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Hi all!


I'm posting this because obviously I'm excited to join the fifth incarnation of the ETL, becauee I would like to know if something is planned yet, and to learn -most importantly- IF it runs this year, when it starts? 


I have no idea if this is the appropriate forum/location for these questions, but it seems like the right one (board announcements and rumours - so far the ETL V strictly has only been a rumour).


I am obligated to cash in some vacation days this May, and I'd love for the days to fall in the first week of the ETL, so I can get a good start with painting. For that, I'd like to know the start date.


So if anyone - Captain Semper?! - knows more, please respond. Mods, if this is an inappropriate place or question - please feel free to relocate or delete this post.





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Fair enough. So far the ETL V hasn't been properly confirmed, so technically it is a rumour msn-wink.gif , but I honestly don't care about the location of this question, just about a confirmation and a start date...

Do you know it, JolemI? smile.pngthumbsup.gif

As it's not my event, I have no right to confirm or deny anything and whenever I speak about the ETL I stress that it could be on either date. Whether or not that means I know the penciled in date or not I'll leave up to the conspiracy theorists. What I will say is that the event will run when it's convenient for Captain Semper given the associated admin work.

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