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Iron Hands Armoured Breakthrough


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Got HH6 retribution the week after pre order.  Since then ive been working on making an Armoured Breathrough force from the Iron Hands. Ive gone through at least 6-7 force changes so far.  Ive built 2 different list that im putting on here for consideration.


List 1
Legion Praetor [Cyber-familiar, Digital Lasers, Iron Halo, Paragon Blade, Tartaros Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter]
Master of the Legion [Armoured Breakthrough]
Legion Predator Strike Armoured Squadron
Legion Predator Tank [Heavy Bolters]
Legion Predator Tank [Heavy Bolters]
Legion Predator Strike Armoured Squadron
Legion Predator Tank [Heavy Bolters]
Legion Predator Tank [Heavy Bolters]
Legion Predator Strike Armoured Squadron
Legion Predator Tank [Heavy Bolters]
Legion Predator Tank [Heavy Bolters]
Legion Sicaran Battle Tank [Armoured Ceramite, Lascannons]
Legion Sicaran Battle Tank [Armoured Ceramite, Lascannons]
Legion Sicaran Battle Tank [Armoured Ceramite, Lascannons]
Legion Terminator Squad [Legion Terminator Sergeant, 8x Legion Terminators, Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon]
Legion Spartan Assault Tank [Armoured Ceramite, Auxiliary Drive, Flare Shield]
Legion Predator Strike Armoured Squadron
Legion Predator Tank [Armoured Ceramite, Executioner Plasma Cannon, Machine Spirit]
Legion Predator Tank [Armoured Ceramite, Magna-Melta Cannon]
Legion Predator Tank [Armoured Ceramite, Magna-Melta Cannon]
Legion Vindicator Siege Tank Squadron
Legion Vindicator Tank [Laser Destroyer Array, Machine Spirit]
Legion Vindicator Tank [Laser Destroyer Array]
Legion Vindicator Siege Tank Squadron
Legion Vindicator Tank [Laser Destroyer Array, Machine Spirit]
Legion Vindicator Tank [Laser Destroyer Array]


List 2

Legion Praetor [Cyber-familiar, Digital Lasers, Iron Halo, Mastercraft, Paragon Blade, Tartaros Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter]
Master of the Legion [Armoured Breakthrough]
Legion Predator Strike Armoured Squadron
Legion Predator Tank [Heavy Bolters]
Legion Predator Tank [Heavy Bolters]
Legion Predator Strike Armoured Squadron
Legion Predator Tank [Heavy Bolters]
Legion Predator Tank [Heavy Bolters]
Legion Predator Strike Armoured Squadron
Legion Predator Tank [Lascannons]
Legion Predator Tank [Lascannons]
Legion Sicaran Battle Tank [Armoured Ceramite, Lascannons]
Legion Sicaran Battle Tank [Armoured Ceramite, Lascannons]
Legion Sicaran Battle Tank [Armoured Ceramite, Lascannons]
Legion Terminator Squad [Legion Terminator Sergeant, 4x Legion Terminators, Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon]
Legion Spartan Assault Tank [Armoured Ceramite, Flare Shield]
Legion Javelin Attack Speeder Squadron [Legion Javelin Attack Speeder, Legion Javelin Attack Speeder]
Legion Javelin Attack Speeder Squadron [Legion Javelin Attack Speeder, Legion Javelin Attack Speeder]
Legion Predator Strike Armoured Squadron
Legion Predator Tank [Armoured Ceramite, Executioner Plasma Cannon]
Legion Predator Tank [Armoured Ceramite, Executioner Plasma Cannon]
Legion Vindicator Siege Tank Squadron
Legion Vindicator Tank [Laser Destroyer Array]
Legion Vindicator Tank [Laser Destroyer Array]
Legion Vindicator Siege Tank Squadron
Legion Vindicator Tank [Laser Destroyer Array]
Legion Vindicator Tank [Laser Destroyer Array]


Let me know what you think about either list and or any changes that should be made.

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I wonder if it isn't such a huge problem to throw another squad or two of infantry in the mix (and ones with impacible advance).  Your firepower is magnificent, but you lack many units that can score (probably a non-issue against nearly all enemy armies, but a RG or similar drop army would cause... problems).

If i was to run one of these I would probably choose the first one, but would drop two of the tanks to take a support squad in rhino to run a score an objective or two, and power of the machine spirit on a pred or two.

