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IG Codex Wish List

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what stormtroopers really need is their doctrines back. 


As it stands, they're Veterans with 1 less special weapon, AP3 lasguns and DS/MtC at a significant premium. When GW reduces their cost, but also reduced their effectiveness even moreso by removing re-rollable DS, Infiltrate + Pinning on first shot and so on, they effectively removed what made them distinct in army use terms. 


S3 is so weak as to only be of any real value, even with Ap3, when en-masse against soft targets, so for a premium squad I'd much rather have guys with 3 plasma guns with 4+ AND stealth and defensive grenades which superscore than what stormtroopers offer. 

Getting more into a list is a more general thing, rather than a particular unit being cheaper. After all some are better priced than others! Infantry squads themselves are ok I think, it's the surrounding elements of theirs that need work. Blobbing needs a little rework, HWSs and SWSs need to be cheaper (HWTs need a survival buff too) and Voxes would like an improvement. We can get plenty of troops on the board, the issue is that it gets unwieldy so a points drop has diminishing returns pretty quickly. A nice Chapter tactics style regimental bonus system would go a long way to helping resolve this.


As for Russes and other vehicles, they're mostly fine rules wise. Russ could benefit from a tweak so the ordnance versions gain more from sponsons but it's mostly a case of being too expensive for what you get. Hellhounds I love, but they're too expensive. Sentinels are just as dear to me, but again a bit over expensive for what you get - I could easily go on. While some point drops in places would go a long way to getting some models back on our tables the Guard codex's problems generally aren't going to be solved by getting more on the table.

A personal hope of mine is for MT to be brought down to 10ppm.

I agree with that assessment, although there is one nice thing about the way they are set up now. 14ppm for the first 5 and 12ppm for the next 5 is wise, it imposes a reasonable penalty for min/maxing. So rather than 10ppm, let's say 60 points for the squad, and 8ppm for additional models, so it's 60 for a 5 man and 100 for a 10 man...you might actually start seeing full squads then!blink.png

Well, 60pts for five models is getting close to Marine territory, with less of an armor save, lower toughness, lower WS, and lower Ld. 10ppm would force players to decide if they want one full-strength MT squad or two rifle squads: more bodies or more firepower. I would love to see MT get the option for a Senior Officer upgrade, so you could take MT platoons as troops with a MTCCS in command. And they should have Valkyries as a DT, being that they supposedly are "elite" infantry.

They need to have pistols and CCWs as standard too.

Or at least as an upgrade option (+1ppm would work).

Sorry but i dont understand why reducing poit cost to infantry is insane but reducing point on LR or other units is not.

At the end lowering infantry or other units is the same as the result is that in an army you can field more things either ways.

I would say that almost every vehicle option in the Guard needs a points cut

Personally mostly interested in the Tempestus lads.

15 points powerfists, 10 points power weapon and plasma pistol.


Hot-shot have 4 firing modes:

  • 24" Sx AP6 Heavy 1 sniper.
  • 18" S3 AP- Assault 3.
  • 12" S3 AP3 Assault 2.
  • 6" S6 AP6 Assault 1.


Volley gun:

36" S4 AP- Salvo 3/6

24" S4 AP3 Salvo 2/4

12" S7 AP6 Salvo 1/2


Special mission: Chosen at army list building.

Airborne: Deepstrike, rerolls scatter, preferred enemy HQ and LoW.

Reconnaissance: Scout, Move through Cover, preferred enemy Fast attack.

Behind Enemy Lines: Infiltrate, Pinning, preferred enemy Elite.

Mechanized: Must purchase a transport. On a turn you disembark, you can shoot and run, this can let you re-embark on your dedicated vehicle. Preferred enemy troop.


They need to have pistols and CCWs as standard too.


I thought about it, and honestly just giving them 2 Attack base is simpler then fiddling with their wargear, especially if their weapons are made assault anyway.



Tank commanders purchased without a squad, can join a unit of Leman russ, but can't Look out, SIr! Orders in the codex.

Vanquishers either an upgrade that gives the armour piercing shells in addition to the battle cannon shells, or inflicts 1D3 hp or wounds.

I do think IG need a Chapter Tactics style for each army.

Cadians get +1 leadership and can reroll orders from senior officers, if double 6s are rolled at any point in the game the reroll bonus is lost.


