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My faith is strong and the Emperor blesses the truly devoted.

The Emperor is keeping an eye you others though. You need to muster your forces in the name of the emperor.



But thanks.

Been speed painting for over 10 years. So one or two tricks has been caught up.

Wow these look great, what librarian model have you used or is it a kit bash?



Well I was inpatient, so I made my own librarian. 

Bit of spontaneous purchase to build it. 


- 1 Deathwatch Librarian in terminator armour (breast plate front, book on the back pack, right hand)

- 1 Deathwatch Kill team box (legs, back of the torso, arms, backpack)

- 1 Dark Angels upgrade sprue (sword, shoulder pad)


Now I do have use of the Kill Team box of course for other Deathwatch models, and the upgrade sprue as well. But the terminator Librarian is a bit of a "waste". I did though get 10 extra deathwatch shoulder pads, which I have used for my Stern Guard veterans.

Ok new Favorite.....Crimson Fist (I'm biased) pointing at an ork going I'm gonna shoot that big one with through his right nostril

Crimson Fists are one of my favourites. Along with Ultra Marines... first army I played many years ago. 

So anyway, naturally I gave him some extra bling :D

Busy day... playing with the kids and the neighbours kid. Painting in between, then heading out to meet some friends with kids. Playdate... 

Then home, spend some time with family. 

And then when its quiet and peaceful, I could return to painting for a short while. 


Finished up 2 more members of the Aquila Kill Team, Stalkers. 

Bare in mind this picture is taken during night so its not as crisp as I want it to be. 



Another two up and running. 


And they have encountered their first Xeno... A vicious beast called Catnipus. 

Classed as a monstrous creature with thick fur, competing with the Imperial carapace armour. Huge paws of death, striking with great speed, repeated attacks with high precision. 

With Hellfire rounds Aquila Kill Team Targanus took down the monstrosity. 




Thanks guys!

Hopefully I will find some time later on tonight to finish off two more. But I am dead tired from the Sunday activities with the kids. 


But now, seeing that picture I am unsure on the path I have embarked on. 

Two more Veterans from the Aquila Kill Team with Stalkers.

Two more and it is done... 1 veteran and 1 Librarian.


Excellent job incorporating the BA bits! biggrin.png

Waiting for the FAQ for the DW. Once it hits the market, and if it allows the melee to boltgun swapping. I'll be adding "combi-shotguns" to my models. 

As I have already assembled my miniatures with a boltgun, I have to buy two more Kill Team boxes (just an excuse to get more boxes really...).


Here is a test combo-shotgun made from DW shotgun and Sternguard combi-weapon.


How did you make the stalkers in different poses? It really bothers me having them all the same way

I combine the Deathwatch Kill Team box with Space Marine Sternguard box. 

Arms are the crucial thing form the Sternguard box. As it opens up for holding the boltgun with two hands. 


And for the members who hold the boltgun in one hand, I make sure the other hand is doing something "dramatic". Such as an open fist, holding a grenade, pointing etc. 

All theses parts can be found in the Sternguard box, combines with the Kill Team box. 


So usually I have to cut of and hand or two. And add another one from a different  kit. 

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