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Whoa... that right there is just DYING to be Beacon'd across the table and slammed hard into some Xenos scum!


Love it.

Well since you called it, it has to happen now right? :D 

Anyhow, was the initial plan when I bought it. It will for sure be tested out in larger games (2000 pts at least). 

Awesome army Vash! I like your units composition, it looks versatile and yet sufficiently focused to get the job done. I'm guessing the two 7-man teams in the Watch Company are Aquila?


Good luck in the tournament, make sure to tell us how it went.

Awesome army Vash! I like your units composition, it looks versatile and yet sufficiently focused to get the job done. I'm guessing the two 7-man teams in the Watch Company are Aquila?


Good luck in the tournament, make sure to tell us how it went.

Thanks mate. 

I have play tested the army twice against two who will join the tournament too. And a third game on Friday, but this guys isn't joining the tournament though. 

Won both games so far. Against the Space Wolves I won at the end of my turn 2, as there was only a Rhino and a 5 long fangs left on the space wolf side. 


The two 7 man teams are Aquila (terminator included to make the number 8 members). The Stalker units are also Aquila. 


I'll be recording the game on Friday, and I hope it goes well. Every time I battle this guy its a tight game. He does play Chaos, but for some reason I can't beat him hard :) Its always a small win or draw. But he will be trying out the new stuff that has come out for Chaos, so we will see how it goes. 

He will also follow the tournament rules for list building (though I told him he didn't have to). 


My favourite unit so far, in performance, has been the CAD veteran unit with grav guns. These five guys counter attacked a Drop pod. Inside it was a "librarian", Ulrik, Terminator and grey hunters. All of them died from the frag cannons and grav shots. Really nasty weapon the Frag cannon is... if the enemy deploys a bit to tight, the hit count rushes away. 

I have a simple battle report of it here :



Thanks for watching. 

Short battle rep. 


Had a game versus Chaos today. I only recorded the battle after each phase, and intended to make a battle report video of it all. But... my opponent (friend) had proxied 30 cultists with normal marines, bikers not fully assembled, early any painted miniatures. 

And on top of that, we talked way to much during the game, and lost track of time. And I had to pick up my wife, so I had to abort the recording and focus on gaming.  



Anyhow, he fielded a ton of psykers. 2 on bikes, 1 on a disc, and one in a dread claw with 3 obliterators. 30 cultists in three units (to counter my drop pods, by shielding his important units and objectives). A strange forge world battery, S10 AP1 large blast when it fired at a long distance. Spawns and a predator. 


High lights of the game. 

Chaos got first turn. He moved around a bit, killed 3 members from each of my stalker units. And immobilised one rhino. 

But, he also summoned Tzentch horrors (or some deamon that multiply when killed). And in the process he actually killed him self with Perils of the Warp. So slay the warlord was completed :D

His dread claw crashed and got immobilised way of course. 


My first turn got divided. He had wrapped his units good, and blocked of some vital objectives. 

I was forced to go on a flank I didn't want to, if I wanted to gain many maelstrom points. 

Killed off 2 obliterators, and the final one fled. The librarian in the dread claw was killed, 10 cultists killed, as they were a mission to kill. 


At the end of turn one, Chaos had secured 3 maelstrom points. Deathwatch had First strike (replaces first blood. Just means that the player needs to kill a unit in their first turn), slay the warlord and 5 maelstrom points. 


Second turn high light was that the horrors summoned a chariot of some kind. That nasty thing killed off most of my Captaints Aquila team. A lot of fire was directed on the captains unit, and the immobilised rhino that had been pulled next to an objective in the chaos deployment. The rhino survived all shots. 


Deathwatch returned with killing another 10 cultists, the chariot with the captain. Other than that, I want for some objectives/missions. 

After turn 2 Chaos completed only 1 maelstrom mission, while Deathwatch ran away with another 5 points. 


Since we were playing a tournament practice game, chaos changed tactics here. He knew he wouldn't win the maelstrom mission. So he reverted to try and claim the primary objective of the game, which was "crusade" from eternal war. The third mission was hard for him, which was the slay the warlord, first strike, and line breaker. He could not gain the first strike, and my captain was hiding away. 

So if he would win the Eternal war mission, he would make the game a draw (Eternal war worth the most in the tournament setting). 


Problem was... Deathwatch had battlefield control. With my Deathwatch I controlled 75% of the table. 

I was not in a strong position, but I did wall him into a corner. With his Helldrake arriving, he could now massacre unit after unit. I couldn't really stop the onslaught, so I reverted to survival mode. Spreading out my units forcing his Helldrake to fly away from more important units. 


In the end I succeeded in grabbing 2 Eternal war objectives, and Chaos took 1, and we contested the last one. 

If we had continued playing the game past turn 6, I think my army would have been tabled. My focus was on preventing him to get the Eternal war objectives, that I had to forgo killing him effectively. 


Game ended with the "tournament score points" 28 - 0 to the Deathwatch.

Eternal war worth 14 points

Maelstrom worth 8 points

Slay warlord etc worth 6 points


Even though the result on paper was all in my favour, on the battlefield it looked totally different. My captain was limping away, hiding. Rhino in a corner behind a wall in the Chaos deployment zone, and some few surviving marines running around grabbing left over objectives. 


