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HH Iron Warriors 74th Grand Company 6/5/16 update

Captain Rex

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Here is what I have finished so far on my take on the IV Legion

So lets start at the top............

The main man himself Perturabo.....


And if I wish to play as the loyalist here is my take on Kyr Vhalen of the 77th Grand Company.....

Kyr Vhalen

Still till finish is 2 boxes of B@C that are in various states of painting so theres going to be a lot more to add here over the coming months.

Thanks for looking

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Hello Brothers and Sisters,


Thanks to the joy of having a bank holiday weekend heres a little update of what I have been working on today


First up is Legion Praetor Varn


Legion Praetor Varn



And here is Legion  Champion Trask


Legion Champion Trask Fotor

Im hoping to get some more painting done before its back to work on Tuesday, Im also going to be adding some back stories to the characters as I go along.
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