Steel Legion get chimeras half price and free upgrades on chimeras


Catachans get stealth on the first turn of the game and veterans/CCS get infiltrate and scout.


Vostroyan get Senior officer orders on all officers and CCS get +1 orders per turn


Mordians get stubborn and reroll ones to hit with lasguns if they don't move that turn.


Valhallans get an upgrade to conscripts for 1ppm to make them recycle (Chenkov style) and all infantry can rapid fire then charge with lasguns only.


Tallarn get to outflank a single infantry platoon (Alrahem style), Officers and Sgts get a master crafted weapon, and the entire army gets move though cover.


This makes each choice competitive for how you want to play your IG, and gives a unique play style to every list so every army won't be conscripts and wyverns.

Bringing back special characters for all of the different styles of army would be amazing too.

And then GW can make supplements for Elysian and DKOK to make a quick buck :P

Here's my little list.

1.bring back the lost artillery tanks.

2.bring back lumbering behemoth rule on russes.

3. bring back Margo and the other removed characters.

4. regimental rules would be great.

5. Better and more wargear options for all units and special ammunition for tanks and artillery units.

6. Bring back ignore cover on the hydra.

7. Make roughriders like deathriders.

8. Make ogrins better or cheaper.

9. Drop the points of the vendetta 20pts or give it full transport capacity again.

10. Give voxs a spotter rule like nuncio voxs(30k) and extend order range but no reroll for fails.

11. Point drop for stormtroopers with ubergrit and specops doctrines back.

12. Vets stay the same.

13. Squadron bonuses like SM have. would be cool.

14. Cheaper superheavies and give volcano cannon +1 on the D chart.

15. Make lasguns/hellguns assault 2 and make shotguns 12" S4 ap- assault 2, rending.

16. Hwts get T4 with cheaper heavy weapons

17. Cheaper special weapons for bs3 troops and characters.

18. MoO makes on table barrage weapons bs4 and artillery bombardment changed to: S9 ap3, heavy 1+d3, barrage, large blast, one shot.

19. Get rid of ordinance on hellfire missiles.

20. Get all the FW units in the codex because FW only does 30k now.

Yeah I don't want much.

Most of what I'd say echoes what's already been said, as they are all fantastic ideas. Regimental doctrines similar to chapter tactics, infantry doctrines, that would allow infantry units to be more versatile:

1) MT platoons get Pistol/CCW, and 5e stormie doctrines

2) Vets stay the same, except they get krak grenades standard

3) Infantry platoons get some doctrines for better movement, and cover camping,


I'd like to see Tank commanders re-thought don't make them take a wingman, and give them some FW options like the coax stubber and specialty shells (beasthunter shells would be sick).


I'd also like to see some Force org shifting shenanigans, so we could see stormies as troops, maybe a CCS option allows it, or Cadian Doctrines unlocks it.

- Carapace armor option on regular Ogryn.

-Shotgun option on Rough Riders and +1 WS & T and 4+ armor save.

- Multi-laser as a HE team option.

- Specialty ammo for mortars so that they aren't so pointless.

-Point drop on Heavy Weapon squads and a watered down version of eternal warrior or other change to the HW team rule.

-Lord commissar unlocks MT as troops.

The Astras biggest problem is undoubtedly the points cost fixes needed.

HWT for example - a Lascannon team should be 25pts. CCS, Vendettas, Tauroxes, MT, Chimeras, Hellhounds, Sentinels are all overcosted.

Special deployment options are badly needed; infiltration and outflanking units.

Most of the characters are rubbish except Pask and Yarrick.

A working army detachment, Cadian Battlegroup was a failure.


Model-wise lets be honest, its time for a new infantry line; the Catachans are 90s and Cadians are like 2002. Seriously, time for some updating.

