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GW FAQ - Dreadnoughts P11, BA P19


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....Yes? Otherwise why would I have suggested it! I think it would be a really cool feature. Obviously one is just fine but hey, a man can dream.


Perhaps it could be a rule instead of moving, you can each throw a grenade :P

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The buff to overwatch with as many weapons as you can shoot in the shooting phase as well as the removal of range for wall of death mean dreads will perform even better than before (2d3 fragcannon, 1d3 heavy flamer, only taking one meltabomb attack... its beautiful)
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The buff to overwatch with as many weapons as you can shoot in the shooting phase as well as the removal of range for wall of death mean dreads will perform even better than before (2d3 fragcannon, 1d3 heavy flamer, only taking one meltabomb attack... its beautiful)


I found that the biggest threat to Dreads is in fact Grav. Once immobilized they are mostly useless. They also have a vehicle table to fight with, which MC do not. I find that far more problematic than Overwatch and grenade melee.

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There's nothing stopping you from house ruling to make play more enjoyable for you.

Of course, unfortunately by that point you are no longer playing Warhammer 40K and getting people to agree to a game becomes more difficult. With rules changing the allowed wargear even army building becomes more difficult (unless you magnetize).

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Regarding template weapons... I'm pretty sure the FAQ just clarified the way it has always been in 7th. In Prior editions you could add up all the 'to hits' then figure out the wounds, but not in 7th.


I've been running a squad with a hand-flamer, flamer, and HF for a while now, it's definitely not as good as previous editions but it still can do some damage. It's just tricky to keep your flamers in the optimum positions, but also making sure they aren't the 'closest' target for removal by enemy fire.

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The Krak Grenades thing is a game-changer. I think the entire world used it that each model with Krak grenades could use 1x Krak in melee against vehicles/MC's. Now it's 1 per squad....if that's the case, invest in your local Melta Bomb manufacturer.


My second army is Imperial Guard, and what makes me lulz so hard is that Krak grenades cost 10pts/squad for the guard while Melta bombs are 5pts. 

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The Krak Grenades thing is a game-changer. I think the entire world used it that each model with Krak grenades could use 1x Krak in melee against vehicles/MC's. Now it's 1 per squad....if that's the case, invest in your local Melta Bomb manufacturer.


My second army is Imperial Guard, and what makes me lulz so hard is that Krak grenades cost 10pts/squad for the guard while Melta bombs are 5pts. 


I've never done this and the local group played it as one try only as well. Guess I am in the minority.

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The Krak Grenades thing is a game-changer. I think the entire world used it that each model with Krak grenades could use 1x Krak in melee against vehicles/MC's. Now it's 1 per squad....if that's the case, invest in your local Melta Bomb manufacturer.


My second army is Imperial Guard, and what makes me lulz so hard is that Krak grenades cost 10pts/squad for the guard while Melta bombs are 5pts. 


I've never done this and the local group played it as one try only as well. Guess I am in the minority.



1 try only has been the only rule I knew. I didn't think anyone would read it as every model gets to use grenades?

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So now the FAQs are out one item of note is the limit to psychic powers cast and mastery level.

You cannot cast more than your level unless explicitly stated and the conclave doesn't, it simply allows the caster to know all of his brethrens powers. I wonder if this was intentional and if we ever recieve a conclave in the future ours will also be similarly affected.


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I saw this too...


You also cannot have casters in the same unit attempt the same power, even if they both know it :/


Personally, I don't mind it - with the new disciplines the amount of easy and successful casting was crazy, it's better to just have to choose 2/3 powers you want rather than just go crazy.

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I played the Conclave yesterday with the new faq and to handle the power issue i took the powers from different disciplines.

One guy went ml2 to cast at least 2 powers per turn.

It was kinda annoying that i could only cast 2 powers with the focus but you can always cast more powers on 4+.

Im played against a cabale conclave with 4 ML together and needed to cast on two.

I got nearly every power through so conclave is a litte bit trimmed down but is still strong imho.

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