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GW FAQ - Dreadnoughts P11, BA P19


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Unfortunately I've already had to settle with a RAW player (that I don't actually play often

So it doesn't matter) to not use the house rule. Shame.


I was a little peeved my opponent only let me get one extra, not that my Dreads made it to combat.


It just reeks of "oh please don't beat me."

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It's not as if it's out of the blue either... Codex SM have it and no one complained then! It's just our dreads are combat monsters!


Ah well i'm sure most people will be fine. If not then don't play the person (even if they're a good mate: attacks come before friends 100%)

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I really don't understand the problem. Even if I played strictly codex marines or Xenos I wouldn't have a problem with GK, BA, or SW players having their dreads gain +2 attacks.


On a fundamental level it is better for the goose as they say. It isn't going to fundamentally change the game by having a melee centric walker that can still be immobilized and has no range to have +2 attacks. I just don't understand the brick wall laid up by people on this.


That's right funny Slang!


And I agree Charlo, +1 attack vs +2 is only doesn't see a huge difference and he should've just let you have 'em. But in light of that +1 attack is better than profile.


Rafen, 20 points for 2 attacks is way too many points. I would maybe try to reason him down to 5 at the most as our dreads already cost more anyways.

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It saddens my soul that it seems like so many of you weren't having this conversation with you opponents before the 'official homebrew' and are still having trouble afterward getting people to be reasonable even with GW releasing the info on company letterhead.


Stay strong brothers.

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It saddens my soul that it seems like so many of you weren't having this conversation with you opponents before the 'official homebrew' and are still having trouble afterward getting people to be reasonable even with GW releasing the info on company letterhead.


Stay strong brothers.

It really depends on the opponent. I've brought sniper scouts (when I still ran them in BA) to games and asked if I could run them at BS4 and I've gotten both yes and nos from the peanut gallery. Same thing with Dreads, but now that it is "officially" answered there seems to be a lot more knee jerk, unloveable resolve.

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That was my ask, I figured the dreads had been done to death by other posters. A mate asked about heavy flamers for devs too - logic being if tacs can work out how to use them then why can't our special weapons experts also not figure it out... Be interesting to see if we get either of those addressed.
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Sorry for the double post. Posted from phone on lunch.


The difference being that heavy flamers on devastators are a war gear change that fundamentally changes the game, where +2 attacks are a simple stat line upgrade to go in line with other dreads that doesn't change much other than to come up to speed with the newer codex options out there. If that makes sense.

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Heavy flamer devs would be amazing, but I think they must've figured it would be too powerful (at least at the time). That being said, I doubt there are many around here who wouldn't be interested in podding in 4 heavy flamers!

(Retributors with 4 Heavy Flamers, or a Sororitas Command Squad with 5) tongue.png

Don't really know why we can't do that. Although, I do like that sisters can do something marines can't.

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I hear you, but bearing in mind we don't have access to Grav Cannon Devs, this would also make up for that. Or just give our Devs Grav Cannons, but I'd prefer Heavy Flamers. And it would help keep Blood Angels unique from anyone else.
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HOPEFULLY our scouts will just get a plain errata.


Otherwise having to agree them AND Dreads could be a chore....

I feel like they've already established that they are not going to change the ballistic skill on the BA scouts with this last FAQ update. At this point I'm so accustomed to not worry about scouts on BA that I'd rather have the tactical squad anyway. And if I want scouts I just ally them in as the troop tax for an Allied Detachment. 

That being said I am curious to see if GK, SW, DA, and BA are interchangeable or if they like codex and non codex marines with differing chapter-tactics cancel each others special rules out. I am also curious to see what some of the other questions asked by fellow BA players were specifically. I'm also curious if anyone asked about how they ruled our artifacts/relics for us compared to other marines. I know it's going to be 1 per character, but I am interested to see.

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Personally I'd quite like our scouts to be able to shoot and assault like others. I quite like my sniper scouts and WS4 with furous charge is going to be awesome. Especially when you put my 40k Moritat (Cypher) with them devil.gif

I think by having the Chapter Tactics cancel out they have set the precedent that units should be homogenized in terms of stats across the board.

Sadly I think relics will be one per character now, which is fine. Chaplain with the Veritas, Priest with the Angel's Wings and Captain with Valours ;)

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Well, personally if the aforementioned non Codex: Space Marine chapters are treated as having Chapter Tactics, there's no reason not to allow the Imperial Space Marine to be joined to a non Codex: Space Marine tactical squad.

Of course I would talk it over with my opponent first, but I wish they were more clear  with the wording on chapter tactics for non C:SM. I mean the model was even up for sale with blood angels when it was available!! Sorry, just grumbling about it. Some people are frustrating to play with some times.

I wonder if anyone asked if the Force Halberd on the Furioso Librarian, not having the "Specialist Weapon" rule was an oversight. Always seems lame having 2 CCWs but not being able to utilize +1 attack. I mean. He is a Dreadnought! 

Edit: Also Seems a shame he couldn't use the warlord traits from the Shield of Baal supplement.

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