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IG Codex Wish List

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As great as the current IG codex is (honestly, nothing against it, I love it), I find myself looking back at older editions of the book and wondering what the next incarnation will have in it. Far as I can tell with the other books from Necrons-onward, everyone is getting a formation set and sometimes a new unit (like the Stormsurge, for example).


As great as a new unit would be, I would rather have an older unit be resurrected from the grave, or be given rules. Further down the threads is a list of vehicles based on the Chimera hull that gave me some inspiration for this. The Chimedon, Griffon, and Salamander all come to mind as either being discontinued (Salamander), a Forgeworld exclusive (Griffon), or nonexistent (Chimedon).


Personally, I would love to see the Griffon and Salamander come into regular circulation, maybe even as a two-option set (like the Hydra/Wyvern or Manticore/Deathstrike). They are good models with respectable rules, and are both fluffy and useful in an army on the table. Admittedly, I'm a treadhead, so I'll admit my own bias in this.


What about you? What would you like to see brought in to the new book? I would like to keep this to one or two entries per person, if possible.

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Griffon/Salamander would also be my pick for a new vehicle dual kit. Heck, they could even throw a Basilisk on there if they're feeling saucy, or redo it as a combo Basilisk/Medusa/Colossus.


Thinking about updated kits, the only remaining metal kits are Psykers (both Primaris and Wyrdvane), Priests, Rough Riders, and Ratlings. My dream release would be a plastic Psyker kit with option for a Primaris, a Rough Rider/Rough Rider Command Squad dual kit, and a plastic Priest clampack. Ratlings can wait a little while since their models aren't too old.


A refresh of the basic infantry kits would also not go amiss, although that's not where GW's energy seems to be pointed these days.

A few things I'd like to see: 

Weapons teams get eternal warrior, +1 toughness and stealth.


Leman Russ' get a new rule called True Grit: Any time a model with this rule would be exploded or take multiple hull points in damage, it is instead stunned and takes one hull point of damage.


Decurion where Infantry platoons get free upgrades.  

We have no idea what could come, though we can look at other books for ideas. Sometimes I feel GW isn't sure what to do with Guard but we have discussed ideas plenty of times before. HWTs need help (I like Truesight's idea) and some levelling of the playing field on vehicles would be nice.

If we're talking the important stuff - models - then we have lots of nice tank kits. While some new ones would be very welcome we are surely due some serious infantry love!

As I have said many times: three boxes is all that's required for an entirely new Guardsman range. Could even just be two kits if GW were feeling saucy. That's before we look at female Guard and the like. Give us what we want GW, you know the Guard's devotion is second to none... laugh.pngmsn-wink.gif

- As truesight i would give HWT Eternal warrior

- I would give HWS and SWS the option to add another model as vox-operator

- Give HWS and SWS the rule that permits to blob with other squads of same platoon

- Decrease the cost of Infantry Squads by 10

- 3 models can fire from chimeras hatch (not 2)

- Allow chimeras to fire 2 weapons inf move 6" (inf move more all fire snapshots)

- Give all Sentinels 12" movement in open and 2d6 in difficoult

Multi lasers as a heavy weapon option for troops

Reduction in price of heavy bolters

Give rough riders a 4+ save, maybe take away the "lance works on the first charge only" bit. Also an option for mounts other than horses, something with a bit more bite (bears/lizards etc) giving a bonus to weapon skill and/or attacks

Give all Russ tanks the ability to move and fire at full effect, none of this snap shot rubbish

Allow all units from a platoon to blob up including command/special/heavy squads

Give sentinels a speed increase in some way

A close combat sentinel ala alien would be cool, I know there was the forgeworld lifter thing but that was a bit lack lustre rules wise

Price drop on ogryns

Price drop on hell hounds

Let hydras be effective against flyers lol

Chime don/chimerax/chimera as options for company command squads

Something for everyone that gets released as errata for every applicable codex (hey it's a wish list right? )"krak" becomes a special rule granting +1 on the damage chart ( yep I am still annoyed that anti tank missiles can't kill tanks) enables them to work without granting ap2

That's just off the top of my head, without the codex in front of me, come on gw do a good job


I will keep it simple and sweet:


* Point Decreases across the board for most units that need it (aka Leman Russ Variants, Chimeras, Taurox Prime, Scions/Storm Troopers, Thunderbolt, etc).


* Hot-Shot Lasguns become S3 AP3 Assault 2 at 18 inches, S4 AP3 Assault 1 at 24 inches but Get's Hot (Or Something along those lines).


