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If you shoot and kill ANYTHING with that tank you HAVE to say "Skoll!" And chug down whatever beverage you are drinking at that time... you have to!


As always: Magnificent work. Just outstandingly good and evocative conversions.

You bring glory to our halls.

If you shoot and kill ANYTHING with that tank you HAVE to say "Skoll!" And chug down whatever beverage you are drinking at that time... you have to!


As always: Magnificent work. Just outstandingly good and evocative conversions.

You bring glory to our halls.

My 14mo old daughter sköls with her sippy cup so I think this is a pretty safe bet at any table I’m at lol.

  • 3 weeks later...

Been neglecting updates but here we go!

Some WiP shots of my Kingsgaurd i'll be bringing to a narrative event at the end of the month. I've said :censored: it and fully embraced rule of cool and decided to mix my armor types. I basically never am even tempted to take the TDA variants but i love the looks a ton and thought it was a great way to imply character in the roles.


Lots of work to go but i'm having a lot of fun with it.

That Sicaran turned out amazingly well.  Love the name, and the font you've used on the runes on the side of it.  They look feral!


I also really dig your trim work, on the Leviathan you did and the land raider now.  How do you cut the plasticard so evenly into strips?  I tried it and couldn't get it straight!  Also, is that just milliput you've used for the spiral bits on the end?  And how do you do your rivets?!?


I have all of the questions for you!

Thanks guys! Well the LR is painted now so no swapping, I do like how it is though.


For the trim I just used a metal straightedge and made sure to use a really sharp blade. I sanded it after though to remove any edges and I’m sure it corrected some areas. The spirals are indeed miliput. I use that vs GS for anything I have to keep an edge on since it cures harder. My rivets are .8mm nail art beads that I seat in a sort of pilot divot I make with pin vice.

Cheers dude! Looking very good there, the Varagyr base model especially. Your pelt sculpting has definitely levelled up (again!).

Thanks! I altered my technique a bit, it’s a bit more painstaking but I think the results are better!


Before I was laying down strips horizontally then teasing it into shape before another above it working upwards. Now I’m actually making a billion little oblong “beads” but approaching it the same way, bottom up. Feels more consistent and I have more control!

Im on a roll, these Terminators have my blood up! Using spoiler tags because I got a lot this time.

Storm Bolter and Storm Shield, bolter is magged to be able to swap for a hammer as well.




Next up I'm repurposing this guy for a banner bearer:


I'm wanting to depict the Magnus vs Logan showdown and had some ideas as to how i was going to convey it:



I like the idea of the staredown knowing that logan beats him back but am wondering if i should do a more actiony shot with the axe buried in his chest? Any thoughts?

Next item of business is cloak or no cloak for this guy. He's going to be my pack leader hence the stoic grizzled pose. Im leaning towards no cloak as he has a lot of personality already and the cloak almost makes him look too much like a Wolf Lord in TDA. Not a bad thing really but still.



No Cloak



Thanks for your help as always brothers!

Amazing as always. I vote for no cloak as he is already a distinct figure on his own.


As for Magnus v. Logan I think a scene widthwise of the banner with Logan having just struck the axe into Magnus would look very sick. Would make it seem more like a painting hung in a gallery but have that visceral feel of a war banner.


I'll draw up my idea when I get a chance to better lay it out.

I think I definitely would prefer doing the acts in chest route but my only issue is I feel like the positioning would be really similar to my dread banner. I look forward to seeing your take, I’m gonna try a few sketches as well!


Thanks for the feedback!

vote no cloak, he starts to steal logan's thunder if he gets too heroic.


for the banner, i am really partial to the middle one, where magnus isn't explicitly depicted and is more formless, silhouette with a single evil eye. 


maybe you can take some cues from the hull of stormrider? not the first time Logan effing up a Daemon Primarch has been immortalized on a banner! always loved the one of him breaking Angron's sword, but logan is depicted as a wolf.


edit: :cuss, cool idea: logan-as-a-wolf-carrying-the-axe-in-his-jaws-and-cutting-magnus-as-he-runs-by

vote no cloak, he starts to steal logan's thunder if he gets too heroic.


for the banner, i am really partial to the middle one, where magnus isn't explicitly depicted and is more formless, silhouette with a single evil eye. 


maybe you can take some cues from the hull of stormrider? not the first time Logan effing up a Daemon Primarch has been immortalized on a banner! always loved the one of him breaking Angron's sword, but logan is depicted as a wolf.


edit: :censored:, cool idea: logan-as-a-wolf-carrying-the-axe-in-his-jaws-and-cutting-magnus-as-he-runs-by


I vote for no cloak as well


I'm with wispy with the middle one with Logan going forward to the evil mist with one evil eye...



Also I need to do this... :sweat:


Logan + wolf + claws ... ¿Where is Professor Xavier? :teehee:


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