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IG Codex Wish List

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Guard also needs its identity back... or at least to reforge some of the fluff into the table top




Tau out shoot us

Orks out number us


And looking at the new angels of death supplement looks like SMs out tank us...


We can do artillery but in the current edition and missions its not super effective


If the FAQ prevents move through cover of walls though that will let us survive a turn or two longer

Especially with the grenades clarification

like...squadrons of stock russes reroll scatter, squadrons of plasmacutioners reroll gets hot...squadrons of eradicators reroll to wound, and so on?  Might be nice, but if it has the thing where losing one of the three tanks (it'll have to be a "you take three to get this") strips the bonus, blech.  


What I would love is a chimera chassis with nothing but a hull weapon, serving as a mobile skyfire nexus...especially if the above-mentioned squadron rules included cover-ignoring eradicators...although I might still shoot a squadron of vanquishers at the flying pests...

I - finally - got around to watching the original movie, but SAC is a favourite series of mine.

Indeed bonus points for the avatar. SAC is great, the new one Arise is actually decent too.



Anywho, I like the ideas Ulrik put up, though straight-up Ignores Cover isn't something I'd like tbh. Not unless it was a once-a-turn thing, or the Vox Caster was expensive. Otherwise Guard become the Ignores Cover Spam army, which wouldn't be much fun to play against. :/

I was debating that. To balance it, only one leman russ gains ignores cover against a unit the vox equipped squad fired at. So if you have 3 leman russes and 3 squads of vets with vox, but ony one squad fired at a target, only one tank gets to ignore cover against their target. Either that or any unit fired on by a leman russ within range of a vox equipped unit takes a -1 to cover. I'm not trying to make vox too good, just to work in synergy. I agree that vox should be a bit extra for added capability, maybe 10 points.

  • 2 weeks later...

'Ere we go!


Leman Russ get 4 hull points.

-shoot main gun 2x if they havent moved

-Vet tank crew upgrade, BS4, LD9

-squadron bonuses, 3 demolishers get 10" apoc blast just like SM.


Heavy weapon teams need instant death protection, maybe point drop.


Medic upgrade per squad, 5 pts for 6+ fnp. We are still T3 after all.


Vox get unlimited range for order rerolls. Within 12" allow commanders LD to be used.


Heavy stubbers as a special weapon upgrade.


Taurox are "Fast", no point drop.

-Vet crew when taken as DT for veterans.


Chimera side armor 11.

-autocannon turret

-vet crew when taken as a vet DT.


Scions get their ccw and pistol back in addition to the rifle.

-shock and awe, weapons cause pinning on turn they DS in. No check just auto pinned.


Thudd guns and other FW artillery in the codex.


Deep strike veteran doctrine


More command squad advisors like listed earlier. Make them 0-2 or 0-3 per command squad though.


HWT and SWS blob up with other IF.


Some tanks in elite slot, hellhound variants? FA is actually pretty clogged up with sentinels, valks and vendettas and hellhounds.

My humble wishlisting.

-Give command unit the option to take horse mounts, this should make Rough riders troops.

-Mounts increase statts (Similar to thunder wolf mounts)

-Veterans back to elite

-More command unit options that either makes Veterans or Stormtroopers troops.(limited to 1 change per detachment)

-Sentinals as an attachment option to troops, like they used to be (Or was that Hq well one of them.

-Veteran upgrade for transport when they are taken for a Veterans or Command unit(Just higher BS)

 -Avenger Strike fighter.

-More tank commander options, eg fast light tanks like banewolf and such.

-New light fast tanks, plasma Exec. cannon, tl lascannon, flak autocano (Grants skyfire if not moved) ,Taurox gatling/ or Punisher cannon. -

-Tank commanders allow tanks to be taken as troops depending on type tank (Light or  heavy) 

-Tank ace option,bs 4 and re roll tank order.

Why have Veterans as Elite? Plus FOC slots just don't matter in the game anymore, so FOC switcheroos are a bit redundant.

I will continue to run a CAD. So I'd like to see that. Also, it would allow you to run stormtrooper armies in a CAD and combine the C:AM and C:MT books.



My humble wishlisting.

-Give command unit the option to take horse mounts, this should make Rough riders troops. This is a good idea, and I like it.

-Mounts increase statts (Similar to thunder wolf mounts) Agreed.

-Veterans back to elite I disagree, but I'll address that in a moment.

-More command unit options that either makes Veterans or Stormtroopers troops.(limited to 1 change per detachment) Not a bad idea.

-Sentinals as an attachment option to troops, like they used to be (Or was that Hq well one of them. I'd be more likely to take platoons if I could take sentinels in them.

-Veteran upgrade for transport when they are taken for a Veterans or Command unit(Just higher BS) Fantastic

 -Avenger Strike fighter. Dear God yes.

So I'm down with most of what you said.


