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Second 2k World Eaters Attempt

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Okay so here is the second try (with a Spartan this time)




Primus Medicae-105pts





Legion Tactical Squad-285pts

x19 marines, True Grit, Vexilla, Sergeant w/ AA, 


Legion Terminator Squad-185pts

x5 Cataphractii, HF


Legion Veteran Tactical Squad-229pts

x1 marines, x7 PS, x1 Heavy Chainsword, Sergeant w/ AA, PF, PP




Apothecarion Detachment-100

x1 apothecaries, AA


Contemptor-Mortis Dreadnought-180

Kheres Assault Cannons


Heavy Support


Legion Land Raider Squadron-210

x1 Legion Proteus w/ twin linked lascannon


Spartan Assault Tank-305pts


Added the Contemptor-Mortis to give the list some Anti-Air. Please give feedback!





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Apoth with the foot slogging tacs? Only thing I notice is a severe lack of AP 2 on your infantry. Most people in 30k give their sarges artificer armour and an AP 2 weapon of some variety (axe, fist etc) so you may find yourself a bit outmatched in that regard. It's mainly a problem if you come across a termie heavy list. Besides angron and your vet sarge you don't have anything that can reliably deal with them in combat. If you can make up 25 points and chuck some fists on your termies that should help! AT at 2k points, you should be alright with the Spartan and angron, but angron would be wasted on tanks (unless that's how you want to use him?) a chainfist or two on the termies and melta bombs on the sarges would again help (dependant on points of course!)
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Apoth with the foot slogging tacs? Only thing I notice is a severe lack of AP 2 on your infantry. Most people in 30k give their sarges artificer armour and an AP 2 weapon of some variety (axe, fist etc) so you may find yourself a bit outmatched in that regard. It's mainly a problem if you come across a termie heavy list. Besides angron and your vet sarge you don't have anything that can reliably deal with them in combat. If you can make up 25 points and chuck some fists on your termies that should help! AT at 2k points, you should be alright with the Spartan and angron, but angron would be wasted on tanks (unless that's how you want to use him?) a chainfist or two on the termies and melta bombs on the sarges would again help (dependant on points of course!)


The apoth would foot slog and the Primus Medicae would hop in the Land Raider with the Vets. I think I might drop the Contemptor or switch out his autocannon in favor of the stock Multi Meltas, and then upgrade another sergeant with a PF or Power Axe. I may also consider power axes on the Vets (or at least a few of them). Is the HH meta in favor of fliers, or do I not really need to worry about them?

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