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Furioso Fluff Question

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This idea/question came to mind while I was working on my write-up for the Angels Sorrowful for Brotherhood of Angels ...


Is it possible that if a Captain had to be interred inside a Furioso Dreadnought, that he could continue (at least temporarily) to lead his company from within his sarcophagus?


The idea came to me when writing up the Angels Sorrowful organization ... they are woefully undermanned because they are being overtaken by the Flaw at a much faster rate than most BA Successors. Being undermanned means they have grave difficulties filling all positions, including leadership positions. As I've written the fluff, the seventh and eighth companies at this point don't even exist beyond on paper.


So part of the fluff is that the Chapter Master has to wear a second hat as commander of the First Company.


Then I thought about "Cassius the Unredeemed" (my counts-as Cassor the Damned), who in my fluff was the Second Company captain and became a Furioso Dreadnought after receiving greivous wounds. He fell to the Black Rage after that, but I was thinking, what if he continued on as company commander as a Furioso until he succumbed to the Rage, and therefore the Second Company currently has no captain which is why I have a Chaplain filling-in as company commander (warlord) when I take the Angels Sorrowful to Astronomi-con in the fall.


I know it's my hobby and all that, but I like my fluff to "work" with the existing canon. The codex does say that Furiosos advise the Chapter Master so its seems that they are quite high-functioning.


On the other hand, does one need to have been inside a sarcophagus for many centuries before he's considered a Furioso? Or if a marine was a very heroic captain, perhaps someone tapped to be the next Chapter Master, had his body wrecked, can he go straight to being a Furioso (our version of venerable)?

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I don't know exactly which chapter it was, but one of the successors on baal when Dante was petitioning them for extra recruits, their chapter master was a furioso dread. He was the chapter master, and got critically injured but continued in his role.
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Usually dreadnoughts don't have command positions, simply because of their long hibernation periods, but if you can work around that, I don't see why a character wouldn't retain his position as company leader.


Does your chapter have a fleet or large ship that is important to them? Maybe not make the captain a dreadnought, but have the broken body interface with the ship and have him continue service in that way. AFAIK people that steer ships in that fashion have less downtime and over the various communication devices he could even lead the company.

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