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Alpha Legion - Infiltration Cell 2000 (PotL)


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Hey everyone,


Here's a thought I had for an AL Harrow Cell that uses Infiltrate as its mutable tactic. When I play this list I would ensure that the center of the board has plenty of terrain on it!


Delegatus - MC Thunder Hammer, Power Dagger, Volkite Charger, Cataphractii Armour


Vet Squad x10 - 2x Heavy Bolters, Sgt with AA, Power Fist, Power Dagger, Vexilla, SNIPER

Vet Squad x10 - 2x Heavy Bolters, Sgt with AA, Power Fist, Power Dagger, Vexilla, SNIPER

Lernaen Terminators x5 - 1x Chainfist, 1x Plasma Blaster, Harrower with Power Fist and Power Dagger (Delegatus goes here)


Apothecarion x2 - AA, Scanners (1 for each Vet Squad)

Contemptor-Cortus - 2x TL Lascannons


Sicaran Battle Tank - LC Sponsons

Sicaran Venator

Leviathan Siege Dread - Melta Lance, Armoured Ceramite, Phosphex Discharger, Dreadnought Drop Pod


Basically this cell has been laying low until the opportune moment to strike, and are calling the heavy support to take out key elements of the enemy force. I think it has a good mix of everything, though maybe lacking in bodies as the Vets are not in transports. I had considered dropping the Contemptor and even the Apothecaries and adding a Support Squad with Volkite Calivers as a home objective holder.


Thoughts? I just think dropping a Leviathan Dreadnought onto the enemy when they least expect is totally Alpha Legion. SURPRISE!

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That's a lot of strikes last in that Lernean squad. I'd go with a sword or something on the delagatus.


I'd also put the chainfist on the harrower, it gives an extra chainfist attack vs tanks. Same cost, more benefit.


I'd consider adding a vigilator to scout those termies closer, if you want to.

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