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  On 12/1/2016 at 4:04 PM, cephalopod said:

Got a bit of a snag. I gave my second land raider away before I could get to painting it. Vow failed? It was given to my ultra marines buddy.

Well, if you were just giving heavy armour away you could have given it to a fist or successor who could revow it... haha.


I could use more landraiders too... lol

Come on, Marshal Roujakis! Complete is an absolute for this competition. Either something is complete, or it isn't. You can't declare a unit finished by saying it's 'somewhat complete'. We hobby by our own standards, and up to our own abilities, but if you can't call something complete by your own standards, it's not complete. I'm not saying this to be an ass, I'm saying this to pat you gently on yours, to motivate you, and to spur you on to really stick in and do those final touch-ups. You have two entire days to do those tiny details (such as Crusade icons for the shoulders). So buckle up, paint those details, slap on some some transfers, and call that unit completed. thumbsup.gif

Edited by Augustus b'Raass
  On 12/1/2016 at 8:34 PM, Augustus b'Raass said:

Come on, Marshal Roujakis! Complete is an absolute for this competition. Either something is complete, or it isn't. You can't declare a unit finished by saying it's 'somewhat complete'. We hobby by our own standards, and up to our own abilities, but if you can't call something complete by your own standards, it's not complete.

hmmmmm, i maintain the following levels of complete:

'table top complete', i'd be happy to put this model on the table for a game.

'boxable complete', i have no more head space for this, it looks nice and it's done. i may add something later if i feel like it but rarely do.

'complete complete', nothing more can be done to this piece of perfection. [p.s. i have none of these]

is this a cop out?

if you're standing on the wall shooting the filthy xenos hordes would you want a battle brother waiting until the drop ship arrives with his ornamental sporran or on the line firing minus his bling?

Hidden Content

am i correct in calculating that we 1 day 19 hours to go? warp time difference here (local time is 2016-12-02 09:24)... and don't want to miss the deadline due to confusion.

Edited by paulJam
  On 12/1/2016 at 10:11 PM, paulJam said:

Hidden Content
  On 12/1/2016 at 8:34 PM, Augustus b'Raass said:

Come on, Marshal Roujakis! Complete is an absolute for this competition. Either something is complete, or it isn't. You can't declare a unit finished by saying it's 'somewhat complete'. We hobby by our own standards, and up to our own abilities, but if you can't call something complete by your own standards, it's not complete.

hmmmmm, i maintain the following levels of complete:

'table top complete', i'd be happy to put this model on the table for a game.

'boxable complete', i have no more head space for this, it looks nice and it's done. i may add something later if i feel like it but rarely do.

'complete complete', nothing more can be done to this piece of perfection. [p.s. i have none of these]

is this a cop out?

if you're standing on the wall shooting the filthy xenos hordes would you want a battle brother waiting until the drop ship arrives with his ornamental sporran or on the line firing minus his bling?

Hidden Content



That's not a cop out, that's hobbying to your own standards, which is what we all should do! :) The question is, would you consider something that is 'somewhat tabletop complete' to be 'tabletop complete'? Highly unlikely, because you wouldn't have called it 'somewhat tabletop complete' then. If by your own standards something is 'somewhat [anything] complete', it's not completed to your standard and thus not complete...

Edited by Augustus b'Raass

vow complete, one and only.    1 squad of tacticals.


not sure if they're becoming 30k or 40k troops so no numbers or extra decals just a chapter badge. first time using decals in... probably a decade.


am planning on rebasing onto 25mm.  this was from a box of B@C and everything on 32mm... how are those more convenient for the game hexes!?!?



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Damn you xenos fruit! your crisp tartness insults the Emperor...

not grimdark enough. have at you!


enough of the brush...

load the transport to the boxatorium.



until next year.
p.s. vow = boxable complete
Edited by paulJam

Located my yellow paint pots... while I likely won't make a 4th vow since this 3rd one has been a bit stressful due to various reasons, i may give my Lysander model a "facelift" to commemorate the event. I intended to paint at least something in IF colors for the event originally - but I wanted to paint at least double the amount of models compared to how many I actually did in this time period, so not quite according to plan (even if I still painted more than I have in the last couple of years prior to that put together!).


At the moment Lysander's "yellow" is pretty much tausept ochre. I like a subdued color scheme but it does look a bit off. So may just go with Averland sunset base and flash gitz yellow highlight to try it out... but only after I've finalized the Razorback of course. So sleepy right now, so probably will end up in a nightly painting spree again.

This countdown is brilliant. I'm almost sorry I finished a day before the deadline. TICK TOCK, TEAM! :D :tu:



  On 12/2/2016 at 12:27 PM, mccaptain said:

@Augustus: Beautiful Librarian to nobody's surprise.

Thanks buddy! I'm glad you like him! 

Ack! Almost forgot about the emperor forsaken transfers! Dorn damnit!


But I got em done! Whew! And I've finished my base layering. I went with something much simpler than I had done with my Marshal and the terminator libby (who was simpler done than the Marshal) not out of laziness, but as a consistent choice for someone looking to unify a base scheme across well over 100 black templars, 50 (eventually 100) blood angels 30 (eventually 100) dark angels, 100s of guardsmen, 50-100 chaos space marines, 100s of renegades, genestealer cultists, tyranic xenos, and greenskins...


It has to be simple, effective, repeatable, nontedious.


I'll do a "better" basing of HQS etc.


Anyhow. Every thimg is done except the nuln oil for 4 of 5 templars.

  On 12/1/2016 at 10:11 PM, paulJam said:

  On 12/1/2016 at 8:34 PM, Augustus b'Raass said:

Come on, Marshal Roujakis! Complete is an absolute for this competition. Either something is complete, or it isn't. You can't declare a unit finished by saying it's 'somewhat complete'. We hobby by our own standards, and up to our own abilities, but if you can't call something complete by your own standards, it's not complete.

hmmmmm, i maintain the following levels of complete:

'table top complete', i'd be happy to put this model on the table for a game.

'boxable complete', i have no more head space for this, it looks nice and it's done. i may add something later if i feel like it but rarely do.

'complete complete', nothing more can be done to this piece of perfection. [p.s. i have none of these]

is this a cop out?

if you're standing on the wall shooting the filthy xenos hordes would you want a battle brother waiting until the drop ship arrives with his ornamental sporran or on the line firing minus his bling?

Hidden Content

am i correct in calculating that we 1 day 19 hours to go? warp time difference here (local time is 2016-12-02 09:24)... and don't want to miss the deadline due to confusion.

The models that I posted are more of the "Tabletop Complete", with the X-mas rushes going on here 'Down Under' I couldn't really squeeze time to paint these miniatures... I'll get it to "Absolute" once the season is over (and I get my peace and quiet back for a while) but for now, the Iron Warriors must be roasted ;) and the Templar Juggernauts stand by your side... until then, they are compete...

I'm done, just need to upload and share pictures...


Not the greatest work in the world but definitly some of the best looking in my collection...


Not bad for the 2nd thru 7th models I've painted since... 2004 or 5ish

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