Veterans should stay a troops choice, for the simple reason that platoons are expensive to run, and it makes the army cumbersome to play, as well as limiting the player base even further. If Vets moved back to elite, you have platoons as the only troops option so a basic CAD would be an HQ and 2 platoons of 25 guys each. So now you have a 55 man basic CAD instead of a 25 guy basic CAD, that would put off a ton of potential players, and GW wants to move models so it'll never happen.


Command squad options to make stormies troops is a fantastic idea, but why limit it to just one to troops? One platoon of stormies can be as small as a single 5 man squad, then what? Now you need to take an infantry platoon because you made vets elites. That's not good synergy with the rest of the army, and that's what guard really needs right now is more internal synergy. We need our units to cooperate better.


Sentinels as Platoon attachments would be really nice, especially since that's really how I like to use my sentinels, and it would free up FOC slots in FA, so I can take more flyers. Say a limit of 1 squadron per platoon?


I do like the idea of vehicles getting a BS boost for veteran crew. Though maybe it should be an option? I'd really like to see Valkyries/Vendettas/Taurox/Prime/Chimera get a points drop. And Then have the ability to spend points on a BS upgrade.



Oh vanquishers should be str D too.

Oh, goodness that would be wicked. No need for beasthunter shells.

B/c wishlisting is too fun and my previous post wasn't long enough...some more ideas:





-More named Characters. I don't know as much of the old fluff as I could, but I know there are all sorts of names out there like the Tallarn ("Col. Al Rhem" or something?) guy. Basically, more ways of adding flavor and sublte differences to your army. 


I hate to always compare things to the Astartes, but almost every SM codex has a named character version of their HQ choices:


-Captain: Sicarius/Blackmane/Sammael/Karlaen


-Chaplain: Grimaldus/Ulrik/Asmodai/Astorath


-Librarian: Tigurius/Njal/Ezekiel/Mephiston



...how's abouts some more dudes for us? 



-Siegemaster: Regimental Specialist. At the start of the game, any friendly units in Cover within 18” of this model add +1 to their Cover and may auto-recover the first time they Go to Ground. However, the benefits are lost as soon as the units Move for any reason. In addition, the Siegemaster may make forgo his Shooting attack to reduce the Cover Save by 1 of any enemy unit within 18”.





-Infantry Heavy Weapons platforms count as Artillery: T7 W2. This would work wonders for their survivability without being OP. Infantry Squads with HWT's are still being wounded on majority T3, but dedicated Heavy Weapons Squads now actually stand the chance of surviving more than a stiff breeze. From a fluff perspective this gives them more of a machine-gun nest/pillbox aspect to them. There would just have to be a clause that says the HWT's could still receive Orders and no additional Crew can be added to them. 


-Veterans: "Forward Sentries" doctrine gives Scout as well as Camo Cloaks. 


-Platoon Command Squad: 


Lieutenant Skippy: WS3 BS4 S3 T3 I3 W2 A1 Ld8 Sv5+. One Platoon Commander in your army may be upgraded to Lt. Skippy for ___ pts. He may issue 2 Orders per Turn but does not have the Senior Officer rule. Additionally, all units in his platoon may use his Leadership value when testing for Morale [the idea is add some customization, personality, and a bit of fun to your army as well]. 




-Rough Riders are T4 [+1T like every other calvary/bike unit in the entire game]. CCS's can be equipped with mounts but the entire squad, including attached IC's must have them as well. IC's, other than Lord Commissars, can only be given mounts if the attached unit they start the game with has them as well. Likewise, they must take mounts for the same reason. If your Warlord is mounted than Rough Riders count as Troops [this is to make sure that Regiments that make heavy use of them are represented. Your typical IG commander would regard traditional calvary units as some backwater auxiliary force they can't quite grasp. Even the DKK would see them as specialists].


-Scout Sentinels are Fast walkers


-Armored Sentinels have 3HP





-Earthshaker Cannon:


24"-180" S9 AP3 Ordnance 1, Barrage, Large Blast, Shake the Ground, King of Battle


Shake the GroundThe very pride of the Forge Worlds that manufacture them, Earthshaker shells live up to their name. They are some of the most powerful baseline munitions in the entire Imperium.  Units hit by Earthshaker shells have their Cover Save reduced by 1. This stacks with other sources such as Auspexes. 


King of Battle: Earthshaker cannons have the Shred Special Rule. In addition, any Monstrous Creatures or Gargantuan Creatures hit by this weapon take 2x Wounds on a To Wound roll of 6. 







-Hunting Lance: S+2/+1 AP3/AP4 +2 Initiative on the Charge



-Platoon Standard: Units from the same Platoon within 12” add 1 to their Ld when testing for Morale, Pinning, or Regroup tests. In addition, units from this Platoon within 12” add 1 to their Initiative when determining the results of Sweeping Advances in either direction.



