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ETL V-Call to Arms


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The time is nearly upon us for ETL V. For the past two years I've been involved in the previous ETL's the guard have more than done themselves proud. So after some soul searching I'm avoiding the lure of the AoD forum and my BA successor chapter and pledging again this year for the guard.


As for what I'm going to vow....well unfortunately don't have any stormhammers, baneblades or Knights in my paint queue. But I have the following:


3 inf squads

2 melta vets

1 mortar team

1 LC team



Not point heavy I know, but I intend on completing what I vow.

So who's in the grand endeavour this year and what can you bring to the party?

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I suppose it's as good a time as any to pitch in. I dug through the ol' Guard reserves awaiting painting, and there's plenty for me to be doing, including:


- Vendetta Gunship,

- Vulture Gunship,

- Avenger Gunship,

- A mix of Devlidogs, Leman Russes and suchlike,

- Many, many Infantry,


Not as big as my contribution last year, but I reckon I can help out a bit while trimming the pile of models awaiting painting. :)

Well, I have always supported the Guard since the second ETL, hopefully this is the year we reach that 100 percent line. So I'll take a brake from fielding and painting FoW and WM to paint what I have which is:


2-5 Priests

At least 2 Infantry squads

2 HW teams(to be mixed in with the squads)

Probably something else, depends what I find in the plastic pile, I want to say some Sentinels but we'll see.

Ahh... the Guard! The workhorse of the IFOR faction. Last year you guys lost second place to HH for something like 500pts... Can you reverse this, this year or better yet come to the top? Don't forget the high completion rate may make up for luck of huge amount of pledged points.

Last year there was also an... informal competition with the AdMech. That will be fun to watch again this year. smile.png

Yup, it's a yearly painting competition that runs for a couple of months or so. You pledge to support a single Faction, (Guard, Ad Mech, Dark Angels, etc.) You then make a vow to paint stuff, and paint it before the deadline. You can then re-vow additional things to paint.


Important aspect is to only vow what you can deliver on, because failing one is failing all the others. Additionally, the overall percentage of completed vows vs vows pledged affects the final score, so a smaller, more dedicated faction can get the leg-up on factions that have more vows, but less of them actually get finished. :)

It's good to see the Hammer of the Emperor finally mobilising. I was starting to worry you'd all used your fire last year.




Typical Imperium bureaucracy: slow to get going but when they finally do you'd better get out of the way.

Quick silly question. I have joined recently on the ost few months, is this ETL like the campaign vow for painting? If so I have a bunch of stuff to vow.


The ETL is a yearly painting event that lasts for three months. It pits forum against forum and people are invited to paint legal units from their respective Codices (or associated army lists). The units should be WYSIWYG and are awarded points equal to their points cost in the relevant list. The faction with the highest point-count is the ETL Champion of the year. 


Feel free to visit the previous years' events that can be found here: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/280474-official-events-archive/


Feel free to ask questions - I or other ETL veterans will be more than happy to answer! :)

It's good to see the Hammer of the Emperor finally mobilising. I was starting to worry you'd all used your fire last year.


Nonsense! While the others frantically rush around in desperation His Guard need no such frivolity. Under the benevolent guidance of the commissariat all is in hand, as it always will be.

Once more the ETL is coming, let the barracks show all that quality has a quantity all of its own as we do each year! To your painting stations comrades, let no model be left behind! Remember; the ETL is about the hobby and clearing your decks. It is the kick up the arse you need to finish that model you've been putting off, the motivation for that last squad. Paint well and paint promptly but try and push yourself to do something new, something better than before.

I am once more looking at my Knight - what better opportunity than the ETL to leap into the unknown? I've also got some Bullgryns that I want to do smile.png

Onwards to glory comrades! Let us remind our foes of that creeping chill they feel when they hear the thunder of our tanks and the rumble of countless boots in step...


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