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Alpha Legion 2500 - PotL


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Alrighty after much ummmin ahhhhing and general procrastinating about what I'm going to do, I have a prototype 2500pt list. 


Pick it apart as you will however keep in mind that the reason Skorr is absent is to run this in a campaign where named characters are banned. So without further adieu 


Centurian - Delegatus, MC-PF, Artificer Armour, Power Dagger, Venom Sphere, Melta bombs, Refractor Field


Command Squad - Power Weapons


Centurion - Saboteur


Terminators x9 - 3CF, 3PF, 2 Plasma Blasters


Veteran Tactical Squad - Vexilla Nuncio Vox Heavy Bolter x2 - Tactics - Sniper


Veteran Tactical Squad - Vexilla Nuncio Vox Melta gun x2, Melta bombs - Tactics - Tank Hunter


Seeker Squad - Artificer Armour, Melta bombs, Combi melta x4


Land Raider Achilles Alpha


Vindicator - Laser Destroyer, Armoured Ceremite


Leviathan - Grav Bombard, Phosphex Discharger, Siege Claw, Volkite Calivar x2, Dreadnaught Drop Pod



In all likelihood will run infiltrate with this unless there's a mech heavy list in the offing then tank hunters will be the order of the day. OK brothers dispense thy wisdom 

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Remember you can change your tactics on the Veteran Tactical Squads when infiltration is over, don't restrict yourself. Fearless and counterattack are an extremely useful combination against an assault army. The Vindicator is a fantastic choice and I wholly recommend using it. Bump the Seeker squad to 10-men: this is the squad that will truly shine in your army. IMHO the combi-melta is a waste due to their lack of transportation/ mobility, I'd give them combi-plasma.


The terminator squad is a little weird to me, as it doesn't seem to serve much of a purpose other than simply existing on the table. The lack of heavy weapons forces them into a forward position. At that point, why not make them Lyrnaean Terminators? For a small cost, you get WS5, Stubborn, and Vulkites.


I've not used the Leviathan, but putting it in a Dreadnought Drop Pod is an excellent idea.


Too much of your anti-tank is close-range. The Vindicator is the only long-range anti-tank. It does it well, but it can still only kill one tank a turn if it rolls well.

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Alternative list that I came up with whilst thinking of ways to address the points above:


Centurian - Delegatus, MC-PF, Artificer Armour, Power Dagger, Venom Sphere, Melta bombs, Refractor Field


Command Squad - Power Weapons


Lernaean Terminators x10 - 3x Chainfists, 2 Power fists, Spartan (Armoured Ceremite, Flare Shield)


Veteran Tactical Squad - Vexilla Nuncio Vox Heavy Bolter x2 - Tactics - Sniper


Veteran Tactical Squad - Vexilla Nuncio Vox Melta gun x2, Melta bombs - Tactics - Tank Hunter


Seeker Squad - Artificer Armour, Melta bombs, Combi plasma x4


Vindicator - Laser Destroyer, Armoured Ceremite


Vindicator - Laser Destroyer, Armoured Ceremite


Leviathan Dreadnought - Grav, Phosphex, Volkite Calivar x2


Thinking of dropping 2 Lernaeans in order to fit the pod back in on the dread and maybe add more PFs/CFs to the squad

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Are all the infantry units 'cept for the Lernaeans foot-sloggin' ?


If yes, are you using infiltrate as your Mutable Tactic ?


Also, in this setup, I'd suggest a fearless Vet Tac squad as melee support for your Delegatus instead of the command squad.

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Yep they'd all be footslogging and would be using infiltrate as a mutable tactic.


What's your thinking behind the melee Vets? I've never found them especially effective, at least when compared to the damage they can do with Sniper or Tank Hunter. Although I suppose the Fearless bubble from the banner is pretty flaky with it resting on 1 model

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Yep they'd all be footslogging and would be using infiltrate as a mutable tactic.


What's your thinking behind the melee Vets? I've never found them especially effective, at least when compared to the damage they can do with Sniper or Tank Hunter. Although I suppose the Fearless bubble from the banner is pretty flaky with it resting on 1 model

The Banner still has 2 Wounds and a 2+ Save (with a 5++ if you give him a Combat Shield, which you should try to).

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Yep they'd all be footslogging and would be using infiltrate as a mutable tactic.


What's your thinking behind the melee Vets? I've never found them especially effective, at least when compared to the damage they can do with Sniper or Tank Hunter. Although I suppose the Fearless bubble from the banner is pretty flaky with it resting on 1 model

The Banner still has 2 Wounds and a 2+ Save (with a 5++ if you give him a Combat Shield, which you should try to).



That's my thinking, that and a command squad can provide a little bit of oomph since a Delegatus isn't quite the melee beat stick a praetor is, at least not without Terminator Armour. 


Still can't decide whether to keep it thematic and have a more ranged HQ or just throw caution to the wind and tool him up

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What's your thinking behind the melee Vets?

Vet Tacs = scoring unit

Command = non-scoring unit


Which would get you a total of 5 scoring units.

I always opt to include 1 scoring unit per 500 pts., but that's just personal preference really.

Veterans can have a higher body count, which can prove handy when foot slogging and can also bring power weapons to the table, plus optional Venom Spheres.

Also, power fist & power dagger on the seargent.

But like I said, it most likely comes down to what you prefer.

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