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Gauging interest: Ultramarines subforum mini-event


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I'm exhausted now so I'm going to hit the sack but tomorrow I'll post some ideas and maybe do a quick mock-up of the 2nd draft rules for your criticism.


Anyway, glad to see such enthusiasm and I'm thankful for the input! Thanks folks! :tu:


Toxichobbit: I'll get in touch with you soon-ish via PM! Thanks for stepping forward to lend a hand. :)

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gallery_45765_5904_77.png ULTRAMARINE PAINTING EVENT (needs better name, of course)
  • All models representing Ultramarines and their successors allowed. DIY's accepted. Deathwatch too if using C:SM rules/units and painted as UM's and successors (?). No other exceptions.
  • Vows must be made with # of models that are being painted (can be declared as units but not compulsory; allows for single-model vows and such). However once a vow has been made, cannot be changed.
  • Ranking system based on # of models painted. Rank names to be determined. Each rank has own sig banner (?).
  • Maximum # of vows is [x] (I'd suggest something simple like 5).
  • Duration of event is [y] weeks/months (I'd suggest not letting it run for too long; a month or two should be enough for a small event).

* * * * *

Right, just threw that together with the main points that have been discussed. Feel free to correct if you see anything wrong and/or to suggest ranks, duration, maximum number of vows, a name for the event, etc.

I'll be gone for most of the morning/day but I'll check back in tonight to see what has been discussed. smile.png

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That more or less seems ideal; as far as length goes, we could run it for a nice two to two and a half months, ranging from early September through to mid/late November. I'm a little lost when it comes to names, however I'm certain we can come up with something if we all bash our heads against our keyboards. Thus far, I've come up with aqh0[awegt0. I'm certain there's a word in there somewhere.


As far as ranks go, how does the following sound;


  1. Neophyte/Scout (first vow)
  2. Battle-Brother (second vow)
  3. Sergeant (third vow)
  4. Veteran (fourth vow)
  5. Veteran Sergeant (fifth vow)

If we retain my suggestion of a unique pin/rank for certain categories (individual model, unit, light vehicle, heavy vehicle, walker, etc), there's the possibility of awarding honours and the like.

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I really like the idea and will take part in the event.


Name for the event:


  • Ultramar battle muster
  • Macragge battle muster
  • Marching for Macragge

Not really fancy names. I know. ;)

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Because a smartphone with internet makes sure I don't stay away from the B&C for long... :D


"March(ing) for Macragge" sounds pretty good. "Macragge Battle Muster" doesn't sound too bad either. Being a fan of puns, the first one "March for Macragge" should be a one-month event that happens in... March. :P


The rank system sounds good. Awards are cool but keep in mind that makes things more complicated and there will only be a handful of participants for this first event. I'd suggest (and please take the things I write as suggestions, nothing more) keeping it simple and just doing ranks for now, while keeping the idea for extra awards and such for later events. :)

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I really like "Ultramar battle Muster". It doesn't sound quite so focused on just the esteemed 1st founding chapter, but also the successors.


Isinfier's ranks look good to me as well. I think they should suffice for this little 'test drive' event.


Do we want to allow OOC vows? I think not given the size of the event and relative laxity regarding vow content (from a legal unit perspective).

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Runefyre: You're right, that one's probably more inclusive. Regarding OOC vows, I don't think we need any since the rules are really lax. I also think that since we are doing things based on models, we should also not necessarily limit the event to 40k stuff? That would allow people like Capt. Idaho to join in with full Contemptor options, for example. Though perhaps we could not advertise it anywhere to keep it low-key and mostly focused on the regulars?



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Keeping the ranks for now but saving the awards idea for later sounds like a good idea. That aside, given that most of the 30k content is perfectly feasible in 40k I don't have any gripes with limiting it; on the contrary, I'd rather see people have as many options as possible to choose from. After all we'd love to see some Ultramarine Leviathan's vowed, assuming the Forgeworld FAQ for them is released before the March for Macragge begins.


As far as advertising goes, across the forums seems alright; maybe with an one or two advertisements placed on Reddit, in a FLGS or Facebook. Keeping it small and to the regulars seems great, however it'd be nice to draw as much interest as possible, even if they aren't planning on vowing this time around.

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I think the fact that the event is model based it's pretty easy to take part. Guys who want just finish some models are able to take part as well as brothers who want to finish entire units and it won't exclude 30k guys. 


