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After churning out some Rogue Trader grunts last week I decided to get another long term project for this classic old game off my paint station and onto the battlefield. 


I really think that Rogue Trader, and indeed all old school games are even more enjoyable when you play them with models from the appropriate era and as such I have tracked down this fellow to lead my Salamanders force. He is a 1987 Space Marine Librarian equipped with a useful Force Sword... and arguably less useful book!




As he is a character model I decided to lavish a bit more attention on him particularly as his rich, blue armour is likely to draw the eye during games!




If you look closely you will see that no 'metallic' paints have been used anywhere on the model; in fact all areas of bare metal have been achieved by using non-metallic metal (NMM) techniques. This is my first attempt at this advanced method of painting metals and overall I am very pleased with how it turned out.




The rest of the armour was painted by progressive layers of blending designed to create a smooth look across the model as a whole. I achieved this by starting off with a relatively dark base-coat and then gradually adding a small amount of skull white to each layer. I think the end result was worth the additional effort (and time) and I feel it is a fitting model to lead my Space Marine Force to victory!


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He looks great! ^_^


I used to have that model and it's still one of my favourites :)


One thing though, is that his skin doesn't reflect that of the chapter, but still.

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Cheers guys. I do love this old model!


I started painting my Salamander Force way back in the day before GW retconned them into some weird charcoal looking dudes! Back in the late 80's/90's their background was like most other marine chapters without the strange anomaly in the geneseed that appeared only with Nick Kyme's Salamanders Trilogy in the late 2000's. They did have a preponderance for having more dark-skinned marines, but these were realistic skin tones as opposed to current lore.


Also I'll be using the force predominantly for 30k (I think the old armour fits nicely) and at the time not all Salamanders had been affected by the skin change as it required both the Primarch's geneseed and exposure to the unique environment of Nocturne to trigger the darkening pigmentation. This chap is a Terran Marine so he won't have been exposed to the Legion's new adopted homeworld...yet.

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