-Regimental Standard: re-roll failed Morale, Pinning, Regroup tests. In addition, if the model with this Standard is within 3” of an Objective, all friendly units from the same Detachment within 12” of the Objective gains +1A, +1Ld, and may Overwatch at BS2. 






Oh vanquishers should be str D too.

Oh, goodness that would be wicked. No need for beasthunter shells.


They are tank destroyers and titan killers that cant do that in the game. Armorbane is nice and will pen almost everytime but with ap3 main gun you will never get an explodes result.



Oh vanquishers should be str D too.

Oh, goodness that would be wicked. No need for beasthunter shells.


They are tank destroyers and titan killers that cant do that in the game. Armorbane is nice and will pen almost everytime but with ap3 main gun you will never get an explodes result.


Check your stats, the Vanquisher Battle Cannon is AP2,

I added some wish listing to my previous post.


As for that 1 thingie, all Stormtroopers would be an option for troops not just 1, think of it as marines and there bike thingy. The 1  options refers to type, giving players a choice of regiment like thing. And with the vets upgrade for the command unit those vets can still be taken as troops, you just cant make Stormtroopers or Rough riders troops.


Stormtroopers are all about fancy gear while Veterans should get veteran skills. 


Obvious regiment stuf should be a thing:

-Elysian get deepstrike like droppod assault but less tanks.

-Catachan get move through cover and infiltrate, but Commisars might have a hard time.

-Mordian Ironguard get stubborn and arent locked out of doing orders if adouble 6 is rolled.

Etc etc

It would be cool to see Marbo, Al Rahem, Chenkov, Sgt Bastognne come back. It would also be really cool to see Harker give his squad infiltrate again. We lost a bunch of really cool characters.


Not trying to convert this to a gripe fest but someone made the comment of "I have a sneaking feeling that GW doesn't really know how to play Guard." The disappearance of so many iconic characters is exhibit B. 

Whoops. Ive been playing it as a battle cannon with armorbane.






Oh vanquishers should be str D too.

Oh, goodness that would be wicked. No need for beasthunter shells.


They are tank destroyers and titan killers that cant do that in the game. Armorbane is nice and will pen almost everytime but with ap3 main gun you will never get an explodes result.

Check your stats, the Vanquisher Battle Cannon is AP2,

Whoops. Ive been playing it as a battle cannon with armorbane.







Oh vanquishers should be str D too.

Oh, goodness that would be wicked. No need for beasthunter shells.


They are tank destroyers and titan killers that cant do that in the game. Armorbane is nice and will pen almost everytime but with ap3 main gun you will never get an explodes result.

Check your stats, the Vanquisher Battle Cannon is AP2,


I can can cause an explode, it's just less likely than with something like a meltagun. My Vanquishers have One-Shotted riptides with beasthunter shells, and monoliths with the regular shot. They are vicious.

Extra wish listing in regards to veterans in form of there dedicated proffesions.

Veterans 100 points, they must choose 1 of the following, inluded in points cost.


Demolition experts:

-unit has meltabombs an 1 democharge.

-unit can sabotage or remove sabotage result from objective.


Forward sentries:

-unit has infiltrate, scout and move through cover usr

-unit has 1 set of snare mines.



-unit has carapace armour, defensiv grenades and krak grenades.

-unit may have 2 extra grenade launcher with no extra cost, this is extra and doesnt take the 3other speciald s away.


Dirty fighters (Criminals most likely)

-all models have lasgun, laspistol and close combatweapon. 

-close combat attacks have rending or poison (Chosen before each round of combat) , unit can swap ws for bs at start of game.

-lasgun attacks cause blinding. 

Extra wish listing in regards to veterans in form of there dedicated proffesions.

Veterans 100 points, they must choose 1 of the following, inluded in points cost.


Demolition experts:

-unit has meltabombs an 1 democharge.

-unit can sabotage or remove sabotage result from objective.


Forward sentries:

-unit has infiltrate, scout and move through cover usr

-unit has 1 set of snare mines.



-unit has carapace armour, defensiv grenades and krak grenades.

-unit may have 2 extra grenade launcher with no extra cost, this is extra and doesnt take the 3other speciald s away.


Dirty fighters (Criminals most likely)

-all models have lasgun, laspistol and close combatweapon. 

-close combat attacks have rending or poison (Chosen before each round of combat) , unit can swap ws for bs at start of game.

-lasgun attacks cause blinding. 


The criminals/dirty fighters idea is fun. 


Personally, I think it would make sense to include such an idea as a Penal Legions entry in a Militarum Auxliia sub-codex. Just like Militarum Tempestus can have all-commando armies, I think it would be fun to have an all Ogryn or Ratling army, or Penal Legions, Savlar Chem Dogs, and "Primitive" troops (basically CCW/Auto pistol troops in huge numbers recruited from Feral worlds). Stuff like that. 


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