What is OOC?

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Out of Competition. Basically it let's folks vow models that aren't part of their chosen team or faction. Like if an IFE IV member decided he wanted to paint up an Iron Warrior, he could do so but it wouldn't be counted as part of his total points gained for his faction.

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So many ideas. So much enthusiasm. You chaps need calm down a bit. :P


I've read through what you've written and I'll answer a little later on once I'm at home in front of a real keyboard. :tu:

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Just one more answer on the OOC thing.

If I understand this correctly I could enter an Imperial Knight but it wouldn't be considered in the outcome of the event because it isn't an Ultramarine?

To be honest, why would I enter a non Ultramarine model at an Ultramarine Forum painting event? msn-wink.gif

I know most of us have more than one army and might want to paint something different then blue marines but for this event I wouldn't consider ooc.

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Keep in mind, successors and allies are acceptable. I wouldn't be surprised if someone was interested in painting up a unit of Planetary Defense Force, such as the Ultramar Auxilia.

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If the model has direct ties to Ultramar (successor or PDF of Ultramar planets) it's fair game. Otherwise ... but I see where the problem is: Where would you draw a line? It gets blurry msn-wink.gif

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gallery_45765_5904_77.png ULTRAMAR BATTLE MUSTER I gallery_45765_5904_77.png

Welcome, children of Guilliman, to the Ultramar Battle Muster, a painting event designed specifically for Ultramarine and Successor players and collectors to get together and paint through their mounds of grey plastic! Unlike other events on the Bolter & Chainsword which have a much competitive nature, here you are only competing against yourself, pitting wet noodle-like willpower against the iron hard procrastination that plagues so many of us.

Will you join the Ultramarines, their successors, and their allies in this painting challenge? Will you battle against both procrastination and the legions of unpainted models? Will you stand for Ultramar and the Imperium of Mankind?

Join us and bring yourself and your brothers-in-arms courage and honour, in the name of Guilliman and the Emperor!

gallery_45765_5904_88.png RULES

The rules are kept simple for maximum flexibility and fun. Below are the full rules for the event so please read carefully!

1. Models

While the event is designed to be open to as many people as possible, some restrictions need to be put into place to make this a themed event for the Ultramarines, their Successors, and their allies.

The models you are going to paint must represent one of the following factions:

  • The Ultramarines Chapter/Legion;
  • Official Ultramarine Successor Chapters such as the Genesis Chapter, Novamarines, Aurora Chapter, or Howling Griffons (you can find more official successors here);
  • Unofficial Ultramarine Successor Chapter such as the Legio Venator, Flowing Blades, Sons of Aetius, or Infinity Knights (basically, any DIY Chapter who's geneseed is sourced from the Ultramarines and their many Successors);
  • Allied forces such as the Ultramar PDF and any other forces who are clearly tied to the Ultramarines and their Successors.

No other factions will be accepted so don't even try and submit that Fulgrim model you have lying around!

2. Vows

Once you have chosen the models you'd like to paint, you need to officially declare to the other participants what you shall be painting for the event. This is done in the form of a vow, an example of which can be found below:

I, [insert name], proud member of the [insert Chapter/force name], do swear to fully paint [insert models/units with wargear description] by [end time and date]. In that time I shall provide at least one 'start' picture of my models and one 'finish' picture of my completed models before the given deadline. If I succeed, I shall bring glory to my brothers-in-arms. If I fail, shame and grief shall be my only comapnions.

For Guilliman and the Emperor! Courage and Honour!

Once your vow has been posted, you may start painting your models until they are finished. There is no standard of painting that you must reach but a general rule of thumb is that a completed model has at least three colours on it. How many steps are done after painting on the basecoat is up to each and every participant though you are all encouraged to push your skills ever further!

It is important to note a certain number of things concerning vows:

  • You may only start painting once your vow has been posted and approved by (one of) the event Custodian(s) ([insert name(s)]);
  • You cannot make a subsequent vow before your current one is fully completed (ie. you cannot start a second vow if your first one is not completed, etc);
  • You cannot make any modifications to your vow once it is posted and approved, so make sure you take your time to think your vow through before posting it;
  • You cannot make more than five (5) vows during the event. Each vow can include as few or as many models as you wish.
  • If you fail to post the final picture of your vow before the given deadline, the models from that vow do not count towards your personal total which is used to determine your 'rank' at the end of the event. Any previous vows that you have successfully completed remain untouched.

