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2000 pt Night Lords - need help finishing off


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Hey Everyone, 


I normally play Word Bearers, but I've started reading the Night Lords Omnibus and its so good. So I would love to do a fun Night Lords army. I'm not full on points yet, and I'm not super familiar with how to take Night Lords, but let me know your initial thoughts or anything that makes more sense.





HQ - 340


Sevatar - RoW - Pride of the Legion


Centurion - Tartaros Terminator armour, Chaplain, Voidl Shield Harness, Trophies of Judgement, Nostraman Chainglaive


Troops - 615


Terminator Squad x 10

Tartaros Armour, 2x Chainfist, 2x Heavy Flamer


Veteran Tactical Squad x 10

Artificer Armour, Sniper, 2x Missle Launcher and Suspensor Web


Elites - 425


Contemptor Mortis

Extra Armour, Havoc Launcher, TL Autocannons


Terror Squad x 10

Artificer Armour, 5x Volkite Charger


Heavy Support - 560


Sicaran Battle Tank

Armoured Ceratite, Lascannons


Leviathan Siege Dreadnought

Drop Pod, 2x TL Volkite Caliver, Armoured Ceramite


Total is 1950


Tactics-wise, I'd put Sevatar with the Terror Squad for infiltrating sneakiness. And use his homing beacon to DS the Chaplain with the Terminator squad. I'm hoping my Leviathan Dread is a big enough distraction unit to let that happen fairly easily. The Tac squad is there to control some back end objectives or shoot some of my opponents own infiltrators. Mortis, is there for anti-air and anti-light vehicle and the Sicaran is there to provide additional anti troop / light armour support. Hopefully Leviathan will wreck some larger vehicles if it has to.


So, does any of this make sense? Or am I way off? Thoughts on what to do with those extra 50 points? Thanks everyone.



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Few points.



Sevatar can't infiltrate with a Terror Squad and as he has a fixed Warlord trait he can't roll the option on the strategic table. 


Void shields are strictly with opponents permission now - you can't take it as a basic bit of wargear. If someone has no problem with it fair enough but don't take it as a given.


Give the Terror Squad full volkites, it's worth the points investment. 


The Terminators ideally need some plasma weaponry, whether that's through combi weapons or plasma blasters is down to you but they need it, heavy flamers are very hit and miss.


Got call with the chaplain hitting on 3s with rerolls will be pretty sweet.


Points are obviously an issue but you'll want either a melta lance or grav bombard that will either seriously ramp up the anti tank and also give you the option of deleting squads every turn. If you're getting a levi in a pod, give it the tools to take on anything.


It's a fairly solid list, it covers most of the bases that need it at any rate.


When using Night Lords, especially units that you can see being in assault, always, always keep A Talent for Murder in mind. This turns basic troops into half decent combat boys whilst it makes dedicated assault units monsters - primarily Terror Squads and Night Raptors. By outnumbering, you get +1 to both hit and wound by outnumbering and bulky units count as 2 so raptors/terminators make it easier to ensure you have the advantage. This is the best thing the VIII have.


Hope that helps :)

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Those are great suggestions / clarifications. I totally forgot about Sevatar not being able to go with the infiltrators (duh!). Is there anyway to infiltrate somebody / thing with a teleportation transponder for the terminators? That was kinda my plan. I'd hate to have to drive up Sevetar in a rhino or footslog. Maybe a Drop Pod? Thoughts?

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Welcome to the VIII Legion! You're off to a great start with your list, and Balthamal already gave you some great advice I'd strongly advise following. Here's a few more things to consider...


Sevatar: Other than Sigismund and Salamander Praetors, there's nothing short of a Primarch he shouldn't beat in a challenge. If you're not running a Terminator/Jump Pack Praetor, there's no reason not to take him. He synergies beautifully with Pride of the Legion too, so well done on this one.


Chaplain: Don't forget to include the cost of the Teleporter Transponder if you're deep striking him and the Terminators. Also, I STRONGLY advise switching to Cataphractii Terminator Armour, especially if DSing. The extra survivability will make all the difference.


