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Can't say I'm overly fond of how Harker came out. Retrospectively I should have done his gun casing in a different colour to differentiate from the bullet bandolier. I have extreme hand tremors so I'm literally incapable of painting eyeballs :biggrin.:



Demolitions Scion Gunner with Melta gun, assisted by Comms specialist Scion, blew a Custodes leader off the table during todays Killteam games. Easily my highlight of this weekends games because of the look on my opponents face.

So I was rifling through my bits box to find a couple of things and ended up finding a completely untouched infantry squad still on sprue... No idea how I'd missed it all these years. No bases though so will need to find some more, but hey, fun find! 

All three Chim-I mean er, definitely Hellhounds arrived. Kitbashed and painted them up over the weekend, just need a few finishing touches like Aquilas, dirt and rust etc.




Hoping to get them looking similar to my Basilisks.



Finished another Company Commander last night. Used the new contrast paint for the skin, worked pretty well.


IG Company Commander w/ Powerfist

Also touched up one of my older CC's and did his base as well.

IG Company Commander w/ Power Sword



What were you filing? :huh.:


I was filing the sprue contact points and mould lines on the models.

Does anybody have any suggestions as to what additional units would be useful to have in certain situations? I mainly play competitively against a vast range of armies, but particularly knights. I feel like I have a good selection of the better units to make some fairly good 2K competitive armies. The one thing that springs to mind that I don't have is Ogryns, but I question whether they're useful in the midfield when I'm on a table full of Knights and chaff.


You have such beautiful armies. I especially like your Custodes.

It's a shame half of it isn't painted or isn't finished :biggrin.: I get tired of painting by the numbers very quickly and move on to more interesting things, hence why all my Custodes blades haven't been finished up and why all my bases look a complete mess. I have invested in Agrellan Earth and some Red/Yellow basing sand mix but haven't got around to actually doing it properly yet. I think the only models I ever properly finish are characters!

Edited by rcoon

Does anybody have any suggestions as to what additional units would be useful to have in certain situations? I mainly play competitively against a vast range of armies, but particularly knights. I feel like I have a good selection of the better units to make some fairly good 2K competitive armies. The one thing that springs to mind that I don't have is Ogryns, but I question whether they're useful in the midfield when I'm on a table full of Knights and chaff. 


Bullgryns (Mauls and Slab Shields, with a couple of Brute Shields) are an excellent distraction to run up the middle of the board. Combine them with an Astropath with Nightshroud/Psychic Barrier and they become quite tough to kill. A priest can make them hit very hard. A nice bit of diversity for us. :happy.:



So I finished painting the Infantry Squad I found in my bits box. Another squad for the meat grinder!


14th Cadian: Infantry Squad

Yesterday I had a squad of plasma vets and a platoon commander come on board edge 9" from a helvirin with the relic dagger. Put 10 damage on him with plasma. He was in a wierd spot and trapped by a ruin. So I charged him! Rolled a 10! I'm thinking this is perfect I wont deal 2 wounds in melee to a t7 3+ unit. Wrong!!! Took him out, he didn't explode.

Sounds like there maybe some questioning of faith there mertbl. However as you clearly witnessed the Emperor protects and guides the forces of the Imperial Guard to victory!





Always celebrate when my guardsmen do something to a large vehicle in a game. Usually to the annoyance of my opponent :lol:

Played a match with my pure Catachan Brigade+Supreme Command, versus my arch nemesis whom I have only ever beaten once with my Erik Trock Footstodes list (lots of wardens basically).

My List:


Company Commander

Company Commander

8 x Troops (3 of which had Plasma Guns)



Master of Ordnance (Warlord - Old Grudges, Relic - Kurov's Aquila)

3 x Basilisk

3 x Hellhound with Heavy Flamer


Tank Commander - Battle Cannon, Las Cannon, Plasma Sponsons, HK Missile

2 x Primaris Psyker - Nightshroud & Psychic Barrier

Barebones Shadowsword


His list:


Demon Prince of Tzeentch

Demon Prince of Tzeentch



Sorcerer in Termie Armour

Sloppity Bilepiper

30 x Plaguebearers

2 squads of 3x Nurglings

3 x Plague Crawler (my arch nemesis unit)


Demon Prince of Khorne

Many Bloodletters


I've never played this list before so I had no idea what I was doing.


Deployment was Spearhead Assault as decided by my opponent. Match type did not include Tactical Objective generation, but rather who controlled what points at the end of the game, we had an inferior and superior objective, and he controlled the superior.


I deployed my Basilisks in a corner covering my WL Master of Ordnance, with only one entryway to their right which I bubblewrapped with troops. Deployed baneblade, tank commander and Shadowsword at the back in the very middle with no cover, but proceeded to bubblewrap them with 3 troop squads with Plasma guns. Also squished Harker, an Enginseer, two Primaris Psykers in there so Harker could reroll 1's for everything in that blob. Deployed two lots of troops with a company commander in the emptiness of the other side of my deployment to prevent Bloodletters from wreaking havoc in my lines, and then deployed Straken, Priest and two squads of troops up front in the mid field to provide melee screening. Then deployed all three hellhounds right at the front.


He deployed literally everything as close to the front as possible, keeping his numerous characters behind his impossible to kill plague crawlers and his many many plaguebearers. He DS'd his Bloodletters and sorcerer in termie armour.


