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This is my first attempt at making a Horus Heresy list based off of Battlescribe (being as my two red books are in the mail). I wanted to get a general list down before I went out and committed to models that may under-perform on the table top. The only model that I have already bought and DEFINITELY want to include is papa primarch himself, Angron.


RoW: Primarch's Chosen






Primus Medicae-120pts





Legion Tactical Squad-290pts

x19 marines, True Grit, Vexilla, Sergeant w/ AA, MB


Legion Terminator Squad-185pts

x5 Cataphractii, HF


Legion Veteran Tactical Squad-263pts

x8 marines, x6 PS, x1 Heavy Chainsword, Sergeant w/ AA, PF, PP




Apothecarion Detachment-110

x2 apothecaries w/ AA


Contemptor Dreadnought-185

Multi Melta, Extra Armor


Heavy Support


Legion Land Raider Squadron-435

x1 Legion Land Raider Phobos, x1 Legion Proteus w/ HB and twin linked HB



Total= 1988/2000



Most likely, Angron and the Terminators will ride in the Phobos, while the Primus Medicae and the Veterans ride in the Proteus. What do you think? Any advice for the noob? 



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I'm not sure how many dudes a land raider can hold in 40k (used to be 10, unless they've changed it now?) but in heresy we only get 10 dudes in ours, angry Ron and 5 termies take up too much space unfortunately. I'm not sure how is change your list dependant on that. Depends what you really want in the list the most!
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Land Raider Phobos has, for a good long time now, always been 10 peeps. You might be getting confused with the Redeemer and Crusader which only exist in 40k and can carry 12/16 respectively.
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Dreadclaw is the only real cheap option, honestly.


Though, really, look into Ghalan Surlak. Hes a Primus Medicae but better and cheaper.

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Yes, you can take a Dreadclaw. However, Primarch's Chosen is very much focused on 2 benefits:

- using a Primarch as your Compulsory HQ.

- taking Terminators and Veterans as Troops.


These are the restrictions:

- MUST take Terminators and/or Veterans as Troops.

- must have more units with Legiones Astartes than units without.

- extra VPs for opponent when the Primarch dies.


Given the strength & cheapness of WE Tactical Marines, (especially with Apothecaries and/or Gahlan Surlak), I would be inclined to say that World Eaters don't have much of a need to run the RoW.


You have 3 Troops choices in the list anyway, so I'd strongly consider Berserker Assault instead. :)



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I've had my best games running a mechanized berserker assault list however I've been throwing an assault squad into the mix now much to my enjoyment (my 5th edition BA player is showing) they make an silly number of FNP saves and with Raiders and a spartan rolling at them most opponents forget they are there until they charge.
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Yes, you can take a Dreadclaw. However, Primarch's Chosen is very much focused on 2 benefits:

- using a Primarch as your Compulsory HQ.

- taking Terminators and Veterans as Troops.

These are the restrictions:

- MUST take Terminators and/or Veterans as Troops.

- must have more units with Legiones Astartes than units without.

- extra VPs for opponent when the Primarch dies.

Given the strength & cheapness of WE Tactical Marines, (especially with Apothecaries and/or Gahlan Surlak), I would be inclined to say that World Eaters don't have much of a need to run the RoW.

You have 3 Troops choices in the list anyway, so I'd strongly consider Berserker Assault instead. smile.png


Yeah I am starting to think Angron isn't a must have and that Khârn could do just as well with the Vets in a Dreadclaw. Also, Berserker Assault and Blood madness sounds like a rough night for my opponent!

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