* Formations that are similar to the Space Marines (aka Take a CCS and up to 3x to 6x Squads of Vets in Chimeras, Chimeras become free).


* Tank Commander can be taken solo and doesn't need an escort.


* Add the Beast Hunter Shells and other Specialist Shells from the Armored Company in the standard IG Codex.


* Chimeras in the Standard IG Codex can take Autocannon Turrets as well as the other options.


* Make all IG Flyers (both Standard and Forgeworld) the same point cost for all IG Lists (both Standard and Forgeworld). This also applies to all units that can be used in both either Forgeworld or Standard IG lists (Not including specialist units such as DKOK Grenadiers, Death Riders, Elysian Sentinels, etc).


* Also lower the point costs for the Vendetta, Valkyrie, and especially the Thunderbolt.


* Combat Doctrines or barring that, each Regiment has a unique trait about them. (Cadian: Reroll all 1's to hit with all Lasguns, Laspistols, Hot-Shot Lasguns, etc., Tallarens have Move through Cover and Outflank, DKOK are Stubborn/Fearless, etc.


* Plastics for more Imperial Guard Regiments (Steel Legion, Tallarens, Mordians, Vahallens, Tainith, etc) and get rid of the Catchans.


Just some thoughts off the top of my head. Pardon any spelling errors.

Any man who supports the squatting of Catachans is someone I can respect.


As for myself, regiment builder rules ala 3rd. I don't care if the army is as poorly internally balanced as it is right now if that poorly functioning on the army is entirely mine


The Imperial Guard is the single most internally diverse military force in the 41st Millenium, and it should reflect that nigh uncountable variation. If forgeworld can include a snippet of that in the Imperial Militia in HH, and every colour of Marine gets their own special rules (as long as they're loyal...), then by Cthulhu, their out to be some kind of difference between Vostroyans, Cadians, Mordians and so on. 


Maybe even better, fold the Death Korps and Elysians into this new format so they stop getting stuck with outdated rules and points costs. 

Any man who supports the squatting of Catachans is someone I can respect.


As for myself, regiment builder rules ala 3rd. I don't care if the army is as poorly internally balanced as it is right now if that poorly functioning on the army is entirely mine


The Imperial Guard is the single most internally diverse military force in the 41st Millenium, and it should reflect that nigh uncountable variation. If forgeworld can include a snippet of that in the Imperial Militia in HH, and every colour of Marine gets their own special rules (as long as they're loyal...), then by Cthulhu, their out to be some kind of difference between Vostroyans, Cadians, Mordians and so on. 


Maybe even better, fold the Death Korps and Elysians into this new format so they stop getting stuck with outdated rules and points costs. 


Hey I'm just speaking the truth. Whoever was the idiot who decided to do Plastic Catchan over any other of the IG Regiments deserved to be shot for Heresy lol. I am holding out for Plastic Steel Legion but we shall see at this point.

I've noticed a lot of chatter on here about points reductions. This is something that I can more or less agree with. Whether rifle infantry, Stormtroopers, Russ variants, Chimera variants (the Wyvern is fine as-is), and flyers. We should be able to flood the board with every kind of unit imaginable.


The idea of us getting a Decurion that grants free Chimeras (upgrades bought as normal) is a scary thought. An Autocannon option for the Chimera would make my day.


Squatting the Catachans seems a bit much, though the other regiments need plastic models more badly than Marines needed Angels of Death (I'm rooting for Tallarn to get first, and Captain Al'Rahem as well). I'm sure there would be much rejoicing if the Krieg or Armageddon regiments were set up in plastic (me among them).


A friend gave me a 4th ed. codex, and the idea of taking the 'skills and drills' section into 7th edition makes me all warm and gooey inside. Chapter tactics, but for guardsmen! Give me a reason to field three platoons of mech infantry and it will happen long before my budget can handle it.

-a rule similar to PotMS for leman russ' s (just one that ignores ordinance)

-special weapon squad boxes (or at least a new command squad box with more than one of each)

-platoon comand squads being able to join blob squads

-noticable point reduction on baneblade variants (right now they cost way too much)

-perhaps an open-topped transport (taurox kit has the pieces for it even)

Did I seriously just see a request for 4 point guardsmen? ohmy.png

Yes. And the reasons are:

In most games i havent used a single lasgun due to the fact that when equipping anti tank weapons you cant benefit from lasguns.

Didnt even made a single armour save because there are too many ap 5 weapons.

