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Don the black - BL wip


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The clawed hand comes from the chaos cultist leader dude with the axe irrc



Hey wow great work fella! The sorcerer worked out really well for you, great mix of bits. I was worried there. Welcome to the Black Legion - looking forward to some paint!

Great work mate. Always good to see another chaos kitbashing page! Can I ask where the claw from your sorcerer came from?


The pads definitely work well. Where are they from?

Have you worked out what it's going to be standing on yet? 


Cast from one of the feind kits???


The clawed hand comes from the chaos cultist leader dude with the axe irrc



Hey wow great work fella! The sorcerer worked out really well for you, great mix of bits. I was worried there. Welcome to the Black Legion - looking forward to some paint!


The claw is indeed from one of the leader cultists in the DV box.



Shoulderpads are from the mauler/forgefiendkit. I'm going to use them on the other 2 brutes aswell.


I haven't figured out what this Helbrute will be standing on, one idea though would be if he's leaning over the fallen space marine statue (GW terrain kit), if I cut the head off perhaps. Don't know.. might look weird with just a big head on the base.


On the subject of Helbrutes, I will try and position their legs differently so that they don't all look the same. One of them will proably be from the DV box, will do some changes to that one though. I'll post some wip pics later.


About the sorc staff, that one was pretty hard to figure out, but then I saw that Tzeentch-looking axe from the Varanguard kit, it was just perfect.


Painting wip pics soon aswell.

Okay, today when I opened my email box there was an email with this link in it:




Chaos Obliterators by the MasterOfTheForge himself. 


This is a commission done by him, it's all his work. The idea behind them comes from the Slaanesh Obliterators done by a guy called Daouide, a quick google and you can find his work. Credz goes to both of these gentlemen. 


The Forge Master himself is a really cool guy, he really listened to what I envisioned. He took the time to correct stuff that I didn't like etc. We had a good and steady email contact through the whole project. I can't imagine what he went through to create these 3 minis.


Reason why I decided to have these minis commissioned is simple, I can't green stuff at that level at all, and I reeeaaaallyyy wanted 3 Chaos Obliterators in my collection. 


I really have to give these minis the very best paintjob possible now... Anything else below that would be just wrong. I consider myself an above average painter so that should work out ok I think! I'll be sure to post pics when that time comes!


Just to be very clear, this is his work alone (all credz to him), all I did was to come with some motivational speeches and ideas in MSPaint. His page is www.masteroftheforge.com so you guys can check out all of his awesome stuff that he's done. 


*I'll post some pics of them when they arrive at my place*

Some WIP pics of the next Helbrute. Decided to swap some arms around, and cut into the DV Brute. Thought it would be cool to put the hammer on the right hand side instead of the left. Will look better as soon as the shoulderpads are on.

Any idea on what the other arm should be? I don't care about what gear is good etc game-wise, only what looks good.




Some very nice conversions so far! The bolter chap really takes the cake, however, as he looks like a missing Dark Vengeance design. I really love that guy! :smile.:


Coming from you sir, that is high praise :biggrin.: You are not so bad yourself at making some crazy awesome conversions! I'm thinking of changing the guy with the sword and bolter a bit... remove the bolter arm.. and put something else there.

Dude, these are some awesome conversions! Where's the sword on the bolter/sword chosen from?



Thank you :) I'll update with some more stuff in a day or two.


Sword is from the Skullreapers kit


Been working on some regular CSM dudes... tried to make them look as much as possible as the current CSM design, like the DV Chosen and Raptors.

I think these two came out quite well, though they are not finished 100%, as usual I need to use some GS to fill gaps etc.



Looking really well. Ye are really getting your monies worth out of those Dark Vengeance minis.

Hard to improve on those models, they really look awesome the way they are :D


The chaos lord is amazing

Thank you good sir! Super easy conversion really - axehead, backpack, and some hair. The weird thing is that those three things makes such a dramatic difference.

Where is that torso from? The conversions are top notch. Loving the direction of this army. Amazing!

Thanks! More is coming!

The torsos are from the Chaos Varanguard kit, a bit of cutting and GS and they fit well enough.


Have you actually reposed those Raptor legs or just cut off the bit that makes the airborne?



The legs are reposed, but with boiling water, heat the plastic up for about 2 min and then bend them into position. The only cutting I did was on the small bit of terrain they were jumping/landing on.


Awesome! I like the fact that you've replaced the ammunition belt on the bolter, the old one is awful.

Nice work on the Lord, the topknot really changes the model.

Thanks! Small and simple changes/details can make lots of difference.



Thinking on making some gunslinger CSM next... got to figure out how to make that one really stand out.


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