I used opening bombardment and dealt 1 MW to each of his DPs. Declared Old Grudges against his DP Tzeentch WL.


Turn 1 he advanced everything forward but I deployed so far back he couldn't cast any psychic abilities on any of my units so he just cast buffs on his plaguebearers.


My Turn 1 I ploughed two Hellhounds towards his plaguebearers, understanding very quickly I'd need to remove them to get to the juicy HQs. The other hellhound flanked round towards his lone Plague Crawler to keep it tied up and away from my 80 troops. I accidentally forgot my Psychic Phase (DERP). Shooting, I used a combination of my Basilisks (CP to shoot twice on one of them), Tank Commander, Shadowsword and whatever guns I had to destroy two of his plague crawlers, and the two Hellhounds decimated 11 plaguebearers from his squad of 30. Master of Ordnance used his barrage ability to do a few wounds to his last remaining plague crawler. The only two squads of troops in range shot a wound or two off of his troops. During Morale, he loses several more plaguebearers.


His turn 2 he moves all his DPs forward, brings Ahriman into casting range of my Hellhounds, and is about 2 inches away from my front two Hellhounds with just about everything. He moves his third plaguecrawler into my flanking hellhound but is still far away for a charge. He realises I've moved in such a way that he can't drop his Bloodletters in any sensible way, so opts to just drop his Sorcerer into a ruin near the two troops squads next to Straken and the Priest. He smites a lot, doom bolts a lot, buffs his units for -1 to hits etc. His sorcerer kills 1 guardsman. He charges his DP of Khorne into melee with my Hellhound, I take a couple wounds off in overwatch. he then charges in his plaguebearers. His plaguecrawler and other DPs charge towards the other Hellhound on the front lines and take a couple wounds from overwatch. He kills the first Hellhound, doesn't explode. He kills the second Hellhound, it explodes taking 2 MWs from his two DPs and kills off a couple more plaguebearers. He consolidates towards my front unit of troops and allows me to retaliate. My troops take 2 wounds off of his DP because Priest + Straken buffs are insane.


My turn 2 I retreat my troops from his DP, and spread my troops stopping the DS threat even further to make things awkward for him. I move my last remaining hellhound towards his remaining plaguebearers, and leave everything else stationary. Smite his DP of Khorne to death. Hellhound kills all but 2 plaguebearers, troops FRFSRF his chaff to death, 2 basilisks kill off the last remaining plague crawler, shadowsword wipes out a DP, and assorted heavy bolters on vehicles take a few more wounds off of his HQs. Last basilisk can now shoot any character since he has no non-character units left on the board, so I use the strategem to shoot twice with the basilisk and pop the "reroll all hits and wounds versus chaos unit" strategem targeting his WL. WL dies. All he has left is 2 DPs of Tzeentch, Ahriman, and two squads of nurglings right at the far back of his board holding 2 objectives. At this stage he scoops.


MVP was Sgt. Harker by FAR. His reroll 1 aura for A GODDAMN SHADOWSWORD and the tank commander, plus 3 assorted troops squads with plasma was absolutely amazing.

Edited by rcoon

Does anybody have any suggestions as to what additional units would be useful to have in certain situations? 


I always get good value from Psykers. Not in the traditional 'squeeze one in' approach, but doing lots! As is case with guard - quantity has a quality all of its own!


175pts gives you 3 Primaris Pyskers and an Astropath. The twist is to use them as aggressive tools, not the defensive approach often favoured by guard. 


Keep them as a blob with screen to protect. 3 smites takes smite to a 7+ which is still statistically more likely to wound than a lascannon. Astopath can then do Psychic Maelstrom on a 7+ (and can snipe chars!)


4 denies a turn as well.


Also very quick paint up to add to army.




Edited by GuardDaddy



Does anybody have any suggestions as to what additional units would be useful to have in certain situations?

I always get good value from Psykers. Not in the traditional 'squeeze one in' approach, but doing lots! As is case with guard - quantity has a quality all of its own!


175pts gives you 3 Primaris Pyskers and an Astropath. The twist is to use them as aggressive tools, not the defensive approach often favoured by guard.


Keep them as a blob with screen to protect. 3 smites takes smite to a 7+ which is still statistically more likely to wound than a lascannon. Astopath can then do Psychic Maelstrom on a 7+ (and can snipe chars!)


4 denies a turn as well.


Also very quick paint up to add to army.




I have to disagree with the offensive strategy for guard psykers. We're best using our psychic powers to buff out heavy damage dealers. A tank commander with the relic battle cannon needs extra protection. He'll do significantly better than a psyker at damage output. Keeping him alive is more important than casting smite.


Does anybody have any suggestions as to what additional units would be useful to have in certain situations? 


I always get good value from Psykers. Not in the traditional 'squeeze one in' approach, but doing lots! As is case with guard - quantity has a quality all of its own!


175pts gives you 3 Primaris Pyskers and an Astropath. The twist is to use them as aggressive tools, not the defensive approach often favoured by guard. 


Keep them as a blob with screen to protect. 3 smites takes smite to a 7+ which is still statistically more likely to wound than a lascannon. Astopath can then do Psychic Maelstrom on a 7+ (and can snipe chars!)


4 denies a turn as well.


Also very quick paint up to add to army.




I have three Primaris Psyker models that I own and I put two in the list. I was quite surprised when they killed off a DP by themselves (after he took a couple wounds earlier). Might try to squeeze in a few more.

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