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Blood Angel Flavor Discussions


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We are clearly a CC chapter, but we're a strange chapter when it comes to weapons.

Assault cannons, flamers, frag cannons, inferno melta weapons, all those are equally viable when it comes to determining our who we are.

In all honesty, I dont think we'll ever be an analogue to the  "plasma chapter" that the dark angels are because we have far to many weapons that define us

....and frankly, im ok with that.

It gives each individual to the ability to define the flavor of his/her BA force, as long as the base flavor is something angry, bloody and red ;)

We are clearly a CC chapter, but we're a strange chapter when it comes to weapons.

Assault cannons, flamers, frag cannons, inferno melta weapons, all those are equally viable when it comes to determining our who we are.

In all honesty, I dont think we'll ever be an analogue to the "plasma chapter" that the dark angels are because we have far to many weapons that define us

....and frankly, im ok with that.

It gives each individual to the ability to define the flavor of his/her BA force, as long as the base flavor is something angry, bloody and red msn-wink.gif

This all the way.

We are the hard hitting shock assault chapter that specializes in speed and ferocity with a good balance of shock and awe weaponry.

Our core chapter hallmark is speed and aggression. We move fast and we hit hard. Anything that centers around those fundamentals are what will further define us. And yes, jump packs are a big part of our chapter too.


Keep it simple. Keep it about speed and aggression.

Speed, Aggression and Grim Determination - to add a third one.


We, more than any other chapter, embody the 41st Millennium Space Marines more than any other chapter I think. We are a strike force and operate as such.


Death Company Leviathan Dreadnought tho plz.

I want to add a fith one lol! (Or sixth actually)


Our 5 traits are speed, grim determination, aggression, ruthless efficiency, unfailing devotion, and...um.... Assault cannons! Wait no.... Ummm..... Blood drinking?... No, no, no, wait..... I got it.... Unending fury?

Speed and righteous fury. No other Chapter is as fast as us (ref. overcharged engines, descent of angels) and no other Chapter is quite as ferocious in their execution of the Emperor's will (ref. Death Company, our penchant for CC and unique pistols, our Relics are mostly combat based).


In a new Codex I would love to see those two traits expanded upon. Really I'd wager our Codex already does that. We're already faster than other Chapters and we have better CC options. If Furious Charge and the Red Thirst became our Chapter Tactics and our BSF gave us Descent of Angels instead of a Warlord Trait I'd be happy. Sprinkle Formations to taste.

I just really want the downside of the red thirst back.

What... Random models being inducted into the DC? While cool - that was a bit silly tongue.png

To be on par we basically need a couple of things. We are a marine army skewed to assault and speed, yet getting into assault is still a little problematic.

Having the "old" red thirst back with FC and +1I built into our "chapter tactics" would make sense, this is ~about~ as powerful as the BS2 Overwatch / Counter-attack & Acute Senses / Vanilla tactics (well, maybe... I'm still annoyed at the RG jump packs tongue.png).

Assault Rhinos and some sort of Charge from Deepstrike - WHILE retaining our bonuses. No disordered, that ruins the entire thing.

Really, area triangulation with locator beacons could become a baseline/ Decurion rule for us even... Build them into the cost of Tacticals. Imagine it... First turn you bring down Pods with LB and second turn they start raining DC/ SG/ ASM/ VV on the enemy biggrin.png

Would rolling each turn for the red thirst with a 1 meaning the unit had to move to the closest enemy model, but they also gain relentless that turn be too much? Kind of a give and take thing. Sure moving your Dev Squad closer to those wulfen wasn't ideal, but at least you still can fire weapons at them!

No relentless, but that what I was talking about was the rolling of one every turn for a unit means it is forced forward. The whole fluff was that devastators would abandon a good spot. However, if we get frag cannons for them it would make up for it as our devastators are even armed for the assault.


Basically, the Red Thirst gives us furious charge and +1 I, but it also gives us the slight chance that our unit will be forced forward.

Yeah. I mean there should be a hefty upside to the downside, but I think the downside should be there.


I prefer fluff based rules, and we always hear about the curse but rule wise it only benefits them.


Totally true, but in game terms (and looking at the community reaction at the moment) having a downside where no other marine faction has one, especially one based on randomness would just be a bit of a poor choice on GWs part.


We aren't Orks or Chaos, afterall :P



Yeah. I mean there should be a hefty upside to the downside, but I think the downside should be there.


I prefer fluff based rules, and we always hear about the curse but rule wise it only benefits them.

Totally true, but in game terms (and looking at the community reaction at the moment) having a downside where no other marine faction has one, especially one based on randomness would just be a bit of a poor choice on GWs part.


We aren't Orks or Chaos, afterall :P

I don't know, it didn't bother me in 3rd Ed when we had it but they didn't.

I think something like the harlequin rule of adding 1" to all movement distances would be awesome. 

Maybe all models add 1" to all charge moves, and 1" to all jump pack movement?


This adds additional speed to foot guys also.

I still think making them move toward the enemy and relentless would work well. Still a downside that isn't too bad since you could possibly rapid fire and charge after being forced to move...


DC have it, though it's a different curse, so it wouldn't be too out of left field I think

I still think making them move toward the enemy and relentless would work well. Still a downside that isn't too bad since you could possibly rapid fire and charge after being forced to move...


DC have it, though it's a different curse, so it wouldn't be too out of left field I think

The reason I disagree with that is that relentless makes it where it isn't a downside. Plus, it takes away from assault weaponry. Without relentless assault weapons gain a huge boost.

What about gaining fleet and a movement bonus if it's made towards the enemy deployment zone but all units must charge if within 6 inches of an enemy and must consolidate towards the nearest thing they can hurt? I love blood angels, I would love to see them become even more divergent from the vanilla codex. 

or what about:


For each victorious assault in which a BA unit is engaged, the BA unit is modified by -1 BS and +1 WS and must charge if within 6" of an enemy. This stacks throughout the game until their BS reaches 1. Additionally their "must charge range" is increased by 1" after every victorious assault following the first 



Could be a cool tabletop representation of the red thirst and would make your units become more unwieldy the more they engage in close combat.


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