steellegionnaire85 Posted May 10, 2016 Share Posted May 10, 2016 Wyvern is fine as it is. It's a cheap and dangerous option that keeps other things alive by drawing fire. If it ain't broke don't fix it Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CoffeeGrunt Posted May 10, 2016 Share Posted May 10, 2016 It's arguably too good, my Wyverns carry my army most games, and I only run two. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted May 10, 2016 Share Posted May 10, 2016 You could argue that's the rest of the codex not being good enough but we've long expected it to change when the new rules come about, the question is how. A points increase would be the simplest method perhaps, I'd say no more than 15pts - the Heavy Support slot is a hotly contested one for Guard after all. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arkaniss Posted May 10, 2016 Share Posted May 10, 2016 I've always liked the idea of a Heavy Stubber upgrade for IG squads. No messing around with a large base HWT, just a guy with a big machine gun. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CoffeeGrunt Posted May 10, 2016 Share Posted May 10, 2016 We can but dream. 5pt Special Weapon upgrade on a Guardsman? :P Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Indefragable Posted May 10, 2016 Share Posted May 10, 2016 Excellent, juicy topic. Couple thoughts off the top of my head, echoing much of what others have already said. Too lazy to +1 each person individually because there are too many good ideas. [author's note/forwarning: wow! I just sat here and wrote all of this in one clip...sorry in advance for the length] Faction-wide Special Rules/Traits -Regimental Doctrines. Please, Santa, that's all I want. I'll be a good boy, I swear! Departmento Munitorum: If you purchase 5x of the same wargear or weapons within the same Detachment, you may reduce the points cost of each purchased item in half, rounding up. So each Power Fist is 25pts, but if you buy 5x of them in your Detachment, it would be 63pts "This is my rifle, this is my gun..." Within hours of joining the Guard, each recruit comes to know his trusty lasgun better than his own mother knew him. Regiments come in millions of different varieties from just as many differing worlds. However, the two things every Guardsmen shares in every corner of the galaxy is an unshakeable faith in the Emperor and the mastery of his trusty lasgun. For every unsaved wound an enemy unit suffers from a lasgun, the next friendly Imperial Guard unit to fire las-weaponry at that same unit may re-roll an equal number of failed To Wound rolls as the unsaved Wounds from the preceding volley. This ability stacks. Other ideas: -Combine HWT's and SWS's into a single unit called "Specialist Squad" or whatever. I don't care about the name that much. But it costs 30pts for 6x Guardsmen (5pts/model...just like Infantry Squads). You can add up to 3x upgraded weapons/equipment per unit, so you can make a HWT w/ all Lascannons/etc... or 2x Lascannons and a Vox Caster. May also take melee weapons (Power Fist squad?) Or 3x Medics in a Specialist Squad...wait...what? Hold on...keep reading and you'll see where this is going.... -Militarum Tempestus always fire 1 additional shot within Rapid Fire range [so 18" = 1x Shot, 9" = 3 Shots. If using FRFSRF, that's 4x shots each in RF range!....fits the "commando" feel of them] Heavy Weapons: Heavy Stubber. 1pt Multi-Laser 5pts. {new rules]: 36" S6 AP6 Heavy 3, Armor Dent. Armor Dent: An enemy unit that suffers unsaved Wounds from a weapon with this rule has its armor save reduced by 1 for each additional weapon with this rule that causes unsaved Wounds in the same Turn. Likewise, any vehicle that suffers a Penetrating or Glancing hit has further weapons with this rule add +1S for subsequent Penetrating/Glancing Hits caused in the same Turn. So a Space Marine squad with a 3+ Sv that suffers an unsaved Wound from a Multi-laser would then have a 4+ Sv against the next Multi-Laser that fires at it. A Rhino with AV11 that suffers a Glancing hit from the first Multi-Laser would count subsequent Multi-Lasers as S7 instead. Heavy Bolter: 5pts Heavy Grenade Launcher. 10pts: 36" S6 AP5, Heavy 4, Barrage, Blast, Rending [i'm thinking something like at Mk19] Other Weapons: Heavy Laspistol: 12" S4 AP6 Pistol, Shred [why take this over a Bolt Pistol? 