My turn biggrin.png

- Cheaper Bullgryns
- Bullgryns can combine weapon/shield independently (I mean come on! Riot shield and maul GW..)
- Roughriders get bikes (Horses? Even mechanical ones? How frigging impractical is that, and bikes have that juicy +1 toughness and jink)
- Give Tempesus their knives back (for 2 attacks in CC)
- Take a look at the Baneblade, now the Imperial Knight, take another look at the Baneblade - It's now cheaper across the board
- Give sentinels a better melee attack. There's a frigging chainsaw-blade-arm-thingo in the box... Getting kicked by a sentinel should hurt.
- Let Heavy Weapons 'entrench/dig in' to gain defensive bonuses
- Let the HWT spotter take a voxcaster
- Oh, and for Emperors sake stop forcing Tank Commanders to take Wingmen, and give them less :cussty orders while you're at it. If a Litenuant can order his men to ignore fortifications when shooting at the enemy (ignores cover), surely a tank commander can do the same.

- Model wise: 'dreadnought/sentinel' style militarum tempestus model biggrin.png You know that bad guy from avatar in the big mech suit that would totally have been the hero in an 80s movie pwning the censored.gif out of the aliens? Yeah. That. With skulls on it.

Hmm I'll throw my tuppence worth in as well

Xenos mounts for rough riders giving +1 A and save

Plastic great coat models (so we can make valhallans, steel legion etc)

Giving us back our rightful title as the Imperial Guard

Rules for Commisar Ciaphas cain and gunner 2nd class Jurgen

I'll also second the idea of the HWT and SWT getting vox operators as an additional man for x pts

Just straight out losing the swarm base style rules for our HWT by give us back our separate loader and firers or they can stay together on a single base and just make them immune to ID for the emperors sake

Now for the brainstorming

Independent medics as an option (kind of like tech priests HQ but don't use up a slot) sort of like the heresy legions apothecaries ie 1-3, can join squads etc

Make our commisars execute the furthest back model (he obviously ran firstlaugh.png ) rather than the highest leadership one

A new order "Fix bayonets" gives +1 strength to las rifle armed models on the turn they charge (or if charged +1 to toughness or initiative possibly?) but it has to be said Very loudly when issuedmsn-wink.gif

I like the idea of "fix bayonets". I'd see them doing it as "order grants counter-attack until start of next AM turn". The mechanic already exists so they don't have to give too much explanation. I'd love something that made us strike sooner or harder but I don't see them doing that.

S3 is so weak as to only be of any real value, even with Ap3, when en-masse against soft targets, so for a premium squad I'd much rather have guys with 3 plasma guns with 4+ AND stealth and defensive grenades which superscore than what stormtroopers offer.

Great googly-moogly! Why didn't I think of that? Of course, I only use my stormtroopers in the context of the air cav formation, so...no comparison to be made there...

Sorry but i dont understand why reducing poit cost to infantry is insane but reducing point on LR or other units is not.

At the end lowering infantry or other units is the same as the result is that in an army you can field more things either ways.

If you want a bigger army, raise the points limit of your games. I don't think LR need a points cut, either. A couple of units do, but that is in comparison to similar units or similarly costed units. For example, stormtroopers versus veterans. Same statline, but consider this: ten veterans with objective secured, stealth, and defensive grenades is 70 points. Ten Stormtroopers with deepstrike, move through cover, and short-ranged AP3 lasguns is 130 points. Clearly, there is a problem, therefore I support cutting the points cost of stormtroopers, and NOT for the purpose of lowering the cost of the list overall, but rather to make stormtroopers a viable alternative to veterans. Or, consider the comparison between the hellhound and the leman russ eradicator. Both have fairly nasty anti-infantry cover ignoring AoE weapons, and they cost about the same. But one has a S6 pieplate with 36" range and AV 14/13/11. The other has a S5 flame template with half the range, fast vehicle, and AV 12/12/10. Only a fool would field a hellhound, and hellhounds are thematically awesome. You can't really raise the points cost of the eradicator, it's actually pretty fair when compared to other russ variants. So maybe the hellhound should be 100 points? That sort of thinking is very different from kneejerk demands for "I want everything cheaper so I can have more toys in my list."

A personal hope of mine is for MT to be brought down to 10ppm.

I agree with that assessment, although there is one nice thing about the way they are set up now. 14ppm for the first 5 and 12ppm for the next 5 is wise, it imposes a reasonable penalty for min/maxing. So rather than 10ppm, let's say 60 points for the squad, and 8ppm for additional models, so it's 60 for a 5 man and 100 for a 10 man...you might actually start seeing full squads then!blink.png

Well, 60pts for five models is getting close to Marine territory, with less of an armor save, lower toughness, lower WS, and lower Ld. 10ppm would force players to decide if they want one full-strength MT squad or two rifle squads: more bodies or more firepower. I would love to see MT get the option for a Senior Officer upgrade, so you could take MT platoons as troops with a MTCCS in command. And they should have Valkyries as a DT, being that they supposedly are "elite" infantry.