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This ROW has that boring factor built into it.  This is also probably one of the only ways ill build a legion list for HH.


on that note this is a 3rd list I was interested in playing.  Though I'm gonna take List one as my choice.


list 3


Legion Praetor [Cyber-familiar, Digital Lasers, Iron Halo, Paragon Blade, Tartaros Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter]
Master of the Legion [Armoured Breakthrough]
Legion Predator Strike Armoured Squadron
Legion Predator Tank [Heavy Bolters]
Legion Predator Tank [Heavy Bolters]
Legion Predator Strike Armoured Squadron
Legion Predator Tank [Heavy Bolters]
Legion Predator Tank [Heavy Bolters]
Legion Predator Strike Armoured Squadron
Legion Predator Tank [Heavy Bolters]
Legion Predator Tank [Heavy Bolters]
Legion Sicaran Battle Tank [Armoured Ceramite, Lascannons]
Legion Sicaran Battle Tank [Armoured Ceramite, Lascannons]
Legion Sicaran Battle Tank [Armoured Ceramite, Lascannons]
Legion Terminator Squad [2x Chainfist, 6x Legion Terminators, Tartaros Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon]
Legion Spartan Assault Tank [Armoured Ceramite, Flare Shield]
Legion Terminator Sergeant [Cyber-familiar]
Heavy Support
Sicaran Venator Tank Destroyer [Armoured Ceramite]
Sicaran Venator Tank Destroyer [Armoured Ceramite]
Sicaran Venator Tank Destroyer [Armoured Ceramite]
Lord of War
Legion Typhon Heavy Siege Tank [Armoured Ceramite, Lascannons]
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... but you lack many units that can score ...

There's six scoring Predators plus one scoring unit of Terminators in either list. Should be enough I think.


On a personal level I believe it's an overwhelmingly boring list to play against (and probably to play with after a while), but to each their own.

I was under the impression that in 30k no vehicles could score? If they can then you're good.
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... but you lack many units that can score ...

There's six scoring Predators plus one scoring unit of Terminators in either list. Should be enough I think.


On a personal level I believe it's an overwhelmingly boring list to play against (and probably to play with after a while), but to each their own.

I was under the impression that in 30k no vehicles could score? If they can then you're good.


In horus heresy, only troops choices can score; however, a unit from another slot can score if they implacable advance (i.e. legion terminators). In the armoured breakthrough RoW, stock predators become compulsory troops choices, meaning they can score by virtue of being troops.

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I'd be tempted to give the Troops Predators Blessed Autosimulacra if you can scrounge the points up from somewhere. Scoring Tanks with pseudo-IWND (6+)? Sounds good to me! I also believe in Lascannon sponsons all-round. Heavy bolters just don't cut it for me against power armour, though you do have a lot.


I don't think you said how many pts this would be, btw?

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I'd be tempted to give the Troops Predators Blessed Autosimulacra if you can scrounge the points up from somewhere. Scoring Tanks with pseudo-IWND (6+)? Sounds good to me! I also believe in Lascannon sponsons all-round. Heavy bolters just don't cut it for me against power armour, though you do have a lot.


I don't think you said how many pts this would be, btw?

I added everything up, it's roughly 3000 pts.

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Some of my opinions on this ROW. (Using List 1)


1. All the Preds gain the Fast special rule allowing them to move 6 and Dakka Dakka Dakka.

2.  Troop preds are straight forward. Objectives and Killing anything not a 2+ via volume of fire.

3. Vindi's plan is to station themselves in Fire lanes allowing them to hopefully turns 1,2 to be able to fire 3 shots each.

4. The Heavy support Preds I planned to straight up move 12 and fire with the executioner either supporting the melta's or Splitting off to reduce 2+ save units.

5. Sicaran's are the Utility infielders, able to reduce medium armour and infantry both.

6. Kept the terminators pretty basic other than Axe's to Help the Praetor against any infantry death stars.

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I like this ROW, and I was playing around with it last night. It's tough to make an interesting list and not have it be spammy. I love love love that stock predators are troops as it avoids the 'troop tax' that we see sometimes in 30k. It's worth noting that 'troop' predators need to have their Predator autocannons, but you're free to change around the sponsons if desired and you can do whatever you want with the pintle-mounted weapons.


I think I would try to change things around a bit, if only to make painting (and possibly playing with/against) such a list more interesting. I like executioners, the venators, and LD vindicators. I am tempted to throw in a flyer into my list just for the rule of cool. It's also interesting that you need to have a praetor in the list, which forces you to either include a Spartan (and likely terminators with it) or throw him on a bike of some sort. Seems a little out of place, but it all can work out I suppose. 


As for your list, I think you need to make a sicaran or a predator into your free HQ for the bonus +1BS. Three venators might be too excessive in my opinion, and I'd look at switching out one perhaps for another Sicaran or something more interesting to paint/play.


I hope you craft this list though! Should be awesome!

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