1. to give IG more of its own identity 2. because it benefits from Orders] Relic Cylinder Stub Pistol: 12" S6 AP- Pistol, Rending [aka a .44 Magnum] Breaching Tubes: 18" Split Fire Auspex (-1 Cover to an enemy unit, stackable) Special "Equipment": Vox-Caster: go back to basic if you need to know what this does Vox-Net Relay: "Heavy" version of a Vox-Caster that requires 2x men to use. HWT for all intents-and-purposes but extends the Orders of any Officer within 12" to other units within 24" (so your Orders now have a range of 36"). CCS Veterans can be upgraded to one of these as well, which can stack with other Vox-Net Relays, giving a potential 48" Orders range. Stacks with re-rolls to Orders from Vox rules. Snare Mines: all units may purchase these (not just Forward Sentry Vets) Tripwire: all units may purchase these. A unit equipped with these that has not moved in the preceding Turn must immediately take an Initiative test after an enemy unit declares a Charge against the unit. If passed, the unit may fire Overwatch at full BS against the Charging enemy unit. Smoke grenades: a unit equipped with these may choose a single model to use these in the Shooting phase instead of firing any weapons. Roll To Hit as normal. If the enemy unit is Hit, it has -1BS until the start of its next Turn. Medi-Pack: a model that is given this equipment gives 5+ FNP to its unit. Camo gear: +1 Cover Save Infiltration Tactics: Infiltrator. Duh. However, HWT's count as having Moved for the purpose of Turn 1 Shooting and only IC's with Infiltrate can join them Portable Shield Generator: HWT-equivalent. +1 Invuln save to the unit. Cannot be combined with other PSG's. So Refractor fields are now 4++ and units without an Invuln get 6++. If the model (HWT base, so 2x Guardsmen) moves, the shield is dropped until the start of the owning Players next Turn. [i like the idea of a Commander set up in his perch overlooking the battlefield with a command tent brimming with huge radios and equipment like this]. Marksmanship training: The first model in a unit fires at an enemy unit normally. Each additional model in the unit firing the same weapon as the first gains +1BS when shooting at the same enemy target up to a max of BS5. Close Quarters Battle Drill: If equipped with rifles, the unit may fire 1x additional shot within Rapid Fire range of an enemy unit. If equipped with Pistols/Melee weapons, the unit gains Counter-Attack and Rage. Trackers: Move Through Cover. Duelist (Characters only): A character may be upgraded to this for ____ points. The upgraded Character may use any pistols it has in the Fight phase instead of its normal attacks. It may use its BS instead of WS when determining To Hit but shoots the same number of shots in the pistol's profile. Or it may fire a # of shots equal to its attacks - 1 but must use its WS when determining To Hit [something like that....exact rules to be fleshed out, but you get the idea]. CCS Upgrades/Special Rules: Trusted Command: Regimental Specialists attached to a Command squad (either CCS or PCS) effect all units from the same Detachment/Platoon within Orders range. Logistics Officer: Counts as Ammo Dump for all units from the same Detachment within 12" range Regimental Surgeon: FNP to all units from the same Detachment within 12". If the CCS has a Medic in it, the CCS has 4+ FNP. Bodyguard: Character. WS4 BS4 1W I4. Basically a challenge-eater. [think generic Sgt. Kell] Ogryn Bodyguard. Character. [basically a no-name Nork]. May be upgraded to a Bullgryn for ____ pts. Orders: Fall back by Squads!: This is a special Order that is given to a controlled IG unit that an enemy as declared as the Primary target of a Charge in the Assault phase. The Ordered unit then immediately fires Overwatch without any modifiers such as Prescience and rolls a D6. The Ordered unit may move away from the enemy unit that Declared a Charge that many inches, but must subtract 2" if in difficult terrain [so it is canceled out by the -2" to the Charging unit]. Should the Ordered unit survive until the owning player's turn [this is the Guard, after all...], the unit must take a Ld test before taking any action in the Movement phase. If passed, the unit can procede as normal for the rest of the Turn. If the Ld test is failed, the Unit must take a Ld test before taking any other action including Running, Shooting, Assaulting. Fix bayonets!: The Ordered unit immediately moves 6" towards an enemy unit and in the following Assault phase may re-roll Charge distances and gains Rage. [some people have fairly suggested something like this would be Furious Charge. Personally, I think more attacks makes more sense since 30x S3 is arguably better than 20x S4. I also like the mental image of a singular