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Death Guard 2500 Starter - Advice Appriciated


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So for the last few months I've got into the HH and started a Death Guard force (Specifically the 11th Chapter of the 6th Great Company).

I'm more of a modeller/collector/painter than a player although I have a mate with a Raven Guard and a 'Nid army for occasional games. So far I've only played 40K with my Flesh Tearers or Grey Knights.


Anyways, below is what I've painted up so far. It comes to just over 2,500 pts. I'm looking for advice on how to take it forward or how to use it to its full potential.




1st Captain Typhon

Preator in PA

Command Squad (3 man inc Standard)



Apothecary Detachment (1)

Contemptor (Volkite & Fist)

Contemptor (Twin Assault Cannons)

Terminator Squad (5 inc Reaper AC)

Veteran Tactical Squad (11 inc vox,vex & H. Flamer)



Legion Tactical Squad (11 inc vox & vex)

Legion Tactical Squad (12 inc vox & vex)

Support Squad (6 inc 5 x Rotor Cannons)


Dedicated Transport:



Heavy Support:

Heavy Support Squad (7 X Missile Launchers)

Grave Warden Terminators (5 inc H. Flamer)

Spartan Assault Tank


Any advice appreciated.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Not sure if this is Thread Necromancy (14 days?) but it looks like you got left hanging.

I'm a noob, but an additional transport for your Terminatos wouldn't go amiss. As an organizational choice, having Mortarion run The Reaping Rite of War would move your Heavy Support and Veteran Tactical Squads to Troops, and that coupled with the Implacable Advance rule all of your Terminator units have would get you lots of scoring units (always a good thing). I'm not sure what you'd do with the PA command squad, other than a Fearless bubble from the banner (I think? I've never actually given them a second thought, unique Terminators are just too cool for me). I've heard putting Mortarion in a Transport with some Terminators (of whatever kind), having it move forward and disembark him in the movement phase, and then Shadow of the Reaper-ing a further 10" across the board and then Fleet assaulting an enemy unit puts him in the back field reaping souls and wreaking havoc early and often. Shenanigans, perhaps, but he's the Reaper: inexorable and inevitable. Shenanigans come with the territory. tongue.png

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I think that Brazentooth's suggestions are pretty good. I'd back it up by saying your army could really use some Deathshrouds, either converted or not. If you run the Praetor in Power Armour as a Chaplain instead, you can give him Rad Grenades if you are using The Reaping RoW and turn your whole unit into monsters. This is of course independent of Mortarion who is extremely mobile and in my opinion one of the best all-around Primarchs in the game.

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