Prot Posted February 23, 2016 Share Posted February 23, 2016 (edited) I know everyone comes here for pictures.... so I'll keep the babble short. + I'm starting this thread with one or two pictures from my finished 40K Ultramarines' projects of the last 12 or so months. + The pictures and content in this thread is derived of content entirely from my long term Ultramarines thread which includes Fiction Reviews, WIP's/Projects, and most importantly... lots of Batreps with several of the Formations. You can check that out here: +LINK+ + If all you're here for is the pics, what I've done is take essentially one or two pics from last year of painting my Ultramarines to kick off this thread. Then I hope to add more later. Some of these older pics show how I've evolved my scheme over the last 12 months.... my first tactical squad: The Big Boys: Centurions Then I bought this big box set.... for the limited Captain. I had to have it. (Turns out the Strike Force Ultra in the new codex is a lot of fun btw). And from that, came the start of the something bigger... Then had to do a generic Captain dude: LIbCon seemed like a good idea to add... some Librarians: The new Assault Squad box really sparked my motivation. As with most things I paint, I was very inspired by the Black Library portrayal of Chaplain Sentina from the Orath Mini-series of Space Marine books: This was my take on him: My Strike Force Ultra Limited Captain finally was re-touched, and completed: And a few months ago I decided to take the plunge and try to finish my Battle Company, starting with vehicles... ugh. Lots of vehicles: Here's a better shot of the Razorkbacks, with the Anti-Air Defense Force in the back: Coming up.... Part 2: Edited July 21, 2017 by Prot Konnavaer, Master Toddius, rossjk and 8 others 11 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prot Posted February 23, 2016 Author Share Posted February 23, 2016 Prot's Ultramarines: Part 2 The second half of the year I tried not to fade with my push to a full Battle Co. The Demi Co was rolling and many games were had, so I had the motivation. BUT I had to keep plugging away at foot soldiers, while doing the odd special interest piece for the army (even if it performed poorly on the table): So I made this push to get the Tacticals, Ironclad, and some Attack Bikes rolling: Time for a special interest piece! My Command Landraider: Bare with me a moment here.... As far as I'm concerned Dan Abnett completely turned Ultra-fiction as we know it, on it's back side, and gave it a much needed spanking. He gave me a ton of motivation in all of his Horus Heresy Ultramarine pieces, but one character in particular really grew on me; Aeonid Thiel. Nick Kyme's further treatment of Aeonid in Censure (and then Red Marked) was icing on the cake for me. I had to do my own "Aeonid" 40K variant... not a complete copy but a dude representing a dude, who seriously knew how to kill evil dudes. I came up with this: My "Aeonid" had a magnetized right arm so while his left clutches an ancient Gladius, his right could hold various weapons... Or simply..... Twist his blade like so.... ;P Srg. Aeonid get the big ride on date night: Next I attempted to actually finish as many of the Codex Astartes Auxiliaries I could (I had played nearly all, but aside from the Demi-Co, none aside from Anti Air Defense were complete): I present the 10th Co Auxiliary Formation: 10th Co provides spotting for.... an important part of Stormwing: Stormtalons: (as they embark on a top priority mission) The Mission? A late night Starbuck's run for Calgar... When I finally received my Invictarii Suzerain, I took the shields for use in my 1st Company formation which included these 10 Vanguard marines: Next: Part III: A push to the end of the year, ends with a mega-battle. Some pics of those pieces, and some 'action' shots. rossjk, Toxichobbit, Master Toddius and 9 others 12 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Race Bannon Posted February 23, 2016 Share Posted February 23, 2016 Wow! Â Amazing stuff here ^_^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prot Posted February 23, 2016 Author Share Posted February 23, 2016 (edited) Prot's Ultramarines: Part III: End of the year push, plus some fun stuff. So with 2 Stormtalons finally done, I took on a mamoth vehicle (I actually hate painting vehicles... I think it's the lack of personality). The Stormraven was needed to complete the Stormwing Auxiliary Formation: With the Stormtalons: Together again... for the first time: I also had to finish some characters I had put into a LOT of my games. Starting with Tigurius, the mighty psyker behind Librarius Conclave in so many of my games: And of course the "greatest swordmaster of Ultramar" Cato Sicarius (he's just so bad in game... it's really too bad). And Telion, the gateway to a cheap Astartes CAD! (I ended up redoing a lot of Sicarius, but mostly his head. I'll have to repost new pictures.) I