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Pre ETL Fun: Who is Cypher? Build comp, Winner announced!

Dantay VI

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Pre-ETL fun.


The hunt .

“You seem to be far from home, Angel. Why are you skulking in the domain of Wolves?”

“We are here on the Emperors business Wolf. I demand you step aside and leave us to it?”

The Wolf Lord glared at the interloper through the viewscreen of the Scraemeseax

“We are all on the Emperors business. For that is why we were created, is it not? Once again I ask you. Why are you here?”

The Dark Angel, aboard the Lions Wrath, returned the Wolfs glare with a steely look of his own

“I do not answer to you, I travel under the orders of Grand Master Azrael. Now stop this charade and allow us past, so that we can do what we have been tasked to do.”

“And I act on the orders of the Great Wolf!!" retorted Finvid Alreker

"These are dark days, Angel. Much has happened & much has changed. It is now becoming harder to tell brother from traitor and there are many knives at out our back, in the dark, Angel.

You are avoiding my question like an Eldar would dodge a bolt-round. So why should we trust you, when you give us no reason to.

For the last time… You have entered the realm of the Wolves, unannounced and uninvited. What is your business here in the Great Wolfs domain?”

The Dark Angel bowed his cowled head, as if in deep thought, this was not going as smoothly as he had hoped.

In a terse voice came the Angels reply.

“We were in the neighbouring sector, quelling a minor rebellion. We had completed our task when word reached us of further insurrection in this area. We simply came to offer our support Not to be held at gunpoint by brother Astartes.”

The Wolf’s face cracked into a full smile.

“See, now that was not so difficult was it? We have a few minor issues on Frostmourne. Someone has been stirring up the clans. A man of unknown provenance, wearing black power armour. Undoubtedly a Space Marine, he is an expert with his pistols. So much so, he has yet to draw his great sword and use it in defence of himself. So far he has evaded all attempts at capture, blasting clear with bolt & sun fire. His face is masked, so we cannot identify him, but he is a great warrior. It will bring me much honour in the Aett when I have hunted him down”

Captain Sempers blood ran cold as he heard the description of the warrior, it could only be the one he has been chasing all these long years across the galaxy.

Mastering his resolve he replied smoothly.

“It would be an honour to hunt alongside your warriors & bring this unrest to a quick resolution, our Ravenwing are swift & deadly they could assist in running the quarry to ground allowing you to make the kill”

Finvid's smile suddenly turned dangerous

“Kill? No, no. You misunderstand me Angel. I intend to take this one alive!

You are welcome to tag along though and watch how a real hunt is conducted”

“My thanks, Jarl. We will be ready to join you momentarily”

As communications were cut, the Captain turned to the black clad warrior on his left.

"Javert, ready the Ravenwing. As soon as you are able, make for Frostmourne & secure the prize. Let none stand in your path, leave no witnesses.”

“By your will Lord”

On the bridge of Scraemesaeax Finvid Alreker, turns to his hearthguard.

“He hides his face like the man we seek. There is more happening here than he is willing to share. This reeks of deception.

Get the Lokyar ready and have them track the Angels. I wish to see why they are really here”


Okay, so we are still a few weeks away from commencing the ETL & we thought we could have a little fun and see if we could start getting the creative juices flowing.

To this end we thought we could run a wee competition to create a model that is from outside the Space Wolves ranks, but can still be included in your ETL vow smile.png

Cypher: The fallen Angel


So the competition is for each person to create their own version of Cypher.

Guidelines for the model are:

1. Must be in power armour

2. Must be wielding 2 pistols, 1 a bolt pistol, the other a plasma pistol

3. Must be carrying a sword (the true Cypher carries the fabled Lion sword)

4. His face must be concealed You can use a helmet, a cowl, robed hood or mask. Cypher is unidentifiable and is only known by his signature weapons.

Guidelines for the competition are:

1. Two pictures minimum, 1 pre build and 1 post build, as evidence that you aren’t using a pre-made model. You can post as many WIP pictures as you like, in fact I would encourage it, so we can see how you progress.

2. Competition runs from now until 1st May.

3. Your Cypher may remain unpainted until the ETL commences.

Cypher can legally be used by the Space Wolves, so you can vow him if you so wish, as 190 points for 1 model is not to be sniffed at biggrin.png

The more imaginative the better. You guys will be your own judges, so we will set up a poll of completed Cyphers and you can all vote for your favourite smile.png

Good luck & Have fun!!


The Completed Entries







Does it HAVE to LOOK like it is THE Cypher? (= green, robe-wearing, with pesky "sword" symbols everywhere...)
Or just a "counts-as Cypher" or rather a Cypher hiding that he is Cypher, because he is Cypher, so he poses as someone else than Cypher, even though he can't deny his characteristic load-out character?
Sorry if it's in the text and I didn't properly get it... my brain is overloaded right now.

This is a counts as Cypher. So in game he will use the Cypher rules


He is a mysterious stranger, rabble rouser someon hunted by the Unforgiven.