guardsman from a backwater world just wildly swinging away, backed by nothing but courage and cold steel. Leave the "better" for the gloryboys.] Medic! The Ordered Unit immediately moves 3D6" and takes the highest towards the nearest friendly IG unit containing a Medic. If the Ordered unit finishes its move within 6" of the friendly unit containing the Medic model, the Ordered unit rolls a separate D6 for each Medic model within 6". On a 5+, the unit gains IWND until the start of the Controlling Player's next Turn and either regains 1 model that was previously lost in the battle or a model with multiple Wounds regains 1 lost Wound. Regained Wounds must be distributed to the same model first until it is full before moving on to the next model. Regimental Surgeons within 6" add +1 regained Wound per successful Medic D6 rolled. Fire For Effect! Can be issued to both vehicles and non-vehicles. Any Barrage First Rank, Fire! Second Rank, FIre!: affects all Las-based weaponry including IG Sniper Rifles and Multi-Lasers For the Emperor! There is nothing more powerful in the galaxy than the human spirit. So all guardsmen are taught. Experienced commanders know that battles often hinge on a single bold stroke and one last hurrah, whether to turn around an impending defeat or to rally for one last decisive push. However, such an all-out effort will drain even the hardiest of warriors. Senior Officer Only. One Use Only per game. Can not be used on the First Turn of a game. This is a special Order issued at the start of your Turn which can only be given by your Warlord if he is a Senior Officer. When issued, all IG units within Orders range of the issuing Officer, including within Vox Range, must move 6" towards either the nearest enemy unit or Objective in their Movement phase. The effects of moving are ignored for this Turn. In the following Shooting phase, all IG units must Shoot at the nearest enemy unit they can damage. If they can not Shoot for any reason (Line of Sight, Range, weapons can not harm any enemies in range), the unit must Run or Flat Out towards either the nearest Objective or enemy unit they can harm in close combat. In the Assault phase, all units that can Assault must declare a Charge against the nearest enemy unit they can harm. Vehicles must attempt to Tank Shock or Ram the nearest enemy unit that they are able to do, even though this action is not normally performed in the Assault phase. If ever an IG unit can not do any of the proceeding actions, unless they are the only unit controlling or contesting an Objective or locked in combat, they must instead move as far as possible towards the enemy's Deployment Zone. At the start of the opposing player's following Turn, all IG units are -1 to WS, BS, I, Ld, and Attacks (to a minimum of 1/model). Regiment-specific Orders Regiment Specific Warlord Traits TLDR: Okay, if you actually made it this far, there's a couple general principles I would like to see with IG: Lions led by Sheep vs Sheep led by Lions: Leadership is almost Tyranid-esque with the IG, where Command abilities and Orders can REALLY make a difference if you invest in them. Quantity over Quality: IG are about drowning the enemy in numbers of everything. This should apply to all weapons, equipment, and upgrades. ("buy four squads-worth of Carapace and we'll throw in the 5th one free!") Chessboard: leave the glory-seekers and singular combatants to the Astartes....the IG are about taking the long view and understanding wars of attrition. We are the anti-Death stars. Rather than going mano-e-mano with those balls of fury, we wear them down bit by bit while never losing sight of the big picture. Thus, upgrades like Snare Mines, Trip Wires, Medics, and cheap weapons wear down the Death Stars with death by a thousand cuts. We only have to survive 6x Turns.... Las-weaponry have some consistency: bit of a pet-peeve of mine but most weapons have a steady progression. Bolters are S4 AP5 and the Heavy version is S5 AP4. Flamers scale even better: S4 AP5/S5 AP5/S6 AP3. But look at Las-weaponry: S3 AP-/S3 AP3/S6 AP6/S9 AP2. Kind of weird how they go from so weak to awesome armor penetration Embrace the wide-ranging nature of the IG: I think we all want Regimental yea. But if there's ANY force in the entire 40k setting that deserves almost endless options for customization, it's the IG. Regimental Doctrines (Chapter Tactics) and 5 or 6 'template" Decurions for each famous Regiment would be great (Cadian = Balanced; Catachan = "anti-authority" so few officers but tougher individual units; Armageddon = Mechanized Combined Arms: Tanks and Chimeras/Infantry working together; etc....) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Emicus Posted May 11, 2016 Share Posted May 11, 2016 It's arguably too good, my Wyverns carry my army most games, and I only run two. Would be interesting to see how they perform in bulk. Would you be interested in trying more? (Via Chimera proxies or beg/borrow/stealing some more) See if it's the hidden tournament gem that shoots Guard back to the top with the new Wyvernblower style list. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Indefragable Posted May 11, 2016 Share Posted May 11, 2016 It's arguably too good, my Wyverns carry my army most games, and I only run two. Would be interesting to see how they perform in bulk. Would you be interested in trying more? (Via Chimera proxies or beg/borrow/stealing some more) See if it's the hidden tournament gem that shoots Guard back to the top with the new Wyvernblower style list. I have used 2x Wyverns quite frequently. Devastating but not so much as to change the game on their own. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Emicus Posted May 11, 2016 Share Posted May 11, 2016 It's arguably too good, my Wyverns carry my army most games, and I only run two. Would be interesting to see how they perform in bulk. Would you be interested in trying more? (Via Chimera proxies or beg/borrow/stealing some more) See if it's the hidden tournament gem that shoots Guard back to the top with the new Wyvernblower style list. I have used 2x Wyverns quite frequently. Devastating but not so much as to change the game on their own. I enjoy running two as well for most games, but I'm talking like running maybe 6 or 8 here. So 4x2 Wyverns (520 points or ~33-28% of a list). While no-one in their right mind would argue against the excellent firepower the Wyverns put out I don't think stacking them to such numbers are beneficial. Bigger baddies, vehicles, fliers tend to require a different kind of punishment by the Emperors armies than the Wyvern can put out, and those units will have to be much smaller to free up points. Or even worse the meatshield screen keeping the war engines safe from melee or provide scant cover saves will have to be thinned out, making the Wyverns that much more vulnerable. Dunno about you, but av12/10/10 and open topped has a tendency to die faster than a bored Ork decides to have a scrap. EDIT: talking about wish-listing, how about a 35 point upgrade to make wyverns S6 Ap4? .... !!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HenricusTyranicus Posted May 11, 2016 Share Posted May 11, 2016 Bring nothing but the Emperor's Wrath artillery formation. Bring nothing but wyverns, deathstrikes, and manticores. Laugh. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CoffeeGrunt Posted May 11, 2016 Share Posted May 11, 2016 It's arguably too good, my Wyverns carry my army most games, and I only run two. Would be interesting to see how they perform in bulk. Would you be interested in trying more? (Via Chimera proxies or beg/borrow/stealing some more) See if it's the hidden tournament gem that shoots Guard back to the top with the new Wyvernblower style list. 40K doesn't get played in my area, so sadly I won't get the chance to try it out. Especially if I was proxying a cheesy list. :/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ulrik_Ironfist Posted May 13, 2016 Share Posted May 13, 2016 The wyvern can stay as it is. it's hardly game breaking, especially when compared to somme of the newer codecies and their shenanigans. As for the Vox caster, I want it to do more than just re-roll failed orders. Have it make barrage weapons more accurate (draw LOS from the Vox caster unit) or give the vox caster the ability to call in a S4 AP6 heavy 1 large blast at 24 inch range. Make it more useful. I like templates, so give me the second option. I think forward sentries should have infiltrate, and maybe give the sgt a targeter or something, so they make artillery better. I think guard needs to have a bit more synergy. Something the current book is lacking. It has some synergy, but for the most part it seems that the current book is just too straight forward. We have some killer combos, but nothing that really screams out to be used. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CoffeeGrunt Posted May 13, 2016 Share Posted May 13, 2016 Yeah, I think the Guard 'dex is very vanilla. You can combo stuff up like heck to make your Guard blobs...slightly above mediocre. Meanwhile the game for other factions is DEATHSTAR DEATHSTAR DEATHSTAR. Unkillable! Unavoidable! Unbeatable! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Indefragable Posted May 13, 2016 Share Posted May 13, 2016 Yeah, I think the Guard 'dex is very vanilla. You can combo stuff up like heck to make your Guard blobs...slightly above mediocre. Meanwhile the game for other factions is DEATHSTAR DEATHSTAR DEATHSTAR. Unkillable! Unavoidable! Unbeatable! That's why I like the idea of IG as the exact opposite of Deathstars. Have Army-wide Orders or buffs that make each unit just s little bit killier or more survivable. Exhaust the Death Stars rather than enter the arms race. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CoffeeGrunt Posted May 13, 2016 Share Posted May 13, 2016 Except in practice it pretty much never works like that. :/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted May 13, 2016 Share Posted May 13, 2016 Yeah, a codex needs to be more than "more units" because it reaches a limit quicker than you'd think and rapidly becomes a handicap. Some synergy would go a long way to making the codex not only stronger but also a lot more fluffy. Platoons of troops co-ordinating and improving artillery fire for example not only makes artillery lists more viable but fits the theme, as an example. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CoffeeGrunt Posted May 13, 2016 Share Posted May 13, 2016 I like the idea of a, "Call It In," mechanic. Dropzone Commander has a system where Scout units can spot for artillery and remove negative debuffs for firing out of line of sight. Perhaps Barrage weapons may draw consider any within line of sight and a set range of a Vox Caster to be within their line of sight? Maybe have Vox Casters be a once per turn use, that grants you one of the below: - Infinite range on one Order targeting the squad, provided the Command Squad also has a Vox Caster, - Call in armoured support, so Leman Russ tanks firing at a unit in cover cause a -1 to Cover Saves, - Call in artillery, so artillery can use them for LoS, or maybe gain +1BS for each Vox Caster that does this? - Call in Air Support/Reserves? +1 to the next Reserve roll? I mean, especially if they had that variety of abilities to pop, then they'd need to be more expensive, but then they'd also be really good and pretty synergetic, without nailing it down to one playstyle. Call in artillery one turn, call air support the next, then receive orders for FRFSRF the next as the enemy closes. I just love the idea of a Vox Caster in a unit calling down artillery on a charging horde of Tyranids. "Requesting artillery at our position! All Earthshakers, fire for effect. Co-ordinates are as follows!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stofficus Posted May 13, 2016 Share Posted May 13, 2016 Forgeworld already has a lot of units/concepts that make Guard more appealing across their various lists - the only issue is usually there's only one or two interesting mechanics in each of the half a dozen or so lists: DKK Assault Brigade: Forward Observer Tanks. BS4 Leman Russ which artillery can draw line of sight from, "Forlorn Hope," platoons respawn when fully wiped out DKK Siege Regiment: Hades Drill. The one and only alternate deployment/movement option the Guard has these days. It's a complicated beast, but short verison; tunnels underground for movement ignoring terrain, and when charging while attached to a unit, the enemy can't overwatch and it does crazy nasty hammer of wrath melta attacks. Elysian Drop Regiment: Army-wide deepstrike, a few unique pieces of wargear D-99 - 10 man special weapon squads, army of veterans, super-snipers, minor genetic enhancement with drawbacks Traitor Guard - Highly mutable army theme, from artillery which can use friendlies for targets "I brought an earthshaker round for my CC weapon, eat your heart out marines!", to stormtrooper armies which have more than one unit entry, endless hordes whose dead squads return with outflank, etc. GW doesn't have to be overly creative, as so much variation for Guard already exists, it's just scattered across a bunch of lists, some of which are very outdated and extremely non-competitive, becoming weaker with every update to the game in fact - with FW reporting no updates planned. Frankly, I'd like to see GW just port all of FW's Guard into a codex/supplement proper, as clearly with 30k they just aren't going to get supported anymore by the studio which created them. EDIT: One more thought; look to 30k Imperial Army for even more ideas. Solar Auxilia get 3 firemodes for lasguns; Heavy 2 36'' and S6Ap6 Heavy 1 18'' overcharge mode. Leman Russes come in two flavours; ones which are fast once per game and can outflank, and those which gain +1BS for each russ in the squadron. Aegis Lines as "dedicated fortifcations" attachable medics for each unit. The Militia list has even more ideas; the "Muster of Worlds" is basically a regiment builder where you pay points to unlock new abilities/stat mods for your whole army. Plenty of inspiration out there - honestly, GW has to work quite hard to ignore all the options at this point. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CoffeeGrunt Posted May 13, 2016 Share Posted May 13, 2016 Not to mention the Armoured Company list letting you run tanks in practically every slot. But as you say, it's outdated and just not able to hold its own against current Codices. Not to mention the Armoured Company list letting you run tanks in practically every slot. But as you say, it's outdated and just not able to hold its own against current Codices. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Indefragable Posted May 13, 2016 Share Posted May 13, 2016 I like the idea of a, "Call It In," mechanic. Dropzone Commander has a system where Scout units can spot for artillery and remove negative debuffs for firing out of line of sight. Perhaps Barrage weapons may draw consider any within line of sight and a set range of a Vox Caster to be within their line of sight? Maybe have Vox Casters be a once per turn use, that grants you one of the below: - Infinite range on one Order targeting the squad, provided the Command Squad also has a Vox Caster, - Call in armoured support, so Leman Russ tanks firing at a unit in cover cause a -1 to Cover Saves, - Call in artillery, so artillery can use them for LoS, or maybe gain +1BS for each Vox Caster that does this? - Call in Air Support/Reserves? +1 to the next Reserve roll? I mean, especially if they had that variety of abilities to pop, then they'd need to be more expensive, but then they'd also be really good and pretty synergetic, without nailing it down to one playstyle. Call in artillery one turn, call air support the next, then receive orders for FRFSRF the next as the enemy closes. I just love the idea of a Vox Caster in a unit calling down artillery on a charging horde of Tyranids. "Requesting artillery at our position! All Earthshakers, fire for effect. Co-ordinates are as follows!" That's kinda what I mean with "anti-death star." Rather than trying to build our own super-units, I would like to see abilities that effect the entire army or multiple units at a time. A global "Not One Step Back!" order for example that gives all units +1 shot, +1A, Counter-Attack, Fearless, etc... The idea being that everything on the board becomes just a bit tougher and annoying. I see Guard as a form of Tyranids in a lot of ways, but where as "synapse" is a negative if you don't have it, "Leadership" is a positive if you do have it for Guard. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ulrik_Ironfist Posted May 13, 2016 Share Posted May 13, 2016 Here's what I'd like to see: MT Platoon - 70pts for a squad of 5th ed stormies, complete with doctrines and pistol/ccw. 80pts for a command squad, every guy gets pistol/ccw, and upgrades as per MT. Penal Legion Squads - 5th ed port. Can take a commissar or priest. 10 man min squad, 20 max. Vets: Vox caster, 3 special weapons, heavy weapons team, CCWs -Grenadiers get hotshot lasguns and krak grenades. Gain an Auto pistol, 30 pts. (Basically so you can have kasrkin, kreig grenadiers, mordian/steel legion/valhallan/vostroyan veterans) -Forward sentries/observers get infiltrate along with the usual stuff 20pts (basically Tanith/Catachan/Drookina Fenguard) -Demolitions as normal 20pts Infantry platoons: -command squad -2 infantry squads of 2 heavy weapons squads minimum vox casters 6" increase to order range, barrage weapons may draw line of sight from the vox caster, tanks firing at units within LOS of the vox gain ignores cover. Vehicle squadrons may combat squad. Sentinels gain the Extremely bulky rule, and may be transported in a valkyrie. Lord Commissars (excluding Yarrick) make MT platoons troops. Yarrick gets stubborn. Chain of command grants junior officer, and warlord grants senior officer. (Makes LC's a better take) Masters of ordinance always scatter, but take the lowest roll on a direct hit. No more 3d6 or 2d6 crap. Give them two profiles to fire, S9 AP2 barrage ordnance 1 large blast, or S6 AP4 