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Found 13 results

  1. +++ Alright Tread-heads, show us your completed Tanks +++
  2. Sword 'n' Steel is a well known, respected and highly recommendable, YouTube channel dedicated to wargames and modelling, specially Warhammer 40K. This video is really interesting, because is how to assembly and magnetization of the new plastic Malcador tank. i think it can be very helpful and inspiring.
  3. EDIT: due to the B&C going down during the ETL some posts with updates were lost, chiefly the Vendetta ones. They have since been re-uploaded to page three. As promised, here is my ETL WIP topic (source vow). It was nice to have a free weekend (and I was only slightly hungover on Saturday) so I've managed to get quite a lot done (praise the Omnissiah). Here are four of the tanks, dry assembled for completeness: This is the state of the Vendetta, somewhat less to show despite the time spent on it but it is definitely a kit to assemble and paint in parts. That's not to mention the occasional questionable nature of the instructions and kit... Anyway, just another quick picture to prove my start I get the feeling maybe I'm missing a step by doing models from scratch but I reckon I've caught up nicely now. If you're wondering where the other Chimera is she's currently drying from the undercoat. Like the Hellhound she's an old school model, it was a nice bit of nostalgia at first but quickly wore off after what felt like the 100th wheel I've elected to magnetise the models too, so there's technically also a Hellhound/Bane Wolf and Demolisher/Punisher too (maybe I should have decided sooner, my vow is missing out on a whole 10 points! ). Some of the GS holding the magnets is still curing so I'll take some pictures of them and the missing Chimera when I next get the chance. I'm also planning on magnetising the Vendetta, which will be using the Forge World upgrade kit.
  4. So I've been contemplating buying super heavy for my mechanized company for quite some time now and I have problem choosing which one to build. In my local gaming group, no one used Baneblades in 8th ed so I don't have much to go by. What are your opinions guys? Which ones are generally more effective cost wise (you know with "regular" Baneblade being about 50 points more)?
  5. From the album: CFH's Iron Warriors

    At last an Update! Amongst my many projects lately, has been a big push to get a proper army battle ready for games with the local HH:AOD:30K group. My Land Raider Achilles! I look forward to how Aggravating this tank may very well prove to be for the enemy! Also, I obviously had some camera focus issues. my Cellphone no longer recognizes that it has a camera... so I had to use my son's Amazon Fire tablet. It is a handy device, but it's camera is far from ideal
  6. From the album: CFH's Iron Warriors

    At last an Update! Amongst my many projects lately, has been a big push to get a proper army battle ready for games with the local HH:AOD:30K group. The lead tank from the Vindicator squadron. I figured having a marine looking out of the hatch and some extra communication gear would represent that well enough (other than with paint, which will be sussed out in the near future. Also, I obviously had some camera focus issues. my Cellphone no longer recognizes that it has a camera... so I had to use my son's Amazon Fire tablet. It is a handy device, but it's camera is far from ideal
  7. From the album: CFH's Iron Warriors

    At last an Update! Amongst my many projects lately, has been a big push to get a proper army battle ready for games with the local HH:AOD:30K group. My Spartan! Such a great tank! Also, I obviously had some camera focus issues. my Cellphone no longer recognizes that it has a camera... so I had to use my son's Amazon Fire tablet. It is a handy device, but it's camera is far from ideal
  8. From the album: CFH's Iron Warriors

    At last an Update! Amongst my many projects lately, has been a big push to get a proper army battle ready for games with the local HH:AOD:30K group. Forgive the shine on the Vindicator in the middle of the shot as I had only just primed it. Also, I obviously had some camera focus issues. my Cellphone no longer recognizes that it has a camera... so I had to use my son's Amazon Fire tablet. It is a handy device, but it's camera is far from ideal
  9. From the album: CFH's Iron Warriors