play a LOT of the Knight game "Freeblade" on my ipad. So I wanted to do a Knight.... but I had one already... I needed inspiration: I couldn't afford the direct cost of Forgeworld books, and it was like Guilliman heard my pleas!!!! A guy was selling a new copy on Ebay in my country... I snapped it up: Book 5 of the Forgeworld Horus Saga: Conquest: I was super stoked to get this without all the duty costs.... and a great resource for an Ultra-nut. (Word Bearers too). I found a blue/light blue piece of artwork depicting an Emperor Class (?) TItan. This was the inspiration I needed for: Divinus Veridian (I even wrote some fluff for him): This time with my second Knight I was smart enough to magnetize him! Now together with his buddy from my Grey Knights: At year's end I pushed to finish some more stuff. We had a great Boxing Day Contest.... 24 hours to start AND finish a model! I entered my Strike Force Ultra Veteran Dreadnought and worked non-stop on him... BARELY finishing him at the deadline! I will end the year's additions with the way I started it.... Tacticals. I always need more. And this picture illustrates how far my 'blues' have evolved on my Ultramarines' scheme. I really like it now. They all look find to me but my blended brighter blues are a little more appealing and fun to do for me. Here's 13 Tacticals I finished just after the Dread: Some of the new stuff in Action: at 1850 points: Working with Wolves against the abhorrent Tau: Cleansing the galaxy, one green mushroom at a time: Librarius Conclave vs. a Necron Wraith army! (yes this was one of my many batreps from not too long ago. A basic Ultra DemiCo vs 10 Wraiths!) \ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Thank you for checking this out. That was my year in review of painted Ultramarines. (I could do a similar one for Grey Knights). It was a LOT of painting, and experimenting with the (at the time) new codex. I will continue to update my Ultramarine 'blog' in the Ultramarine's forum, but I plan to place finished pieces here and if you're interesting in my batreps and other Ultra pieces of interest, you can check that out in my Sig link. Otherwise hang out here, and I hope to keep updating this with finished stuff. As I write this I'm working on Calgar and Honour Guard. I have a few standard CAD pieces I never get to use as well... stuff like Thunderfire Cannons, etc. Thank you again for checking out this past year of my Ultra-efforts. Edited July 21, 2017 by Prot Grim Dog Studios, Imren, Kythnos and 9 others 12 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guiltysparc Posted February 23, 2016 Share Posted February 23, 2016 Looking good man! Â Question...which blues do you use? Â I use the ultramarine stack (Macragge, DrakenHoff, Altdorf, Calgar) for my 30k world eaters and i don't feel like i get nearly as must contrast as what i get with the red stack (mephiston, agrax, evil sunz, wild rider) i use on my KDK army or the contrast you have in your pictures. Prot 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grim Dog Studios Posted February 23, 2016 Share Posted February 23, 2016 These are some fantastic ultras man. That knight is absolutely stunning! Really like your Thiel conversion too! Prot 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
battle captain corpus Posted February 23, 2016 Share Posted February 23, 2016 Prot you're a true hobby inspiration to us all. It's such a relief to see a consistent effort to complete a goal! Mucho hobby envy! Â BCC Guiltysparc and Prot 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Schultzhoffen Posted February 24, 2016 Share Posted February 24, 2016 I have always loved your painting style - the Utramarines are no exception. Prot 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Master Toddius Posted February 24, 2016 Share Posted February 24, 2016 WOW. Beautifully done, man. An army to be very proud of. Prot 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prot Posted February 25, 2016 Author Share Posted February 25, 2016 Thank you very much guys. I really appreciate it. Â The sad part is that I restricted this post to finished items of course. But I just did an inventory of what I could add to my Ultramarines for the next year and the amount of 60-80% finished units/models was pretty surprising. Stuff like Thunderfires, 15 more terminators, Sternguard.... wow. I could have went even deeper with this project. Â This also happened in a year where I finished 1850+ of my Grey Knights, sold them, and restarted them! I burned out on painting my GK though especially since most of it is multiplication ad nauseam. Â My biggest problem with expanding my Ultramarines this year is I feel almost anything I paint won't really get playtime. I do play quite a bit so I need find something I'll really use to keep the torch lit. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
