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2000 points Iron Warriors Fury of the Ancients all Dreads


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So I love building and painting Contemptors. I love their design, all the 30k Dreads are super awesome to me. Low and behold came a Rite of War that lets me run them as troops, so I tried to make up a list for it. 


I'd like to know if this seems playable or just silly.



Centurion, Primus Medicae, Artificer armour


Centurion, Forge Lord, Cloaking Array, Cataphractii Armour




Contemptor Talon (Long range)

Contemptor Dread Heavy Conversion Beamer, Plasma Cannon

Contemptor Dread 2x TL Autocannon


Contemptor Talon (mid to cc)

Contemptor Dread Havoc Launcher, TL Volkite Culverin, CC with TL bolter, Shrapnel Rounds, Dread Drop Pod


Heavy Support

Deredeo Dread Aiolos Missle Launcher, Armoured Ceramite


Leviathan Siege Dread Armoured Ceramite, Grav-flux bombard, CC weapon, Dread Drop Pod



The Primarch Perturabo


2000 even


So my idea was that Pert, and the two Dreads would come in turn one (hopefully), due to his ability to make reserves come in turn one, completely disrupt enemy deployment while the three dreads in the back pepper and destroy stuff from the distance. The Medicae and Forge Lord stick close to the Deredeo and keep it alive, or run over to objectives that are close.





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It looks like a fun list. I don't know how competitive it is though. You have a huge amount of free VP on offer, if you're unlucky. For games which only offer a small number of VP, it can be an uphill struggle to win. That said, I very much like the concept of a dreadhead list.


Also, unless you're playing 40k games (as opposed to Age of Darkness) your HQs can't score AFAIK


I'd consider putting the medicae with Perturabo. Gives him FnP and the medic benefits from majority toughness 6 (or possibly 7? Probably 6).


Let us know how your games go. :)



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It looks like a fun list. I don't know how competitive it is though. You have a huge amount of free VP on offer, if you're unlucky. For games which only offer a small number of VP, it can be an uphill struggle to win. That said, I very much like the concept of a dreadhead list.

Also, unless you're playing 40k games (as opposed to Age of Darkness) your HQs can't score AFAIK.

I'd consider putting the medicae with Perturabo. Gives him FnP and the medic benefits from majority toughness 6 (or possibly 7? Probably 6).

Let us know how your games go. smile.png


Oh you're totally right. I forgot about that in 30k. Yea I'll swap the terminator armour onto him, and give the Forge Lord artificer armour.

Yea I figured giving up the VP would be rough, but this is really a list for fun. I don't need it to be competitive, but I don't want it to be a washout completely.

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