    At last an Update! Amongst my many projects lately, has been a big push to get a proper army battle ready for games with the local HH:AOD:30K group. Forgive the shine on the Vindicator in the middle of the shot as I had only just primed it. Also, I obviously had some camera focus issues. my Cellphone no longer recognizes that it has a camera... so I had to use my son's Amazon Fire tablet. It is a handy device, but it's camera is far from ideal
  10. Hey guys, hope you are doing well in these times. Right now, I am agonizing over what I can use to build some outriggers for some SM whirlwinds. Ever since I saw the Stalker/Hunter tanks, I fell completely in love with its hydraulic suspension things and wanted to have those on my artillery tanks as well, buuuut buying Stalker/Hunter chassis for all Whirlwinds gets pricey relatively fast. Soo, my question: anyone got any ideas on how to build some outriggers for SM tanks? Either those from the Stalker/Hunter kit or something like modern cranes have. Cheers!
  11. Hi all. I usually live over in the BL forum, but I guess the time is right to start another project log doomed to failure and dwindle away in ignominy. I like tanks. I’m awful- I’ve probably more unassembled models than painted, and certainly more unpainted than painted. An all-tank IG army has been by slightly secret dream since 2nd edition; my hoarding of the models for it started in 6th edition. Two years ago I started building it, even painted some (I think my plog survived the recent purge, maybe it didn’t), and then life got in the way. Since then, I built some, bought even more. I realise I’ve not played a game for almost 20 years, and as things stand, probably won’t for a while yet, if ever- it’s probably not a competitive army, and I’ve glued all of the parts that could be swapped round in order to stick with in accordance with the premise of Stillmania, which still resonates from an old WD article by Nigel Stillman- basically, WSIWYG and don’t change a list once it’s written. I have a kernel of fluff brewing in my head as I build for them. Known also as the “Ash Wasters”, the 225th Necromundan Armoured Division specialise, incongruously, perhaps in desert and urban warfare. Trained in the great ash wastes of their homeworld and drawing their recruits from both the inhabitants of the hives and also the clans that wander between those settlements their combined experiences of hostile environments lend them well to both types of battlefront. The division is relatively egalitarian for the Astra Militarum; it recognises that it can be more effective if it play some to the strength of the individual and the two cohorts are incredibly integrated- loyalty to house, gang or clan is obviously subsumed by loyalty to the regiment; a vehicle may be crewed by any mix of nomad clansmen, underhive gangers, uphive nobility or any social strata between them existing in relative harmony. The 225’s uniform reflects this- largely it is standard Cadian pattern, though some aspects of it reflect the combined Necromundan heritages of the recruits. As tankers, there is a fair bit of individual leeway with, for instance, some personal armour being removed for ease of movement within confined spaces, giving some aspects of them a slightly dishevelled non-uniform appearance. Some members of the regiment swear by their helmets and head protection, and won’t venture out of their vehicles without it, others resent the valuable space it takes up inside their tanks and the way it messes up their hair. The Ash Wasters are further divided into four loose companies, always deployed in the same theatre and often the same battlefield. Twelve Leman Russ form a company. These are all built, and as things stand have a tank commander in an Executioner (? The plasma one), whose squad is rounded out by two of the autocannon variants, there are also 3 demolishers, 3 punishers and 3 standard russes. I’m sorely tempted to add more, especially bearing in mind the pending price rise, but intend to stay strong and resist. I’m due to receive next week a further russ which I’ll be kitbashing into an Atlas, and also turning the turret into another command tank option- maybe the fancy hammer one iceman heard talk of from the most recent supplement. The next company is a scout one. It mainly consists of sentinels- I’ve got 9 built so far (3x heavy flamer, 3x autocannon, 3x missile launcher) and I’ve also got an idea for a ‘command’ variant with plasma cannon, maybe with the commander doing some leadership (ie pointing and shouting, maybe waving a flag) out of the hatch. I’m midway through kitbashing a ridgerunner to be their ‘support’ vehicle, not sure if it would count as a tauros of another sentinel if I played, but it’s a really satisfying kit to build. This company is also where the veteran infantry ‘belong’- shotgun veterans, made from enforcers mounted in a heavily laden taurox, another really pleasing kit. The third section is the artillery one. Three basilisks, three wyverns and two taurox repurposed as manticores and a kitbashed Trojan. Will shortly be joined by a deathstrike because I’m a sucker for overkill. Finally, the super-heavies. I’ve built three Baneblades, and have three unbuilt- they’ll likely all be Shadowsords, but I’m mighty tempted to build at least one of the variants with the troop compartment. They already have one kitbashed salamander to support them, but the components for a second are inbound. I’ve also two chimeras and I’m torn between nominally filling these with sniper squads or regular infantry. The visable crew and infantry I have built for this army are a mix of Cadian and Orlock parts, though I have a mountain of metal Cadians and Tallarns that could be used here. All this text, and no pictures? I’m an awful tease. Tomorrow, hopefully.
  12. Hi all Been slowly plugging away on some projects. Not taken much in the way of WIP photos, but I finished these up recently. Until I get some better photos, here is a recently completed Vindicator, Ball Predator and Dreadnought 141486358_736556236991467_1562506913971481058_n by Stuart Barker, on Flickr
  13. Xenith


    From the album: Eldar

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