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Drak's Illustratorum: Holiday Update!

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Hey everyone!
This is basically going to be a dump for all of my drawings, sketches, and finished artwork. While I do have some...interesting...projects planned on the horizon, my main thing right now is doing pieces for the Brotherhood of the Lost. If you don't know what that is, I highly recommend checking it out. Basically, it is an alternate Horus Heresy where the original eighteen legions have been replaced by fan-made lost legions. This will probably explain it better than I can: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/321361-the-brotherhood-of-the-lost-here-to-start/
I'm currently doing portraits of these "lost" Primarchs, Forge World style. So without further ado, let's kick this thread off with a pretty picture!

I present: K'awil Pakal, The Soulless, Primarch of the Grave Stalkers Legion.


"Do you remember those stories they would tell us when we were young? Tales of monsters lurking in the shadows, waiting to devour the souls of wayward children. We stopped believing them, of course. We learned that there was nothing to fear in the darkness. But I've seen them. The monsters are real. And they wear power armor." ​Unknown Veletaris of the 3013th Solar Auxilia Cohort

Comments and criticisms are always appreciated!

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I'm back! After remembering that I have a WIP blog on here, I figured it's high time I post some WIP's. (And other goodies)

So here is a motley assortment of various characters from the Brotherhood of the Lost-verse. If you're wondering what the hell an Eagle Warrior or a Scion Hospitaller is, feel free to check us out in Special Projects! You know you want to...Anyways, ONTO THE ART:

An initial concept for Odysallas, of the Scions Hospitaller. Some things need to be revised(more ornate weapon, mini narthecium) but it's a good starting point.


A rough sketch for Riktus Innorvak, of the Berserkers of Uran Legion. Leader of his legion's Destroyers, and one mean mother:cusser.


Oh, and this is Riktus's lovely face. The replacement jaws are a result of an unfortunate incident with an Ork.


Here is Takar, First Captain of the Eagle Warriors Legion, along with his trusty steed:


This is a more detailed view of Takar, still very much WIP though. He will be recieving a fabulous leopard pelt tabbard.


High Chaplain Adalbard and Librarian Mahtva of the Halcyon Wardens Legion. One of whom is not a fan of pyromancy...


This is Ellan Temeter, a Remembrancer assigned to the Iron Bears Legion. Gotta represent the little guys(and gals)!


...Aaaand back to the big guys. A finished(!) remembrancer sketch of Daer'dd, the massive Primarch of the Iron Bears:


Phew! That's all folks! Let me know what you think, C&C is always appreciated. :)

@Big Bad Squig: thanks! I'm excited to be contributing, so there's plenty more coming.


@MikhalLeNoir: See, I was just working off the descriptions that Bluntblade, Simison, and AO108 gave me for existing characters. You can find Riktus in the Berserkers of Uran thread, rules and everything. I had no idea there was another character with metal jaws.

@Big Bad Squig: thanks! I'm excited to be contributing, so there's plenty more coming.


@MikhalLeNoir: See, I was just working off the descriptions that Bluntblade, Simison, and AO108 gave me for existing characters. You can find Riktus in the Berserkers of Uran thread, rules and everything. I had no idea there was another character with metal jaws.

primarch of the stygian jackals

Awesome. Although I would replace riktus name with jackal. Why? The whole jaw thing is jackals thing. His jaw was rippes oit by a quarith an he looks quite like i would envision space jaws^^

Riktus' whole face is pretty ruined. It's his entire lower face that was mangled, so he'll look very different to the Jackal (whose face, I assume, is otherwise quite pleasant to look at).

  • 3 weeks later...

@Sigismund229: I did see the battles you posted, made a mental note to read them later. There's something about drawing these characters that makes me suddenly invested in their stories.


@bluntblade: I still have yet to do that, been quite busy. But I promise I will find time to draw her in her normal mood. You can only draw so many macho man space marines in a row.


@Raktra: Momentary lack of vigilance? Tsk, tsk :P

Figured I should post this here as well.

This is a very rough iteration of Nibaasiniwii, a great warrior of the Iron Bears legion:


Fun fact, the K'awil portrait at the top of this thread is actually the first finished digital drawing I've ever done. Which means that this^ one, once it's done, would be my second. So this is all very much a learning process for me.

That said, comments and criticisms are always appreciated!

  • 3 weeks later...

Through the blaze of smoke he came,
An eagle descending from skies of Hell,
Spear and talon wreathed in flame,
As mortal men by the thousands fell.

Alone he stood in a sea of gore,
The daemon reaped his bloody toll,
And from the Chaos came a roar,
The voice of a demigod made whole.


It is with great pleasure that I present Daemon Primarch Alexos from the Brotherhood of the Lost! Let me know what you think.

Thanks for the kind words guys!

Technically he's Undivided(as far as I know) he just happens to like aztec Eagle paraphernelia. Maybe Tzeentch also spiked the Daemon Prince juice?

Maximvs, if you like that drawing, you may also enjoy this one:


Raktra, I'm sure either AO108 or Mikhal are already brainstorming ways to convert him...


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