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The Potato wishes to revive his Chaos Warband - halp request

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Hi all, 


I used to play Chaos a few years ago, until the Horus Heresy came out and consumed me body, soul & wallet. 


I've been eyeing reviving my Chaos Warband (I had around 1000 to 1500 points IIRC). It was a mixture of Black Legion and Khorne Beserkers.  I dug up my old list, which is as below:




Chaos Lord 105pts
Power armour
Power weapon, plasma pistol
Mark of Khorne, 
Helbrute 105pt
Chaos Terminators 198pt
3x Lightning claw pairs
2x heavy flamer
Khorne Besekers 225pt
9x Zerky
1x Zerky Champ w/powerfist
Chaos Space Marines 155pts
9x CSM
1x AC w/power weapon
Heavy Support
Obliterators 210pt
Total 998pts


This was back in the day when I was a student and had very little money so the list was mostly a "with what I have now" affair. I also have a Helldrake, Chosen and a Maulerfiend. 


I'd love to base an army around a Brass Scorpion. I'm considering treating myself to one and frankly I can't justify it just for how cool it is, I want to field it. I'm happy to purchase additional units as an fyi and like red, stabby murderthings. 


Would love any suggestions on what kind of units and lists to field, I played before formations were a thing so what ones do you recommend for somebody who likes red, stabby murderthings???


Going from my terrible experiences I found the Beserkers blerg without transport and the Terminators always died to lasguns somehow. Terrible terrible rolls 'errywhere.





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I can't help you with list building (and tbh, depending on how long you are planning to work on them, I am not sure if it's the best thing to do atm to go after a game list). But I can help you with army themes :)


So it seems you would like to go with Khorne? Just Khorne, or also Black Legion again? World Eaters, or Renegades? 


The Brass Scorpion is a lovely model and will work wonderfully as focus model for your army =)

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For what it's worth, your Helbrute is now 5 points cheaper per erratum! OP CITY! Nerf 'brutes!


The Brass Scorpion can be great, but that rear armor 10 and lack of D are going to put it at risk. Not that hordes are particularly difficult to defeat, but that sucker absolutely obliterates hordes. Demolisher cannon that ignores cover, flamers, and the tail gun are actually all pretty legit shooting, too. Then you get to charge 3d6 and get extra stomps. Those are all very cool, but damnit if the thing still isn't overcosted. Against wraithknights or imperial knights, which are a small fraction of the thing's cost, it's going to fold in close combat really fast. Sad. The subsequent explosion may take 'em out, but that still isn't a worthwhile trade-off. But then again, most things in our faction aren't really capable of going toe-to-toe with those, so whatever. Back to the AV10... sorta silly that bolters are capable of glancing it to death. Unlikely, but seeing as how ubiquitous the bolter is, there's a fairly reasonable chance it will happen at some point. Whatever.


If you're looking for something a little cheaper, the Kytan is an option, but it is still overpriced. Moving down from there, there's the renegade knight or even daemon knight. Sticking with the Khorne theme, the daemon knight of khorne upgrade (FW has a sweet upgrade kit for chaos knights) is the only upgrade worth taking. Even then, the stock chaos knight with a dirge caster and a good legacy of ruin is probably the best choice over all.


Khorne Daemonkin may fit your bloody preferences, but you miss out on some cool CSM stuff. However, you'll be optimized for fast-moving assaults which unfortunately lack a lot of punch and thus rely on overwhelming your opponent with saves. Much like the lasguns vs. terminators example you cited above. Flesh hounds are great for this purpose, so I think you'll find a fairly universal recommendation to get some. 3rd party or proxies are the way to go to avoid paying $10 a dog, which is absurd. If you do go with a Brass Scorpion (or anything else that's big and needs friends), they are really good for tying things up, taking on infantry (or even AV10 rear armor vehicles).


Unfortunately a lot of Khornate units aren't all that hot, though they are fun and super awesome. You can find uses for most of them. Soulgrinders are a decent choice, for KDK.


Some scatterbrained thoughts for ya.

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I would say that if you realy want to play chaos[and you realy realy realy want to play chaos to actualy play it right now], then kdk is probably the best thing. Problem with that is that you would have to  buy a ton of models[ knight, 6 bikers, 20 khorn dogs, a bloodthirster,20 bloodletters, 1 khorn cannon].


The other thing you can do is to buy a knight [more or less the thing that carries the whole csm faction, if it is not kdk], and play it with the stuff you have. Yes the army will suck, and yes you will lose, but the investment will be small, and you will get an option to learn how to use a knight[or maybe two. two knights are better then one].


The third option is to use the models[probably still get the knight], and use them with Space Wolf rules. Superior rules, same gear. In fact 2 drop pods and a knight would give you an ok starting list.

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Yeah, I would KDK it up.

Also, remember that the brass scorp is one of the few models in the game with a >24" assault threat range. Something to keep in mind gameplay wise, as it has a decent chance of first turn charges.

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Thanks for the response guys. I'd love to go for KDK but it seems I'd need to buy an entire new army so unlikely currently.


I've rifled through the cupboard and also have a Soulgrinder, 2 rhinos, a predator, a land raider, 5 plague marines and a swarm of cultists. Not sure if that makes building an army any easier!  

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Well this is the core of most csm armies


knight or knights

2-3 msu units in rhinos

sorc times X



So you could make  an army looking like this

Lord[mon] to make Pm troops

A unit of pms in a rhino

A unit of pms in a rhino

3x oblits

2x20 units of cultists with 2 flamers in each.

The rest is filler, you don't have any good units so it doesn't realy matter what you take.

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