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Don the black - BL wip


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Okay, this Black Legion project has been dead for about 2 years now. SORRY. But life happend.. But it's only proper to start it up again now that GW is updating their Chaos range. Time to don the black again.


Note to self (to prevent this from dying a second time): Keep this project small, simple and manageable. Be realistic with your goals (maybe Abby should keep to that concept aswell when it comes to black crusading).



Anyway, I'll be updating with some WIP pics. Right now I'm aiming to get about 4-5 models done first within 1-2 months.


I, like many others, find that the Black Legion colours tend to get a bit simple/boring. I aim to spice it up a little with more colours and contrast, yet keeping it dark and evil. Also I want to try and knock back the gold a bit, I think it tends to dominate the models a little too much in my op.



Here are some wip pics, of wich one is a VERY CRUDE mock up of how intend to paint them. The Obliterator conversion is not entirely my work, it's from MasterOfTheForge and I've only added a few things like cables, tentacles, spikes/horns, teeth, tabard and chains. Minor modifications. I do not take credit for his work (wich is 95%) check out his site, it's amazing stuff.


Chosen with mace





crude mock Up1


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Looks nice, why pieces did you use to make him?


Also why three pictures of the same view of the front of him?

Raided my bits box. Body from Lucius the Eternal, head from Varanguard, hands and book from Dark Apostle, cape from Dark Elfs something something, and sword also from Varanguard, backpack from CSM or possessed. Shoulders from Raptors. Greenstuff.


Pictures fixed.

Very cool model you've done! Waiting to see the results of surgery :smile.:

Very nice conversion! This looks like it's going to be an interesting project to follow. :thumbsup:

Looking great, nice mix of parts there.

Thank you kindly good sirs!


Kranon is strapped down for surgery and missing parts all over. I want him to grip some kind of staff (with chaotic bling ofc)... I've seen a few conversions of him like that but none that really came out good enough (in my humble opinion). The problem is the hand and the area it's supposed to fit into.. Looks like I need to re-create the whole hand somehow. Making a proper sorcerer's staff is also something I need to figure out. I really don't want to use that big ol'ugly thing from the Chaos Terminator Lord kit.

Sorcerer-Kranon almost done.

Built a Predator aswell, with trim kit from subtlediscord (http://thedarkworks.bigcartel.com/). Also a Maulerfiend in the background I've painted.. trying out a colorscheme for Black Legion, though to me it's way to boring. Going to try something more night blue-ish, and probably some nmm gold - but that's not a prio atm.

Some pics of the Pred tank, with lascannons and autocannon+hbolters.






edit: Sorry for the bad pic quality, there are lots of detail in there that just can't be seen right now..

That is magnificent. Magnificent, I tell you. Both of the characters you've posted are beautiful conversions, and I look forward to everything that is to come.

Coooooool! Love it.

Thank you guys. I'll try not to disappoint!

Here is team evil, Dark Apostle and Renegade Sorcerer of the Black Legion. Can't wait to paint these two, but that is further down the road.


Ohh I like a good hellbrute. Those two look ace, only things is that the Dark apostle has a sword not his signature warped crozius. Is there a reason for that or just looked cool?

Thank you! And mr Helbrute is stomping his way into this thread soon. About the sword, it just looked cool, and since it had some screaming faces on it I thought it fit pretty well with the armour that is just littered with them.


Great HQ conversions both, and the trim is looking great on the Pred; Subtles work really top drawer isn't it?


That Mauler is lolling good in the background ground too btw :thumbsup:


Oh, and welcome to the Black, "Death to the False Emperor" :biggrin.:

Thanks :biggrin.: yes yes death to the false emperor!

Subtles work is terrific, I'm so glad he made all those kits - a true talent!

I'm actually going to strip the fiend and re-paint it. The flesh didn't come out the way I wanted and the black is just not doing it for me. I'll post some pics later on the colorscheme I'm going for, it's close to that of GW's BL scheme.

So, here is a wip of what I'm working on right now. The torso is not glued to the legs, and there are a couple of cables that are going to be attached aswell. A bit of GS to fill some gaps, but he's about 87% complete. I like the way the shoulderpads came out.


el Bruto


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