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2K Blood Angels Day Of Revelation List For 30k Campaign


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HQ (675)
Blade of Perdition, Inferno Pistol, Jump Pack, Artificer Armour, Refractor Field, Melta Bombs

Legion Preator
Blade Of Perdition, Jump Pack, Archeotech Pistol, Iron Halo, Melta Bombs, Digital Lasers
Master Of The Legion: Day Of Revelation

Command Squad
5 Members, Jump Packs, 4 Power Swords, Power Fist (on Banner), Melta Bombs, 5 Combat Shields

Elites (240)

Contemptor Cortus
Additional Close Combat Weapon, Chainfist, 2 Ilastus Assault Cannons
Dreadnought Drop Pod

Troops (610)

Assault Squad
9 Assault Marines, 2 Power Swords
Sgt W/ Power Axe, Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Hand Flamer

Assault Squad
9 Assault Marines, 2 Power Swords
Sgt W/ Power Axe, Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Hand Flamer

Fast Attack (210)

Land Speeder
3 Speeders, Iliastus Assault Cannon, Havoc Launcher

Heavy Support (290)
Predator Squadron
1 Predator, Twin Linked Assault Cannon, Assault Cannon Sponsons, Armoured Ceramite, Machine Spirit
Predator Squadron
1 Predator, Twin Linked Assault Cannon, Assault Cannon Sponsons, Armoured Ceramite, Machine Spirit
For tactics I will be going for threat saturation by deep striking as many of my units close to the enemy as possible and attempting to make him/her panic and make mistakes, the command squad will escort the chaplain and preator and they will attempt to hack down any deathstars while also joining up with the contemptor to carve up any high AV that i may come across. The predators and land speeders will be running anti infantry and light vehicle as well as providing another source of pressure on my opponent. the assault marines are there to fill any gaps, both hunting down infantry on objectives as well as acting as emergency anti vehicle in a pinch.
So there's the list and what i plan on doing with it, please leave any comments you have and i will respond asap.
(P.S. i also have a spare 25 points that i don't know where to spend, any advice on that would be appreciated)
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I think you're really going to struggle against heavy armour. 1 chainfist Dreadnought won't be enough to deal with multiple AV14 targets.


Armoured ceramite on the Predators is not really worth it. S8 is going to ruin them, with or without the melta bonus.


Why don't you change the Landspeeders to an anti-armour unit? Graviton guns are great, and they cost the same as havoc launchers. 1 Haywire Blast and 4 Rending shots each will be pretty useful! :)

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355 pts. in  HQ choices might be a tad excessive at this points level.

Go for a lone Praetor or a combination of Chaplain and a (cheaper) Delegatus maybe ? You're not using a Paragon Blade anyways, so might as well go for two cheaper characters w. Blades of Perdition. That Inferno Pistol is really really expensive and doesn't seem to be worth it on the melee-oriented Chaplain.


I don't rate Command Squads very highly, the 6'' bubble isn't worth it IMHO.


You have only 2 (quite expensive) scoring units in 2.000 pts. That's not exactly much.


Whilst ultimately fluffy, Hand Flamers are rather pricey. They could work well though in conjunction with 'Opening of the Seal'. Therefore I like the idea.


Graviton or Meltas on the speeders seems like a better choice.


Also, like Caillum said, you might want to keep the Predators a little cheaper and maybe find some more anti-armour options for your list.

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355 pts. in  HQ choices might be a tad excessive at this points level.

Go for a lone Praetor or a combination of Chaplain and a (cheaper) Delegatus maybe ? You're not using a Paragon Blade anyways, so might as well go for two cheaper characters w. Blades of Perdition. That Inferno Pistol is really really expensive and doesn't seem to be worth it on the melee-oriented Chaplain.


I don't rate Command Squads very highly, the 6'' bubble isn't worth it IMHO.


You have only 2 (quite expensive) scoring units in 2.000 pts. That's not exactly much.


Whilst ultimately fluffy, Hand Flamers are rather pricey. They could work well though in conjunction with 'Opening of the Seal'. Therefore I like the idea.


Graviton or Meltas on the speeders seems like a better choice.


Also, like Caillum said, you might want to keep the Predators a little cheaper and maybe find some more anti-armour options for your list.

i have actually decided to take out the preds and 2 speeders in favour of a recon squad with vox and some bikers with meltabombs. i also gave the speeder grav gun and gave the dred two built in grav guns to up the AT.

this is partially to give a little more anti armours while also allowing for more accurate deep strikes which will allow for a more effective como of dredpod shrouded and the rites deepstrike cover save

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agree with the you could probably drop the Archeotech & inferno pistols from your HQ, the Paragon blade is also the better option for your praetor too.


Otherwise like the list, you'll probably have another 100 or so points when the Crusade list gets updated and the rumoured assault squad point drop eventuates!

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