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We come bearing his word (now with added Sons of Horus)

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Hello, I've not been active on these boards for quite sometime, I've discovered Bolt Action which means lots of Panzer painting and not a lot else. However, I was recently playing DoW Dark Crusade, and thought, I'd love to paint up a Word Bearer. My initial thought was to go to the shop and by a box but I remembered I had an unfinished Iron Warriors force from sometime ago. So I raided the cupboards and found (among other things), a Chaos Decimator, 2 Obliterators, one squad of Chaos Terminators, a squad of Raptors and a squad of what I assume were going to be a regular squad.

So any way, here is the first pic to show you of my return to 40k. A Word Bearers aspiring champion WIP



Not finished yet, will finish up the main bits then get on with the weathering.


Thanks for looking,


I made some progress tonight with a Chaos Raptor. The unit are from all different warbands / legions. Some have mutations others look almost loyalist barring a few chaos embellishments. I wanted the impression of the mercenary aspect of the Raptors that they talk about in the Codex. But this guy is the leader of that unit, the Word Bearer tasked with keeping an eye on the war hosts allies.



I was think of having the blades and talons a dark green with sharp highlights but I'm not 100% on that yet.

They look quite nice. I don`t really like these chosen models, but that is really just the sculpt.


I like your raptor he looks very balanced and fits to your fluff, he seems to look over his shoulder like "what is this guy doing there again" :)

and still looks menacing.


Is there a reason that almost all of them have blueish skin?

Hiya, thanks for the responses. Green it is. They have blue skin because the Iron Warriors I painted long ago had blue skin. (warp something something something chaos smile.png ). I thought I'd continue with the theme but I fancied building up a skin tone from red, and did it on the Word Bearer Raptor,therefore breaking the continuity I'd set myself. laugh.png

  • 2 weeks later...

Hello all, well I splashed out on Betrayal at Calth to use the plastic Heresy goodness inside. I've built my first squad of 8 Word Bearers (eight pointed star and all that) And began the task of army painting, Quite happy so far.

Heres the Dark Apostle.



And the squad








Thanks for looking



Thanks mate, it was a fairly basic conversion but it fits a bit more with the rest of the army now.

So today I made my very first attempt at using green stuff. Using some spare loyalist bits I made a plague champion in case I feeling like run MoN at all. It's not the greatest admittedly but we all gotta start somewhere eh?






Still in the process of washing him with blacks and browns and he needs basing and some highlight work. The pictures aren't great but you get the idea.


Thanks for looking



Thanks guys, really appreciate it, keeps the motivation levels up, especially as I have 30+ marines yet to paint!


I played a game with them on Tuesday night with a mate of mine. We used a mixture of 40k rules and the unit activation system from Bolt Action (including ambush). It was so much fun, we're not the best players in the world (or Gloucestershire for that matter), but the unit activation allowed for a much nicer flow, I heartily recommend it.  It definitley brought a bit of fun back to 40k for us.

Tonight I worked a bit more on my Contemptor. Blocking colours and adding some washes. I'm hoping to finish him over the weekend.



Thanks for looking,


  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all,


been a bit delayed with updates recently due to working on Infinity models for the local club. However, between working on them I've been working away on my Word Bearers too. I have painted up the Contemptor now and I've nearly finished the Lord.







Obviously I don't want to leave the bases looking quite so barren so I'm going to add scrub and stuff to them. I want it to look like the Eres Badlands from Dawn of War : Dark Crusade.

I've also fully built my Havoc Squad and another 8 man unit.

Thanks for looking


  • 2 weeks later...

Howdy, so after getting some comission work for the local club finished I got my hands on the Stormcloud Attack : Faith and Heresy set. Now I've never been a massive fan of the design of the Heldrake, when it was first announced I was hoping on a design similar to the Hellblade but in plastic. So I've figured out how to make a 'sort of' Hellblade looking Heldrake. I also made a 'sort of' Blight Drone from the left over parts.









I've also been working on a Sorceror.




Thanks for looking,


Hi all got a bit more work done this week on the StormDrake (see what I did there?)


I've got a question for you guys and gals though regarding the fins on the spine, do you think I should paint them silver like the rest of the trims or should I go bronze to make them stand out a bit more? I'm worried that silver would look like a cop out, but I'm concerned that bronze will look totally out of place. What do you reckon?


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