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Drak's Illustratorum: Holiday Update!

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"Empty your mind.

—And embrace the unknown.—

Empty your heart.

—And release your tether.—

Empty your soul.

—And enter the void.—"

-Maxim of the Warriors of Peace, Legio XVII


Hey folks! Thought I'd update this thread with a spur-of-the-moment drawing I started of another Brotherhood of the Lost Primarch: The Jade General of the Warriors of Peace legion.

Thoughts, comments, criticisms, etc. are appreciated!

I wish he would use a sword like this




and be a swordmaster instead of an hand to hand fighter.


But i have a weakness for that quickdrawing style. Really cool

  • 4 weeks later...

Hehe, as soon as the pics were released planning.commenced.



But Drak, whem will you get Jade finished? Just asking because Kozja feels so lonely on Madrigal right now^^ and sozewyse, how big is he? Compared to the other primarchs?

Jade is almost done, I just need to find the time to put finishing touches on him. However, the drawing is only from the knee up. If you need reference for modeling purposes, then I can do a quick sketch that shows off his full armor.


Size wise, I'd say he's one of the smaller primarchs. Probably around Lorgar or Angron sized.


@bluntblade: Not sure of a total number that I've done. That reminds me that I should probably put Hec on here as well.

@Mikhal: Not sure if that's what I'd go with...I feel like it'd be a lot of trouble to scrape off all that bling. I'll send you the pic and you can have a better idea of what he looks like.


I think it's about time I uploaded some of the stuff that I forgot to post here, starting with Odyssalas of the Scions Hospitalier:



Here we have the Primarch Hectarion of the mighty Crimson Lions Legion:



And finally, something new, a line legionnaire of the Warriors of Peace(with an updated color scheme):


Really like the new scheme.


Fear not, scraping things off and then resculping is my second name^^ but for the armor it fits best. Enough space for the belly Plate. The chestpiece seems to fit. Upper Legs habe a very similar shape. And the general needs a more fitting armor or he can't use his martial arts. That will work.u will see ( hopefully)

Thanks for the kind words! I really wanted to show the Chinese element of the legion, but in a subtle way. That particular legionnaire I imagine as one of the few remaining Terrans among the Warriors, so his armor bears less influence from their homeworld.


So today I have a very rough sketch to show. This is Slynnat of the Berserkers of Uran, after he has received the Old Blood, transforming him into a warped, bloodthirsty monster. The Berserkers' are highly influenced by Bloodborne, Dark Souls and Mad Max, so I want to incorporate that into the aesthetic. I went for a more lanky look after seeing how the monsters from Bloodborne are generally thin and skeletal. Meanwhile the armor is going to take cues from the grimy, apocalyptic look of Mad Max.




As always, thoughts and comments are appreciated.

Yeah, this was just the initial sketch layer, but I fully intend to give him a more contorted, nasty face. The hard part is going to be showing that through the "muzzle." I'm also debating whether or not his mouth should be open or closed.

With the initial sketch some of the features are hard to make out, or nonexistent. He actually is meant to be more lupine, but I can see the why you might see a lizardlike look. Fur and more wolflike features will be added soon.


In fact, here's the first concept I did:




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