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Write for Black Library


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If it makes you feel any better I had to resubmit after the deadline, and due to their shoddy system I was placed at the very back of the queue for it.

So at least you're not last ;)

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Got my rejection, not at all surprised considering it was very last minute by me using a sample from several years back.


Mind you, I wouldn't have been surprised if it was new work either haha. My vision of 40k and space marines doesn't seem to mesh all that well with what they want to publish, and that is without taking into account the fact that I may well just not be good enough for them.


Anyway, back to my novel. 40k would be a fun aside, but it's not going to pay the bills.


To anyone else who got rejected, chin up guys and girls. If you want to be a professional writer, you're going to get knocked back a lot, particularly if you're submitting to slush like with the way BL does their submissions. I'm actually super impressed they are responding to everyone at all, never mind so fast.


Keep writing, write outside of GW properties, get yourself published anywhere you can, and one day you may well be telling them what you want to write for them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

3 months on and no reply, not sure if i'm the last still holding out but I think it's safe to say Black Library have already made their decisions.

Best of luck to those who made it through! Let us know how it goes, I'd love to get some perspective of what it's like on the other side biggrin.png

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3 months on and no reply, not sure if i'm the last still holding out but I think it's safe to say Black Library have already made their decisions.

Best of luck to those who made it through! Let us know how it goes, I'd love to get some perspective of what it's like on the other side biggrin.png

You're not the last waiting. smile.png I did submit on the final day, and have heard nothing.

Likewise, all the best to those who've been successful! Have they made a start on the second round yet? (If you're able and allowed to say that is.)

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Same here. I'm resigned to assuming I never will now. It would have been nice for them ro have made a statement on their sire or on their FB page saying that the read throughs are over. Oh well...
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Got my rejection but only after I politely asked if they had received my submission.


They couldn't find it at first then 5 minutes later I get a rejection.


Not impressed. Don't even think they read it.

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Got my rejection last week while on vacation. I didn't have access to e-mail, so I didn't see it until yesterday. It was almost 2 months on the dot from my submission. While I hope they read it, I get the feeling they had already got what they wanted and just cut the rest off. I don't blame them, as they probably had a ton of stuff to look over. I'll polish my stuff up so in the future I can be on the leading edge of submissions. 

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Yep, good luck folks, it's how I got writing for BL. Also, fun fact - contrary to tales about the hopelessness of the submission window, almost half of BL's current writers landed the gig via just such a method of entry. 

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Rejected, but it wasn't my best work so I'm not surprised.


I'll be trying again though...

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Got my rejection but only after I politely asked if they had received my submission.


They couldn't find it at first then 5 minutes later I get a rejection.


Not impressed. Don't even think they read it.


If it's any consolation, dude, they almost certainly did. BL has been crying out for authors in the last 12 months, with various veterans doing less/nothing at all/moving on. A lot of new names are showing up and/or will show up in the mix, which is always all to the good.


This route may not be the best or most reliable way to get into writing 40K (that'd be getting published elsewhere and coming to BL with passion for the setting), but nothing ventured, nothing gained, and when they run these events lately, it's out of need. There's no benefit to organising it and then not reading entries.

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I know alot of folk are still getting rejection letters, there is a interesting interview about this on the latest independent characters podcast. 


Was quite interesting. 


I'll second this. Lots of good advice for people submitting work to Black Library, absolutely worth a listen.

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