His face should be concealed, and using a bolt pistol& plasma pistol. He should also be carrying a sheathed sword


It is up to you as to how much you DA him, but I would say do not go too chapter specific (BA BT or SW) incase it invalidates him as Cypher)

First idea was giving him a "clean" armor, nothing that could point to any chapter specifically (somewhat like Blackshields), and maybe a paintjob somewhere in between 30k Dark Angels (Black, Silver, Red = My brother's Dark Vengeance Dark Angel Paint scheme) and 30k Space Wolves (Metallic grey = so it can blend in with my Space Wolves).
Maybe it is Cypher's Sunday Armor. For special occasions and when he doesn't want to be followed by the Lion's cubs EVERY step of the way...

I KNOW I have bits for this endeavor but they are packed away somewhere in my mess of hobby kits/bits/and otherwise unorganized "stuff". Most likely won't be able to meet the deadline for this.

I AM looking forward to what you all come up with though! msn-wink.gif

Bits on order :D No idea how I will paint him, do have a name for a counts as. There is a character in the Long Ships named Spjalle. He travels with his masters sword bound to his leg. Tasked with delivering the sword to his master's heir, he travels in disguise with three companions. In the book these tgree are two jesters and a fallen priest. Their story is too long to share any clips of it unfortunately. Should have the bits to start in a week.

A cameo for him would be cool.


After helping Abaddon by drawing the DA to the Caliban sector in the black Crusades. I could well imaging him getting involved. By drawing all this power to Fenris, the Dark Angels will have left large gaps in the Imperiums defences, which could again be exploited by Abaddon 

Frostmourne - in high orbit...


- The Ravenwing stands ready 10th Master!

- Very well Javert. Now let's follow the Scraemeseax's signature - we must not lose sight...

- I see you called for Adramelech my lord, said Javert pointing to the bulky ash-white Terminator Sergeant standing silently in the shadow.

- Indeed. We may need to... intervene immediately when our target is finally spotted.

- Well I bear bad news then my lord. It appears the target is trying to disorient us. We already have a number of similar sightings across the sector - it is obvious our... adversary is using all his cunning to throw us off.

The vox broke the silence.

- What's the matter Semper? Have you missed me already? Or are you afraid of the dark... Dark Angel? hahaha!!!

Captain Semper cursed to have been spotted again so soon by the Scraemeseax. Overcoming his urge to reprimand the Space Wolf for his casual tone (as if it would make any difference) he responded as indifferently as he could:

- We are in this together remember Jarl Finvid Alreker? I wouldn't want you to get in more trouble than you can handle... And it's Captain Semper!

- Me? more trouble than... HAHAHA! You are a shrewd one Dark Angel, but you do not fool me. You are in Space Wolves' territory now and you should keep up with our ways. Who ever gets the prize first gets to keep it! Now if you're going to shadow me as clumsily as you are already doing we may as well travel together. That way I can keep an eye on you! But try to sneak up again on me and I will deliver the Emperor's mercy on you! Do you understand Captain Semper?

- I understand. Lion's Wrath out.

- So they want to keep an eye on us? That's convenient.

- Too convenient Javert. We need to be ready. In no way must they come close to our... target. If they do, they must be neutralised at once!

- AND SO THEY SHALL! Adremelech spoke for the first time loading his storm bolter with the characteristic click.


This sounds like serious fun guys. As it happens I owe the Chaos team a Cypher myself. So I'll gladly take part in this! biggrin.png

RikuEru, the clean black armour sounds perfect afterall, nobody he encounters knows his real identity or where he came from, certainly not outside the traitor legions and the DArk Angels themselves.


So your idea is that he has stripped himself of all and is now a wanderer.


Kassill, do not worry about the deadline.... Build your Cypher anyway. I would prefer that you made your "Cypher" and did it how you wanted even if it over-runs, rather than not do it at all. Unleash your creative beast!!


Rift Blade, look forward to seeing what you come up with. Remeber what Yoda said " Do, or do not, there is no try" :p


Maverik. I am relishing being able to see what you have up your sleeve!


Vykryl, sounds like your Cypher has surrounded himself with fallen, they would be a mighty prize should the Dark Angels lay their hands on him. Sounds like yo need to make a small wolf guard unit to accompany him ;)

Suppose I could build a Cypher force in time. Spjalle as Cypher, with his 3 companions each leading a squad of Chosen. Rainald the fallen priest, definitely fits the turncoat leading a band of renegades idea. Felimid and Ferdiad are wandering as they've lost their last 3 masters, 2 in battle, 1 to their own talents. Will take more planning than a few minutes on ebay ;) And I have spent enough on toys this week.

Anselneo. Legend has it yhat sword carried by Cypher is the fabled Lion sword. The weapon used by Lion el Jonson homself when fighting Luther.

The legend also states that Cyphrr is making his way to Terra.

Nobody knows if his intention is to use the Lion Sword to slay the Emperor or if he will lay it at the feet of yhe Emperor to gain forgiveness/ redemption for himself & the Fallen.


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