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Beautiful work and yes, it seems a shame to smash it around a bit. Where did you get the spear tips from???



The marauder horsemen kit! I got them for the heads but it’s not the first time I’ve salvaged other bits from it. Shafts are thicker gauge floral wire and the pieces holding them are styrene plastic.


I'm getting a little obsessed with spears at the moment, so should bite the bullet and grab a box of the Marauder horsemen - I've wanted the heads for a long time.

Your work is plain stunning, I wrote it before but this Thread is one of my main inspirations (not that I can emulate whats happening here ). Spent hours looking at your Stuff :sweat: .

Thanks a ton! I bet you could though, just need to try and experiment. I'm here to help when you do!

Sicaran Battle Tank Krokspjot ready to hunt!








I'm love this model, it's such a beautiful merging of the old designs and the new. They are one of the biggest arguments that the old range can never die, it'd be such a shame to not see them. Its possibly the first time I've been psyched to do a two in a row since I have the Venator to do too. 5 wolves for the completed vow then we'll see what a second vow looks like!

Thanks Brothers!


Oh yeah ("Vrooom! Tsshhhht! Dum-Dum-Dum-Dum-Dum!"...Uh-hum, Excuse me)! Why did you choose no sponsons though? And what dies Krokspjot mean :)?

Means “Barbed Spear”. I just knew I would sometimes need to cut points sometimes so wanted to come up with an attractive solution if I needed to drop them. I’ve got the sponsons still!

Amazing and saved to my Inspiration Folder. I have an assembled Sicaran sitting on my shelf, although I messed up  and now it wobbles on the Tabletop. Sigh. But I am with you, one of the best Marine Tank Designs there is. Love everything about it.


Do you weather with a Sponge? I Tried it, looked like someone through Monkey Poop at my Dudes rather than Battle Damage.  :facepalm:


How do you do your Bronze and Gold? Its something I am struggling ATM.

Amazing and saved to my Inspiration Folder. I have an assembled Sicaran sitting on my shelf, although I messed up  and now it wobbles on the Tabletop. Sigh. But I am with you, one of the best Marine Tank Designs there is. Love everything about it.


Do you weather with a Sponge? I Tried it, looked like someone through Monkey Poop at my Dudes rather than Battle Damage.  :facepalm:


How do you do your Bronze and Gold? Its something I am struggling ATM.


Yea i just use pluck foam sections from an old mini case. I also have a lot of old foam backings from GW blister packs, Ive found it to be a but more textured than others. Id say experiment with different types of foam and maybe color? I use a mix of Stormvermin fur and black for the blue and the base blue over the parts painted black.


My golds arent really that much special honestly I just changed lines a ways back to Scalecolor. Its Decayed Metal > Agrax > Decayed Metal > Viking Gold > Dwarven Gold > (sometimes) Elven Gold.



The Sicaran looks great! What does its name mean?

Thanks! Means “Barbed Spear”.
A kenning for "I will make my enemies SUFFER for daring to stand against me!" A fine choice.

Badass! Yea the battle tank variant is an eldar killer and I hate those guys so much I was feeling particularly vindictive during the naming.

Been a while since i touched the LRC. Putting on the finishing touches to get it in a vow!




Wanted the casual iron priest crew. I don't know why other than I feel like riding in this beast would(should) make some feel pretty flippin' confident. Trim needs rivet work, furs still need a lot, crewman obviously, and I'm brainstorming something really badass for the front door.

Hoping to get some paint on it this weekend!

The wolf pelts on the Land Raider Crusader, and the shields on its sponsons, are well done. Why are there chains hanging from the sponsons? Wouldn't they get caught on ground debris, potentially getting the hurricane bolters damaged?

The wolf pelts on the Land Raider Crusader, and the shields on its sponsons, are well done. Why are there chains hanging from the sponsons? Wouldn't they get caught on ground debris, potentially getting the hurricane bolters damaged?


It's part of the bit. If anything it would just tear the shield off, I'm all about rule of cool and I like the texture really.

  • 2 weeks later...

Quick update!

Work progresses on the Crusader. Just basic colors so far and we're almost solidly in the awkward phase!


Another interstging bit, while waiting for sculpting on the Crusader to dry I got started in earnest on my first primaris unit:


I like how they are turning out but I can't say Im excited at this point to do more primaris. I don't really want my future to be just pelts on static models. We'll see how it goes, Im locking into 2 lists for the remainder of the year anyways so i don't need to worry about the primaris problem just yet.

they look great! i really want to delve into the Vanguard bits myself.


this might sound weird, but i find the key to making primaris look wolfy isn't adding pelts but finding ways to make their tactical poses more aggressive.


Yea I dunno, its not enough for me and to do more you basically have to sculpt 80% of the thing. The vanguard models get a slight pass as they're cool but it its going to bug me.


We'll see how they paint up, I could come around I suppose.

they look great! i really want to delve into the Vanguard bits myself.


this might sound weird, but i find the key to making primaris look wolfy isn't adding pelts but finding ways to make their tactical poses more aggressive.

The knot work on that intercessors leg is very good! 


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