derLumpi Posted February 25, 2016 Share Posted February 25, 2016 You Sir are an inspiration for all Ultramarine players. Really great stuff! Prot 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Son of Carnelian Posted February 25, 2016 Share Posted February 25, 2016  Nick Kyme's further treatment of Aeonid in Censure (and then Red Marked) was icing on the cake for me. I had to do my own "Aeonid" 40K variant... not a complete copy but a dude representing a dude, who seriously knew how to kill evil dudes.   Great looking Ultramarines. I think it's interesting that your vehicles look more weathered than the troops, but I like it! Prot 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Carrick Posted February 25, 2016 Share Posted February 25, 2016 Really impressive quality and I just can't believe how prolific you are with your painting. Prot 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SickSix Posted February 25, 2016 Share Posted February 25, 2016 Beautiful smurfs. Great job. Love the simple clean style. Just the right amount of weathering on the vehicles. Prot 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prot Posted February 26, 2016 Author Share Posted February 26, 2016   Nick Kyme's further treatment of Aeonid in Censure (and then Red Marked) was icing on the cake for me. I had to do my own "Aeonid" 40K variant... not a complete copy but a dude representing a dude, who seriously knew how to kill evil dudes.   Great looking Ultramarines. I think it's interesting that your vehicles look more weathered than the troops, but I like it!   Wow. You're not gonna believe this but I was actually thinking of that scene, talking like that character, when I wrote that line. Too funny.  Really impressive quality and I just can't believe how prolific you are with your painting.  Prolific? Thank you, but I think it come from over a decade of painting some really bad armies. lol  It's funny how less restrictive I am now with my style. I used to spend a month on a few dudes, now I have time limits, and fluctuating recipes... it's much funner.  You Sir are an inspiration for all Ultramarine players. Really great stuff!  Very high praise! Thank you. :) Son of Carnelian 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
exetus Posted February 26, 2016 Share Posted February 26, 2016 I hate Smurfs! Â I absolutely hate them. Â And so I hate it when I see some like these and then I like them! Â I especially love the Stormraven... man, that's a sexy paint job. Â Beutiful work, Prot! Prot and SickSix 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prot Posted February 29, 2016 Author Share Posted February 29, 2016 Thanks for the motivation. I can't tell you the level of burnout I had on painting this army after a year solid of non-stop work. I did it to myself with the Grey Knights too (and I've almost done the full army twice now!) Â I have trouble adding to this army but I am actively working on it! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
That Guy Matt Posted March 3, 2016 Share Posted March 3, 2016 Looks like you had a very productive and impressive year. Â Well done. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Halandaar Posted March 4, 2016 Share Posted March 4, 2016 Excellent stuff, really inspiring! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prot Posted April 18, 2016 Author Share Posted April 18, 2016 Hey guys.... finally more finished stuff. Skipping the WIP part, and right to the meat and potatoes. I finally finished Solaq as an Ultramarines' captain. An update with a (finally) finished Solaq Captain done up on my Ultramarines colours. He really took too long mostly because I did not want to magnetize him and I really hate putting models together. So this slowed me down a ton but I refused to paint him up until I at least had his Shield, Hammer, and Back pack magnetized. I hope you like him. I think he turned out nicely. It's a great sculpt. As you can see I also managed to finish some heavy weapons and Apothecaries I had sitting around for a long time. Thanks for checking it out! Konnavaer, Raztalin, GrandMagnus and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SickSix Posted April 18, 2016 Share Posted April 18, 2016 Really nice job. They look great. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GrandMagnus Posted April 18, 2016 Share Posted April 18, 2016 Lovely! Beautiful Ultramarines. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deathspectersgt7 Posted April 18, 2016 Share Posted April 18, 2016 Those Apothecaries need more up close pics. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cpt. Lacerus Posted April 19, 2016 Share Posted April 19, 2016 Lovelyyyy. Need more close ups of everything. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Newtoncain Posted April 19, 2016 Share Posted April 19, 2016 Fantastic job on the smurfs. Need to see those B@C UM Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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