Most games i need to field some additional inf squads just to provide cover/anti deepstrike to other units and paying 50 pts fot a unit that doesnt make a single roll in the game is too


You are doing it wrong if your anti tank is in your infantry squad. Keep them separate so you dont waste your lasgun shots. Anti tank should be in scions, command squads, tanks or flyers. Use those sweet sweet orders to get extra lasgun shots and decimate opposing infantry

Did I seriously just see a request for 4 point guardsmen? ohmy.png

Yes. And the reasons are:

In most games i havent used a single lasgun due to the fact that when equipping anti tank weapons you cant benefit from lasguns.

Didnt even made a single armour save because there are too many ap 5 weapons.

Most games i need to field some additional inf squads just to provide cover/anti deepstrike to other units and paying 50 pts fot a unit that doesnt make a single roll in the game is too


So you want the points cost to match the cheap way that you use them. That makes sense, except why should the game be modified to suit one man's playstyle? If you're not using them in a way that's consistent with them being worth 50 points per squad, then I suggest that you use something else instead (like veterans) or use the infantry squads a less wasteful way.

You don't have to FRFSRF 4x a game for them to be worth 5 points a model. Superscoring is worth a few points per model by itself. Forcing more expensive units than yourself to expend effort exterminating you is a pretty valuable thing, too. Conferring that superscoring status onto a chimera is massively useful, although very few players have enough chimeras and have their armies structured properly to maximize this benefit (that's not GW's fault, they want you to have more chimeras).

I can understand "never" taking a 5+ save, especially if you never get assaulted. How many of the 5 points that a guardsman costs do you think that flak armor costs? Far less than one point per model. If you're not taking armor saves, you're not exactly being cheated! However, I do take armor saves with my guardsmen. I take them in melee, and I take them when being shot at by the likes of orks and other guardsmen. Here's the thing. They're guardsmen, they're not supposed to wade through enemy fire across an open field. If they're not in cover, they deserve to be shot before any more of Departmento Munitiorum's precious food is wasted on such an obviously worthless creature.

Never firing a lasgun is clear evidence that you're doing it wrong. A ten man squad is not the proper platform for a single BS3 lascannon! The two single-shot heavy weapons upgrades aren't worth taking anyway. For a single BS3 shot, they cost too much even before you consider the price of the squad. You could reduce the squad to ten points, and 30 points for a BS3 lascannon would still be too high! Infantry squads exist to drown enemy infantry in dice, they exist to drain his ammunition stores (get yourself shot, but make sure it takes three shots, not just one!), and if they survive that, they exist to cap objectives.

Finally, let's address your last sentence. You want 4ppm guardsmen to be used as ablative meat puppet armor for the stuff that matters. Wish granted. They're called conscripts....and they're even cheaper than you're asking for!

How about we replace the derpy Catachans with the same quality as their HW and CCS kits. Seriously, why didn't they just go ahead and knock out a few more designs while the molds were in the works? 

But yes, more plastic diversity would be nice. Vostroyans would be top of my list followed by Steel Legion and the Tallarns. 

I would love Tallarns, but in the current political environment? Tallarns were made back when half naked slave women for deladar and, ahem, repentia, were made. I don't think we'll see any of those things from GW today!


Way too politically incorrect! Can you imagine a converted Tallarn special weapons squad with a demolition charge?

LOL...yes, Tallarns are supposed to be Lawrence of Arabia meets Desert Rats...but what do they look like? That's all that matters in GW's political calculus.

By those standards we can say goodbye to ever seeing Plastic Steel Legion then.

Excuse me, I have unfinished combat strippers with giant chainsaws to paint...biggrin.png

The Emperor wills it!

British 8th Army to be exact ;) The age of Guard infantry sculpts is not news sadly, but that's one of the reasons why that's really high on my hopes. The newer Catachan sculpts show how they should be, so that's far from a good reason to remove them. Besides the Catachan are an iconic regiment, the issue is that they're the only plastic alternative to Cadians which isn't great if you don't want the Cadian look.

4pt Guardsmen would be insane, especially once adjusted for all infantry. A personal hope of mine is for MT to be brought down to 10ppm, 8ppm seems like way too little for what they can do.


Once I get a little more time, later, I'll try to compile all these requests into a list by codex entry so everyone can see what's already been said.

A personal hope of mine is for MT to be brought down to 10ppm.

I agree with that assessment, although there is one nice thing about the way they are set up now. 14ppm for the first 5 and 12ppm for the next 5 is wise, it imposes a reasonable penalty for min/maxing. So rather than 10ppm, let's say 60 points for the squad, and 8ppm for additional models, so it's 60 for a 5 man and 100 for a 10 man...you might actually start seeing full squads then!blink.png


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