Terminators: Again, Cataphractii Terminator Armour all the way. 2 Chainfists is great, but give them Plasma Blasters and throw in a few Power Fists as well. Other than your Leviathan, these are your giantslayers, so you need to make sure they can take and deal out a lot of punishment. Cataphractii Armour, Chain/Power Fists, and Plasma Blasters do just that. Also, give the Sergeant a Chainglaive - it's free! We're rumored to be getting our own Legion-specific Terminators in the not too distant future (Atramentar!) so our Terminators will be even better than they already are. Lastly, this is the only unit in your list that is going to see any benefit from A Talent For Murder, so anything that helps keep them at max capacity should be a priority.


Veterans: In my opinion, this is where Sevatar should go. If you want to keep Sniper that's fine, but consider switching to Fearless/Furious Charge as you want them in combat. Go with a Heavy Bolter and give the unit some power weapons, and make sure the Sergeant has a Fist or Thunder Hammer to complement Sevatar's Chainglaive. Toss them in a pod and they're golden.


Contemptor-Mortis Dreadnought: Looks good. A Deredeo is much better, but this setup will serve you pretty well against most opponents.


Terror Squad: As much as it pains me to say it, I would advise dropping the Terror Squad from this list. Don't get me wrong - Terror Squads are AMAZING. But you have to kit them out to be worth it - full Volkite, Artificer Armour and Chainglaive/Power Fist and melta bombs on the Sarge. in this list, they're not doing much except chewing up points you could be using to strengthen other units in your list. With the points you save you can tune up your Terminators and your Vets as well as your Leviathan with some to spare. Just my opinion though.


Sicaran: Perfect. Ideal setup.


Leviathan Siege Dreadnought: An absolute Godsend to NL players. I run a full talon of three at 3k. If you don't have the points for a Bombard or a Melta Lance, at least give him a Siege Drill so he can punch out anything with Armour value.

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Terminators: Again, Cataphractii Terminator Armour all the way. 2 Chainfists is great, but give them Plasma Blasters and throw in a few Power Fists as well. Other than your Leviathan, these are your giantslayers, so you need to make sure they can take and deal out a lot of punishment. Cataphractii Armour, Chain/Power Fists, and Plasma Blasters do just that. Also, give the Sergeant a Chainglaive - it's free! We're rumored to be getting our own Legion-specific Terminators in the not too distant future (Atramentar!) so our Terminators will be even better than they already are. Lastly, this is the only unit in your


I agree with them staying around longer, but would it be better to have the ability to sweeping advance from the Tartaros armour? 

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It depends how aggressive you plan to be with your deep strike. If you're going balls to the wall and aiming for 6"-15" away in order to have prime position for a charge cataphractii is more or less mandatory because they're going to be shot to hell. If you foot slog them however Tartaros is better because having the run move is priceless.


Anvillus Dreadclaws are more like flyers than pods, they deploy like a pod but the unit inside doesn't have to leave and it can move around the board in the same way as a flyer before "hovering" and allowing it's cargo to disembark. Plus it's an assault vehicle so is a good delivery mechanism for a hard hitting unit

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Terminators: Again, Cataphractii Terminator Armour all the way. 2 Chainfists is great, but give them Plasma Blasters and throw in a few Power Fists as well. Other than your Leviathan, these are your giantslayers, so you need to make sure they can take and deal out a lot of punishment. Cataphractii Armour, Chain/Power Fists, and Plasma Blasters do just that. Also, give the Sergeant a Chainglaive - it's free! We're rumored to be getting our own Legion-specific Terminators in the not too distant future (Atramentar!) so our Terminators will be even better than they already are. Lastly, this is the only unit in your

I agree with them staying around longer, but would it be better to have the ability to sweeping advance from the Tartaros armour?

