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Canoness Raedia of the Order of the Glorious Reprisal

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Comments appreciated as always (especially regarding points values)


Canoness Raedia.......................................................................................................................................... 160 points


WS 5  BS 5  S 3  T 3  W 3  I 4  Ld 10  Sv 3+  Unit Type: Infantry (Character)  Unit Composition: 1 (Unique)



  • Power armour
  • Bolt pistol
  • Rosarius
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades

Ecclesiarchy Relics:

  • Radiance of Majesty

Warlord Trait:

  • Righteous Rage (grants Rage special rule)

Special Rules:

  • Act of Faith
  • Eternal Warrior
  • Independent Character
  • Martyrdom
  • Shield of Faith
  • Stubborn

Act Of Faith:

  • Bulwark of Faith


Radiance of Majesty: Range -  S x2  AP 2  Type Melee, Armourbane, Heritage of Reprisal, Two-Handed, Unwieldy


Heritage of Reprisal: The bearer of this weapon may re-roll one failed roll To Hit and one failed roll To Wound per turn while using this weapon.



Bulwark of Faith: One use only. This Act of Faith can only be used an enemy Assault phase, and unlike other Acts of Faith used in that phase, can only be used as soon as the first charge of that phase is declared against Canoness Raedia and her  unit. Canoness Raedia and all models in her unit with the Act of Faith special rule gain the Counter-Attack special rule until the end of the current phase.



Canoness: 65

Rosarius: 15

Evicerator: 30

"Mantle of Ophelia": 25

Set Warlord Trait: 5?

Heritage of Reprisal: 10?

Different AoF: 10?

Total: 160?

The Act's wording needs work. At the moment it doesn't quite function because of when acts are used ('just before the unit acts (... or before blows are struck)').


Also, you don't need to specify 'models with the Acts of Faith rule', because having a model who doesn't have the Acts of Faith rule in the unit prevents you from using the Act in the first place.


Also, she doesn't have the Cloak of St. Aspira's effects, she has the Mantle of Ophelia's effects. The Cloak is reroll armour and shield of faith saves for 20 points, the Mantle is eternal warrior for 25 points.


On the other hand, I'd cost Heritage at 10 rather than 15, because it's only one attack.

  On 5/16/2016 at 8:26 PM, *Furyou Miko said:

Sorry, Acts of Faith or War Hymns required. But if you put another IC, say, Azrael, in the squad, then they wouldn't be able to use their Acts.

Sure. This is normal, I just thought that, flavor-wise, the priest shouldn't get the bonus


Edit: updated OP finally.

  On 5/20/2016 at 10:09 PM, Teetengee said:

Reroll armour pen is probably overkill when it is already s6 ap2 armourbane.


Seems fine to me. What inspired the character?

The Order of the Glorious Reprisal is my SoB order, and my Canoness model has a bolt pistol and an Evicerator. Basically, I had the name and a model and I wrote some rules to match. Sooner or later I'll do a veteran superior with a PS and my Seraphim Superior.


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