If any of the above rules are unclear, do not hesitate to contact (one of) the event Custodian(s) in this thread or via PM to clarify your issue.

3. Victory

If you follow the rules and put yourself to the task like a true child of Guilliman then there is nothing to stop you from achieving victory (ie. completing your vow)! Once you have completed your vow and the event is over, the Custodian(s) will count the number of models you have painted and reward you with a rank and a small banner that reflects your mighty achievements. Wear this with pride in your signature space to show the your rivals how efficient a hobbyist you are! The event ranking system can be found below:

  • Rank 1: x models painted;
  • Rank 2: y models painted;
  • Rank 3: z models painted;
  • Ad nauseam;

4. The most important rule

Get painting and enjoy yourself among other scions of Ultramar!

5. The second most important rule

If you are unsure about something, the Custodian(s) is/are always here to help! Do not hesitate to ask even the silliest of questions: they all deserve an answer!

gallery_45765_5904_88.png DEADLINES




gallery_45765_5904_88.png EVENT BADGES

To officially proclaim your participation, promote the event, and spread the glory of Ultramar far and wide, you are encouraged to wear one of these badges in your signature space.


* * * * *

How does this look? Any glaring issues? Anything I might have missed? Is there too much? Is the whole thing too word-y?

Tear to pieces if need be: I'm made of stern, Liber-grade stuff. msn-wink.gif

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Looks good to me!


If I may make some recommendations regarding the ranks, here's some ideas:


Initiate: 1-4 models painted


Battle brother: 5-9 models (or an msu unit of something) painted


Brother sergeant: 10 models (or a full unit of something) painted


Veteran sergeant: 2 full units (i.e. max model capacity) painted


Captain: Battle demi-company (msu or full units allowed) or 6 msu or full units painted


Specialist Ranks (I don't think we'll want to include these just yet, but I'll put them here as ideas for reference)


Librarian: 3-5 librarians painted in one vow


Chaplain: 1 reclusium command squad painted (msu allowed)


Techmarine: 2 or more vehicles/tanks/walkers painted



My initial concern is that some of the lower ranks are relatively easy to achieve. Wondering if they should be made a little more stiff?

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What we could perhaps do with the ranks is set the bar quite high for the ranks so that people can, as events go by, access new ranks (a bit like the Imperial Guard event ranking system). So, for example:

  • Initiate: 1-49 models;
  • Battle-Brother: 50-99 models;
  • Sergeant: 100-199 models;
  • Veteran Sergeant: 200-299 models;
  • Captain: 300-499 models;
  • Chapter Master: 500+ models.

And specialists would be:

  • Company Champion: Painted the most models in one event;
  • Chapter Champion: Painted the most models in three consecutive events;

  • Devastator: Painted at least one model in three consecutive events;
  • Assault: The first to complete their first vow in three consecutive events (minimum of ten models);
  • Tactical: Completed five vows in one event (minimum of five models per vow);

  • Lexicanium: Posted 1000+ words of fluff per vow made in one event;
  • Codicier: Posted 1000+ words of fluff per vow made in two events;
  • Epistolary: Posted 1000+ words of fluff per vow made in four events;
  • Chief Librarian: Posted 1000+ words of fluff per vow made in five events;

  • Chaplain: Acted as in inspiring and motivating presence in one event;
  • Reclusiarch: Acted as in inspiring and motivating presence in three events;
  • Master of Sanctity: Acted as in inspiring and motivating presence in five events;

  • Tech-initiate: Painted at least five vehicles in one event;
  • Techmarine: Painted at least five vehicles in three events;
  • Master of the Forge: Painted at least five vehicles in five events.

Please keep in mind that this is a rather extreme version of the ranking system but this could be a way to encourage people to come back and try to go up through the ranks. smile.png

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Could those ranks be extended to beyond the Ultramarine event, to any event involving the Ultramarine and their Successors forum? So instead of a ranking system based on an event, it'd be a ranking system based on the forum where ranks were gained from any event in which the forum took part. The obvious one would be ETL, but there may be others in the future.


To me a ranking system like that, if popular, seems like a good way to boost participation from Ultramarine players.

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