I could have played the game differently. Gone head on and maximise the fire power and kill Chaos perhaps in turn 4 (save the Helldrake). But, I wanted to try out a more tactical game where I went for objectives and battlefield control. 

It worked out fairly well, and I am happy with the list and the possibilities I have with it. Doesn't just have to a Alpha strike list. 


Tournament is up in one weeks time now. I am fairly sure my list is subpar to the others. But I think I can stand a chance if I focus on objectives and of course, if I can, Alpha strike the living hell out of my opponent. 

Thanks Vash. Many a Deathwatch mission have been cut short to pick of Deathwatch Wives. ;)


That's quite an irregular Chaos army... almost bizarre sounding.  It sounds like you had a good time though, and are feeling very comfortable with your army. I'm looking forward to your tournament experiences, it should be fun. 


Will your list change much between now and then?

Thanks Vash. Many a Deathwatch mission have been cut short to pick of Deathwatch Wives. msn-wink.gif

That's quite an irregular Chaos army... almost bizarre sounding. It sounds like you had a good time though, and are feeling very comfortable with your army. I'm looking forward to your tournament experiences, it should be fun.

Will your list change much between now and then?

Thanks. Its was a bizarre chaos army. He always makes strange and out of the box ones. He is a really good player, and with a "bad" codex he still pulls out many wins. He just realised how the "new" 7th edition list building works. Detachments/Formations. He has been using CAD, allies, and perhaps one formation at the most.

I told him a few days before to make a "tough" list and preferably counter me to some extent. So the Cultists were in fact there just to counter my alpha strike by wrapping in his important units. Also to mess around with all the objectives.

He also knew I would be inferior in the psychic phase, so he loaded up on more than I could handle. I appreciated that game a lot, as it really forced me to change my Alpha strike tactic to something else. And that is the purpose I have with my list, that it should be able to switch from one tactic to another and still be able to pull out a win (at a great cost though).

The list I am feeling comfortable with. Not my usual style. I usually have more "flavour" in the list. But with the restrictions and given that its a competitive environment, I went for the list I have created as seen. Frag cannons across the board, except on the stalker teams. Of course it still echoes my style to some extent. It could probably be made more efficient, but then I would lose interest in the army, it wouldn't be mine.

The list won't change for the tournament. Final drafts are sent in. I do know that I am at a disadvantage against some armies. But the two Tau armies I have spotted seem to be fairly "easy" to deal with. They do have a Stormsurge, but the rest of the army isn't suited for the tournament missions. They are a bit stationary, and will lose a lot of points if they stay in their deployment. Leaving the safety of their deployment isn't optimal for those lists I have seen.

For the tournament I will try to take pictures of each turn. I just hope I play against players with good knowledge of the rules so the game progresses fast through the turns.

Good report Vash, thanks for sharing. It feels appropriate for an elite force like the Deathwatch to win the day even if only a handful of operators are still alive. Winning even in the face of insurmountable odds smile.png

Thanks for reading. Usually I have pictures (or battle report video; only one so far though), but time was an issue here.

I have had some great success with my deathwatch in casual games, and pre-tournament games. Much thanks to the forum for all the information and advice we share here.

My list isn't really the best for the viewers eyes here on the forum. Much of the list building for me isn't in the units selected, but the synergy between them and the ability to use them in different tactical situations. Our gaming group usually don't build the classical "punch you in the face" lists. We mostly use lists with hidden tricks, deceptions and the like.

In this game vs Chaos. Chaos countered my Alpha strike, but in the end I use that counter to my advantage. I wrapped him into a corner, since he was castled up (except for one cultists unit that got annihilated for me to isolate his forces).

Chaos could easily focus on one front of my "long wall" of units. But by doing it he usually lost an equal amount in my turn. He slowly gained the upper hand, but it took to long, and I could still control 60% of the battle field, even though it was with decimated units, I still had it. Rhinos, with objective secure were the winners here. Drop pods too. They were holding objectives all over the battle field. And I made sure I took out all his units (except one) who could take them out with long range. He had to deal with them in close combat, but then the risk I would counter with the few units I had left.

So we have now gotten a file with all the armies participating in the small tournament. And the first match up is drawn. 


I am up against Chaos Renegades. 


His list:


Renegade Command squad


  • Arch Demagogue

    Carapace Armour, Close Combat Weapon, Covenant of Nurgle, Frag Grenades, Melta Bombs, Ordnance Tyrant, Plasma Pistol, Warlord

    Covenant of Nurgle, Demagogue Devotion: Ordnance Tyrant, Independent Character, Master of Renegades, Warlord, Warlord Trait: Renegades of Vraks

  • Disciple w/ Autogun
  • Disciple w/ Banner of Hate
  • Disciple w/ Command Net Vox
  • Heavy Stubber Team



enegade Enforcers Cadre
  • Enforcer

    Carapace Armour, Close Combat Weapon, Combat Drug Injectors, Laspistol, Melta Bombs