I apologize for the chopped last sentence, it was supposed to end with "list that is going to see any benefit from A Talent For Murder, so anything that helps keep them at max capacity should be a priority." Balthamal already answered your question better than I would have, and I agree wholeheartedly with what he said. Cataphractii are the only way to go when deep-striking. Sweeping Advance is great, but if half your Terminators are shot off of the table the turn after they hit the board, it's kind of a moot point, isn't it?


My rule is: Teleport or Transport = Cataphractii. If they're running up the board from the beginning, Tartaros is a better choice, though I have yet to see a 30K game where that worked for anyone but Iron Warriors spamming Tyrant Siege Terminators with Deredeos bubble-wrapping them.


In regards to your question on pods, again Balthamal is right. Sure, it's 50 points more than a Rhino w/ Heavy Bolter, but as previously stated that cost allows you to guarantee where that unit comes in. Given the fact that Sevatar can call his Terminator buddies down right on top of him without scattering, you NEED him in the thick of things to make that most effective. So technically you're spend 50 more points to get two CC monster units right where you want them

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^^^ Pretty much all this. 


The one addendum I would tack on the end, Terror Squads can take dreadclaws as dedicated transports and they're a damn good assault unit even when run as stock or kitted out with volkites. There's far worse units to run with Sevatar for that reason. 


Not to mention the fact that running Sevatar leads to 2 conclusions, you want him at the business end of the board to have the terminators drop. And you want an assault unit to back him up because every turn he isn't in assault after the terminators land is a turn wasted. Bot to mention the compound effect of having both units assault the same enemy. Sev hitting on 2s, wounding on 2s/3s with rending and re-rolls on the misses.....

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Wow everyone. Great feedback. Thanks so much. Now I have the opposite problem with being over by 40 points! Some more of your great fine tuning would be wonderful. So heres round 2.


HQ - 310


Chaplain, Cataphractii, Teleportation Transponder, Trophies of Judgement, Nostraman Chainglaive



Pride of the Legion


Troops - 610

Terminator squad x 10

Nostraman Chainglaive, Teleportation Transponder, 2x Chainfist, 2x Power Fist, 2x Plasma Blaster


Veteran Tactical Squad x 10

Artificer Armour, Fearless


Elites - 540

Contemptor Mortis

Extra Armour, Havoc Launcher, TL Autocannons


Terror Squad x 9

Artificer Armour, Power Fist, 8x Volkite Charger, Anvils Pattern Drop Pod


Heavy Support - 580

Sicaran Battle Tank

Armoured Ceratite, Lascannons


Leviathan Siege Dreadnought

Armoured Ceratite, Grav-flux Bombard, 2x Volkite Caliver, Drop Pod


Total - 2040


So Sevatar goes with the Terror Squad and Drops in turn one I guess? Or maybe I should adjust and put the Vets in a pod and him with them, and infiltrate the Terror Squad so that sevatar isn't the focus of their fire. I'd be afraid of him being taken out immediately. So if/when he survives, turn two will have drop pod two with leviathan and DS the Terminators for maximum carnage.




Thanks again so much for everyone's help.

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That's a good list to be running. It covers more or less all bases well. I note the veterans don't have anything aside from bolters but I appreciate that the points are tight.


Personally, pod Sev and the Terror Squad, you want him in prime position for the terminator deep strike, the levi in the pod is going to be killing stuff from it's sheltered little bubble regardless whereas Sev needs to be on the board to take advantage of the no scatter

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With the utmost respect to Slipstreams, I would not drop the Leviathan's Armoured Ceramite to make those points up. He's a walking fortress - you need him as close to indestructible as possible. He can get by without it, sure, but why chance it over 20 points? If you need to make up the 40 points, drop the Leviathan's Volkite Calivers and the Contemptor-Mortis' Extra Armour and Havoc Launcher. That's 35 right there. Drop 1 Volkite Charger from the Terror Squad and you've done it. I wish I could tell you where to go for the points to give some teeth to that Veteran Squad, but that's all I can say for certain.

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