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Sons of Horus 2000 - Black Reaving

The WarpGhost

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Hi all, this army concept is the main refinement of a Sons of Horus list I've been toying around with for a while. I really like the feel of Reavers and the SoH predilection for brutal aggression and decapitation strikes, so wanted to play around with the Black Reaving RoW.


Praetor (Paragon blade, combat shield, jump pack) 150p

Master of Signal (Heavy chainblade, artificer armour) 115p


15 Tacticals (Extra ccws; Sarge w/ powerfist, artificer armour) 230p

10 Reavers (2x meltaguns, 8x chain axes, 1x powerfist, jump packs; Chieftain w/ powerfist, artificer armour) 338p

10 Reavers (2x meltaguns, 8x chain axes, 1x powerfist, jump packs; Chieftain w/ powerfist, artificer armour) 338p

3 Attack Bikes (Multi-meltas, split into 3 units) 150p

5 Justaerin (Heavy flamer, 4x combi-melta, 2x chainfist, 3x powerfist) 328p


2 Predators (sponson lascannons) 230p

Vindicator 120p


Essentially the Tacticals and tanks form a main firebase (led by the Master of Signals), with the jump Reavers, teleporting Justaerin and fast-moving attack bikes striking swiftly at the enemy from several directions. There's a lot of tools for cracking open enemy tanks and monsters so I'm hoping opponents spamming formations of them won't be an insta-loss (I'm much more likely to face 40k than 30k opponents, sadly, although that attracts a lot of treadheads too!). Comments welcome!

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A compulsory MoS for me necessitates taking Quad Mortars which will help a lot with Tanks. If you are going to facing much more 40k I would take a look at things like (both) Sicarans, and Scorpios they are great at levelling the field. I would also drop the heavy flamer for an additional combi-weapon. Also magnetizing the Reavers so you can swap between jump packs and rhinos will be a good investment. 

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How attached are you to using your units as Reavers?  Assault Marines with a similar loadout are over 100 points cheaper.  Those 100+ points buys you an extra attack per guy, 2nd power fist, chainaxes, assassin's eye and outflank.  Nice perks but not sure if worth it.

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How attached are you to using your units as Reavers?  Assault Marines with a similar loadout are over 100 points cheaper.  Those 100+ points buys you an extra attack per guy, 2nd power fist, chainaxes, assassin's eye and outflank.  Nice perks but not sure if worth it.


I think in general Black Reaving's best days are behind it. If you don't take Reavers the benefits are limited at best. The points saved by not taking a 3rd compulsory troops and a compulsory MoS gets you Malaghurst and whichever RoW you want to play on top of all the things you want to take regardless.


If you plan on fielding 3 troops, quad mortars(MoS) and Justaerin already sure take Black Reaving. Or if you just love Reavers in Rhinos, even still you could just take Malaghurst. 

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