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Necromunda 73rd Armored Regiment [WIP/Display Thread]

Flash Git jimmy

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The tracks are. I used citadel technical Typhus Corrosion on the tracks (covering a basecoat of Leadbelcher) and the hull surrounding them, then drybrushed on Ryza Rust onto the tracks themselves to represent the rust. After that I went back over with a detail brush and picked out bits at random on the tracks to put some runefang steel on, to make it look like the treads have become dirty and rusted, and then been subsequently worn down to bare metal in spots. It's a little exaggerated, but I would argue a little exaggeration suits 40k just fine.


The rest of the weathering on the hull, the rust spots, the streaks of dirt were done with modeling pigments, specifically the forge world weathering powders. I believe I used.... Medium Earth and Light Rust for most of it. Weathering powders really step your game up in terms of depicting wear, and I highly recommend them, almost any brand really, to really nail a dirty, used tank. I use them all the time in my non-40k models, and their utility is amazing, you can use them dry almost like a drybrush paint, mix them with water to make a paint or white spirit to make a wash, they're extremely versatile.


I don't normally do it for wargaming models since it can take a while but for an HQ unit, I can make the time.

They really are fantastic. But, at any rate-


Time to dust off the old cobwebs, because I have one heck of an update for everyone!


IMG 1073

IMG 1071

IMG 1069

IMG 1068

IMG 1066

IMG 1067

IMG 1065

IMG 1064

IMG 1063

Finished the company command tank today, so now I have an HQ that's just a teeny bit more capable than the salacommander - but a lot more expensive.
And, to go with it, I have some tank-specific fluff ripped straight from the google docs sheet I keep my army list on:

"Command Tank ‘Bob Semple’"

In Necromundan armored regiments of the imperial guard, certain legends are passed around. One such legend is that of Bob Semple.

According to legend, Bob Semple was a tinkerer born sometime during Terran antiquity, long before the Emperor had awoken. A great war, one that plunged nearly all of Holy Terra into war for half a decade was threatening Bob Semple’s homeland, and cursing with rage that they did nothing about it, he set to work, night after night, toiling countless hours in his workshop to create a war engine of unparalleled lethality. Bob Semple’s tank, named after its creator, was a design so incredibly powerful and lethal that only the one machine had to be made - supposedly the enemy, after hearing word that such a machine existed, never even touched the lands Bob Semple called home.

In honor of both the man and his extraordinary machine, the command tank of the 73rd bears his name.


So, did the necromundans get the legend correct?


The strangest things get passed down to M41 sometimes...



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