pts for four Heavy Bolters with Sniper. That's just shy of a Mortis Contemptor with two Kheres assault cannons.

- I've heard that Heavy Bolters are better on Sicaran BTs, and I think I agree. If you swap for HBs, you can give the Venator HBs too, for those aggravating 'Weapon Destroyed' results. If you've modelled it already, though, no big deal.

Last but not least, welcome to the XIIIth smile.png

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