Sure, it's not that dramatically cheaper than a naked tactical squad. But it's not supposed to be a tactical squad, it has deepstrike, move through cover, and access to two special weapons, which most five man tactical squads lack. It doesn't matter that you'd rather have the tactical squad, it matters that 10ppm (at ten models) is fair for a stormtrooper, and it makes sense for there to be a min-maxing penalty built in. 60 points plus 8 points per bonus model, when you don't unlock any additional options by taking those bonus models, is a fantastic deal. Would you rather pay 50 points for the first five models, pay 10 points for each additional, but not get the second special weapon unless you take a full ten models? That's the deal GW offers most armies! I like your idea of DT valkyries, though! (remember that even as superscorers, they'd have to hover to claim objectives)

Oh, guys, we're missing the most important change:

call it Codex: Imperial Guard.


The Astras biggest problem is undoubtedly the points cost fixes needed.

HWT for example - a Lascannon team should be 25pts. CCS, Vendettas, Tauroxes, MT, Chimeras, Hellhounds, Sentinels are all overcosted.

Vendettas, Chimeras, and Sentinels are not overcosted. Agree with the others, though. Vendettas are bar none the best air superiority flier in the game, and it doesn't suck as a tank hunter. Demolisher points cost for three TLLC that each have a 75% chance to hit any ground or air target they like? Nice! 35 points plus the weapon for a 2HP no-DCCW single-weapon dreadnought that comes in squadrons? How is that overcosted? I guess it could be free...? And don't get me started on Chimeras. Two editions ago, they were 125 points! Last edition, they were only 55, but unusable because the scoring unit inside had to dismount to cap an objective. Now they have objective secured when empty, effectively doubling the number of superscorers you have on the table...compared to last edition, they're monstrously good this edition, even after the (justified, GW had cut the points too far) points hike. How many points is fair for an AV12 superscorer with two heavy weapons and two fire points?

I thought this was a wishlist thread and not a cut down thread?


Hellhounds offer a different role to eradicators because you'll never score LB or a midfield objective with a heavy tank


As for points cost for a basic CAD at ~340 pts with common/iconic troop choices

You end up with 55 guardsmen with S3/AP- lasguns vs

1 overlord and 20 warriors of necrons

1 autarch and 30 guardians of eldar

1 librarian and 20 tactical marines

All of which have better basic stat lines then guardsmen and S4/AP5 weapons


I think a points review or the addition of "regimental doctrines" would certainly help bridge the gap


As of now tbh I think guard fall into a trap of being outgunned by tau and outnumbered and outpaced by orks

Both of which are meant to be guard strengths


Every faction can squadron tanks and even SMs can take a take company


The penalties to ordinance as well as the HP mechanic have certainly hurt guards effectiveness


Orders a nice but rarely game changing


Again I still think guard are competitive in a friendly match and fun to play but certainly aren't a shining star


Points would be a simple way of fixing the issue

And not necessarily a bad one given how many special rules and exceptions there are in 7th ed

Posted · Hidden by elmo, April 27, 2016 - No reason given
Hidden by elmo, April 27, 2016 - No reason given

Stronger rules > lower points costs.

​I don't need to buy even more models to do make them do their job.. I'll just spend that cash on other models instead ohmy.png

But we want to have our cake and eat it too! [sarcasm]

What if "First Rank Fire, Second Rank Fire" wasn't an order but just a standard infantry squad rule? No LD test, just always firing that way.


Would that be broken? Would it solve any problems?


There would still be orders for other effects. Maybe add in an order that extends range by 6", or that gives Shred.

Actually the shred order would be handy or even one like the scion orders which gives them the sniper rule but maybe only at 12" range instead of 24" like the scions


Both would make the lasgun more effective without actually changing the stat line of the gun and being an order its not always guaranteed to go off


An assault vehicle for us would be handy especially for ogryn delivery

Id be happy with a fast open topped taurox for 40-50pts

Would need smoke launchers though


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