    Baleful Judge, Uncertain Worth

  • Enforcer

    Carapace Armour, Close Combat Weapon, Combat Drug Injectors, Laspistol, Melta Bombs

    Baleful Judge, Uncertain Worth

  • Enforcer

    Carapace Armour, Close Combat Weapon, Combat Drug Injectors, Laspistol, Melta Bombs

    Baleful Judge, Uncertain Worth

  • Enforcer

    Bolt Pistol, Carapace Armour, Close Combat Weapon, Combat Drug Injectors, Melta Bombs

    Baleful Judge, Uncertain Worth

  • Enforcer

    Carapace Armour, Close Combat Weapon, Combat Drug Injectors, Melta Bombs, Plasma Pistol

    Baleful Judge, Uncertain Worth



    • Renegade Artillery Battery
      • Renegade Basilisk
    • Renegade Artillery Battery
      • Renegade Basilisk
    • Renegade Bombard Battery
      • Renegade Colossus
    • Renegade Bombard Battery
      • Renegade Colossus


  • Plague Zombie Mob

    Fearless, Feel No Pain (4+), Furious Charge, Slow and Purposeful, Warp Plague

    • 20x Plague Zombie
  • Renegade Field Artillery Battery
    • Field Artillery
    • Field Artillery


  • Renegade Infantry Platoon
    • Platoon Command Squad

      Uncertain Worth

      • 2x Renegade w/ Autogun
      • Renegade w/ Autopistol
      • Renegade w/ Command Net Vox
      • 7x Renegade w/ Lasgun
      • Renegade w/ Meltagun
      • Renegade w/ Plasma Gun
      • 2x Renegade w/ Shotgun


    • Renegade Infantry Squad
      • 2x Renegade w/ Autogun
      • Renegade w/ Autopistol
      • Renegade w/ Chaos Sigil
      • Renegade w/ Chemical Flamer
      • Renegade w/ Chemical Flamer
      • 7x Renegade w/ Lasgun
      • 2x Renegade w/ Shotgun


    • Renegade Infantry Squad
      • 2x Renegade w/ Autogun
      • Renegade w/ Autopistol
      • Renegade w/ Chaos Sigil
      • Renegade w/ Chemical Flamer
      • Renegade w/ Chemical Flamer
      • 7x Renegade w/ Lasgun
      • 2x Renegade w/ Shotgun


  • Renegade Infantry Platoon
    • Platoon Command Squad

      Uncertain Worth

      • 2x Renegade w/ Autogun
      • 2x Renegade w/ Autopistol
      • Renegade w/ Command Net Vox
      • 7x Renegade w/ Lasgun
      • Renegade w/ Meltagun
      • Renegade w/ Plasma Gun
      • Renegade w/ Shotgun


    • Renegade Infantry Squad

      Uncertain Worth

      • 2x Renegade w/ Autogun
      • Renegade w/ Autopistol
      • Renegade w/ Chaos Sigil
      • Renegade w/ Chemical Flamer
      • Renegade w/ Chemical Flamer
      • 7x Renegade w/ Lasgun
      • 2x Renegade w/ Shotgun


    • Renegade Infantry Squad

      Uncertain Worth

      • 2x Renegade w/ Autogun
      • Renegade w/ Autopistol
      • Renegade w/ Chaos Sigil
      • Renegade w/ Chemical Flamer
      • Renegade w/ Chemical Flamer
      • 7x Renegade w/ Lasgun
      • 2x Renegade w/ Shotgun
  • Renegade Hydra Battery
    • Renegade Hydra
  • Renegade Support Squad

    Militia Training

    Uncertain Worth

    • 3x Lascannon Team
  • Renegade Support Squad

    Militia Training

    Uncertain Worth

    • 3x Lascannon Team
  • Renegade Support Squad

    Uncertain Worth

    • 6x Mortar Team



Thats 150 infantry models and 5 tanks. I'll be wading through bullets and bodies. But as I figure, I just need to get within 24" of the artillery to avoid the certain death. But once I am within 24" I am within 150 angry heretics. 

The traitors shall burn in storms of fire and shrapnel!


Good luck Vash.

Thanks mate. 

Hyped to the max. But my chances are low :D 

If I make it to the top, I am pretty sure I will be facing off against one of my friends in my own gaming group. Eldar or Space Wolves. 

Vash I think this is a very hard match up. I know you don't go as Pod heavy as I do, but I agree with Snake... I would assume going in that taking the fight to them is the best course of action.... as soon as possible.


I have rarely played this kind of army, but from my friends that do (at ITC events mind you) I am -constantly- being told that the Chaos Renegades are typically top 5 contenders. It's the barrage and recycling cultists in those situations.


I wish you good luck. Kick some butt. 

Vash I think this is a very hard match up. I know you don't go as Pod heavy as I do, but I agree with Snake... I would assume going in that taking the fight to them is the best course of action.... as soon as possible.


I have rarely played this kind of army, but from my friends that do (at ITC events mind you) I am -constantly- being told that the Chaos Renegades are typically top 5 contenders. It's the barrage and recycling cultists in those situations.


I wish you good luck. Kick some butt. 

Butt kicked, and almost wiped him :) Ran out of time though. 

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