barrage heavy 3 large blast. Can benefit from vox. Doctrines: Completely optional upgrades to allow you to customize the way you play your army Squad Doctrines: Mechanized, allows disembark after full vehicle move Drop troops, gives you deep strike Air Assault, allow valkyries as dedicated transports regimental doctrines: Mechanized, all non-heavy vehicles gain fast, all units must take mechanized squad doctrine, limited air support Airborne, roll reserves starting first turn, half your valkyries/vendettas/vultures rounded up arrive automatically first turn, Air assault units treat valkyries as assault transports, all units must take drop troops squad doctrine or Air Assault squad doctrine Combined Arms, use of mixed doctrines. World Doctrines: Limit characters and relics. World specific relics would be unavailable without a specific world chosen, however characters would still be available. World doctrines would limit regimental doctrines. Relics: It would be nice if there were general relics, and a few world specific relics. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted May 13, 2016 Share Posted May 13, 2016 We kind of already are anti-death star. All those points are wasted against single Guardsman squads. Whatever is done we need a bit of a shake up, the question is always what GW decides... I certainly wouldn't mind a new Armoured Company list for full tank! Coffee gets extra bonus points for his avatar too ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CoffeeGrunt Posted May 13, 2016 Share Posted May 13, 2016 I - finally - got around to watching the original movie, but SAC is a favourite series of mine. Anywho, I like the ideas Ulrik put up, though straight-up Ignores Cover isn't something I'd like tbh. Not unless it was a once-a-turn thing, or the Vox Caster was expensive. Otherwise Guard become the Ignores Cover Spam army, which wouldn't be much fun to play against. :/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted May 13, 2016 Share Posted May 13, 2016 SAC is great - I'd have a certain couple of Hasslefree's models as body guards if we could have them. Oh, but hey since we're wish listing - bodyguards back please GW! ;) I agree the vox should do something a bit extra, but it should only support the Guard. After all the strength of Guard is in lasguns and bayonets with some guts behind it, not fancy tricks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
march10k Posted May 14, 2016 Share Posted May 14, 2016 While not a guard player myself I have started a traitor guard army using the renegades and Heretics list. One thing which could work for infantry platoons could be to remove bobbing but allow infantry squads to be bigger. Also allow the warlord to take certain upgrades allowing you to customise your army ala the renegades and Heretics listWhat possible benefit would there be in removing blobbing and replacing it with larger maximum squad sizes?Well for one it makes infantry horde lists alot better In the same way that T5 standard would make space marines better...I think what you're suggesting might smell like...cheese? You could argue that's the rest of the codex not being good enough but we've long expected it to change when the new rules come about, the question is how. A points increase would be the simplest method perhaps, I'd say no more than 15pts - the Heavy Support slot is a hotly contested one for Guard after all. True, but less so than before...squadrons, HQ tanks, and multiple FOCs relieve a lot of the pressure on the heavy slots. It's arguably too good, my Wyverns carry my army most games, and I only run two. Would be interesting to see how they perform in bulk. Would you be interested in trying more? (Via Chimera proxies or beg/borrow/stealing some more) See if it's the hidden tournament gem that shoots Guard back to the top with the new Wyvernblower style list. That is interesting...but literally only any good at all against troops. You'd still need some good anti-tank...and wyverns can't target the invisible, and they need 6s to wound flying nurgle princes who then get a 2+ jink, and so on...they're really only godlike against vanilla infantry. We kind of already are anti-death star. All those points are wasted against single Guardsman squads. True...700 point unkillable deathstar eating a 50 point squad per turn...rofl. Meanwhile the 1500 points not being sacrificed is facing the other 1150 points in his list...advantage, guard? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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