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Mechanicum Allies for Word Bearers - Advice Please :)

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Now that I have my 2000 Point Word Bearers Army list finalised (and have almost finished purchasing everything I need for it) I have been thinking about additional Allied Detachment expansions of 1000 Points.


These will include Daemons, Warp Cult and Dark Mechanicum Allied forces, each of 1000 points, that when combined with my starting 2000, will make for a 3000 Point Army.


I love Forge World's Mechanicum models!! And so my first Allied force will be some Dark Mechanicum. However, I am not familiar with the Mechanicum army list or style of play in 30k and so any advice would be most appreciated!!




+++ Before I post my Mechanicum List, here is the 2000 Points of Word Bearers they will be supporting +++



(Cataphractii Armour, Combi-Plasma, Master-Crafted Paragon Blade, Digital Lasers, Burning Lore: Telepathy)



(Artificer Armour, Combi-Plasma, Tainted Weapon, Refractor Field, Burning Lore: Biomancy)


(Tartaros Terminator Armour, Combi-Plasma, Tainted Weapon, Burning Lore: Biomancy)

They cost the same so are pretty much interchangeable as I would like to try the Tartaros Chaplain out.



(Artificer Armour, Combi-Melta, Power Axe, Burning Lore: Biomancy)


Tactical Squad (15)

(Artificer Armour, Additional Close Combat Weapons, Vexilla)


Tactical Squad (15)

(Artificer Armour, Additional Close Combat Weapons, Vexilla)


Gal Vorbak (5)

(Artificer Armour, Power Fist)


Terminator Squad (5)

(Cataphractii Armour, Plasma Blaster, 4 Combi-Plasmas, 3 Lightning Claws, 2 Chainfists, Dark Channelling)


Veteran Tactical Squad (10)

(Artificer Armour, 2 Plasma Guns, Combi-Plasma, Power Weapon, Vexilla)


Sicaran Battle Tank

(Armoured Ceramite, Lascannon Sponsons)



From this list, I would say two key areas my army is lacking in (and the Mechanicum have plenty of) is significant Anti-Tank as well as Anti-3+ - yeah there is a lot of AP2, but that should be used against 2+ saves, not wasted on 3+ saves unless absolutely required!

Thus, that is the two strands my Mechanicum allies take.


1000 Points Mechanicum Allies:


Apothecarion Detachment (2) - 120

(Artificer Armour, Augury Scanners)


These are included here as I did not have the points to take them in my 2000 Point force, but at only 120 for the two, they will eat in to my total Mechanicum allowance.

They will be attached to both my Tactical Squads.


Archmagos Prime - 235 / 355

(Myrmidax, Augury Scanner, Rad Grenades, Corposant Stave, Jet Pack, 2 Phased Plasma-Fusils)


6 Thallax - 335 / 690

(Heavy Chainblades, Melta Bombs, 2 Phased Plasma-Fusils)


These guys are my anti-AP3. The Archmagos and Thallax Jet Pack around firing 12 S6 AP3 shots at 3+ Save targets.

If required, they can also target Vehicles with Melta Bombs and the Haywire Corposant Stave (and maybe even light vehicles with just their Heavy Chainblades).

Furthermore, if faced with no other choice, they can engage the enemy in combat where the Archmagos' Rad Grenades and the Heavy Chainblades can cause some damage and threaten to Instant Death some characters.


2 Krios Venators - 310 / 1000

(Extra Armour)


Anti-Vehicle. These two in a squadron will fire 8 S9 AP2 shots between them, which will surely threaten most vehicles?

Can also be used as additional anti-2+ once the vehicles are taken care of. Can also threaten mass 3+ saves with pinning on top slowing them down.

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